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< 58Bxx | 58-XX | 58Dxx >
58-XX Global analysis, analysis on manifolds [See also 32Cxx, 32Fxx, 32Wxx, 46-XX, 53Cxx] {For nonlinear operators, see 47Hxx; for geometric integration theory, see 49Q15}
58Cxx Calculus on manifolds; nonlinear operators [See also 46Txx, 47Hxx, 47Jxx]
58C05   Real-valued functions on manifolds
58C06   Set-valued and function-space-valued mappings on manifolds [See also 47H04, 54C60]
58C07   Continuity properties of mappings on manifolds
58C10   Holomorphic maps on manifolds [See also 32-XX]
58C15   Implicit function theorems; global Newton methods on manifolds
58C20   Differentiation theory (Gateaux, Fréchet, etc.) on manifolds [See also 26Exx, 46G05]
58C25   Differentiable maps on manifolds
58C30   Fixed-point theorems on manifolds [See also 47H10]
58C35   Integration on manifolds; measures on manifolds [See also 28Cxx]
58C40   Spectral theory; eigenvalue problems on manifolds [See also 47J10, 58E07]
58C50   Analysis on supermanifolds or graded manifolds
58C99   None of the above, but in this section
< 58Bxx | 58-XX | 58Dxx >
American Mathematical Society