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< 65Bxx | 65-XX | 65Dxx >
65-XX Numerical analysis
65Cxx Probabilistic methods, stochastic differential equations
65C05   Monte Carlo methods [See also 82M31]
65C10   Random number generation in numerical analysis [See also 11K45]
65C20   Probabilistic models, generic numerical methods in probability and statistics [See also 60-08, 62-08]
65C30   Numerical solutions to stochastic differential and integral equations {For theoretical aspects, see 60H35} [See also 65M75, 65N75]
65C35   Stochastic particle methods [See also 82M60]
65C40   Numerical analysis or methods applied to Markov chains [See also 60J22]
65C50   Other computational problems in probability
65C60   Computational problems in statistics
65C99   None of the above, but in this section
< 65Bxx | 65-XX | 65Dxx >
American Mathematical Society