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< | 85-XX | >
85-XX Astronomy and astrophysics {For celestial mechanics, see 70F15}
85Axx Astronomy and astrophysics {For celestial mechanics, see 70F15}
85A04   General questions in astronomy and astrophysics
85A05   Galactic and stellar dynamics
85A15   Galactic and stellar structure
85A20   Planetary atmospheres
85A25   Radiative transfer in astronomy and astrophysics
85A30   Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic problems in astronomy and astrophysics [See also 76Y05]
85A35   Statistical astronomy
85A40   Astrophysical cosmology {For relativistic cosmology, see 83F05}
85A99   None of the above, but in this section
< | 85-XX | >
American Mathematical Society