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< 93Cxx | 93-XX | 93Exx >
93-XX Systems theory; control {For optimal control, see 49-XX}
93Dxx Stability of control systems
93D05   Lyapunov and other classical stabilities (Lagrange, Poisson, $L^p, l^p$, etc.) in control theory
93D09   Robust stability
93D10   Popov-type stability of feedback systems
93D15   Stabilization of systems by feedback
93D20   Asymptotic stability in control theory
93D21   Adaptive or robust stabilization
93D25   Input-output approaches in control theory
93D30   Lyapunov and storage functions
93D99   None of the above, but in this section
< 93Cxx | 93-XX | 93Exx >
American Mathematical Society