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< 94Axx | 94-XX | 94Cxx >
94-XX Information and communication theory, circuits
94Bxx Theory of error-correcting codes and error-detecting codes
94B05   Linear codes (general theory)
94B10   Convolutional codes
94B12   Combined modulation schemes (including trellis codes) in coding theory
94B15   Cyclic codes
94B20   Burst-correcting codes
94B25   Combinatorial codes
94B27   Geometric methods (including applications of algebraic geometry) applied to coding theory [See also 11T71, 14G50]
94B30   Majority codes
94B35   Decoding
94B40   Arithmetic codes [See also 11T71, 14G50]
94B50   Synchronization error-correcting codes
94B60   Other types of codes
94B65   Bounds on codes
94B70   Error probability in coding theory
94B75   Applications of the theory of convex sets and geometry of numbers (covering radius, etc.) to coding theory [See also 11H31, 11H71]
94B99   None of the above, but in this section
< 94Axx | 94-XX | 94Cxx >
American Mathematical Society