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< 14Pxx | 14-XX | 14Rxx >
14-XX Algebraic geometry
14Qxx Computational aspects in algebraic geometry {For software etc., see 14-04} [See also 12-08, 13Pxx, 68W30]
14Q05   Computational aspects of algebraic curves [See also 14Hxx]
14Q10   Computational aspects of algebraic surfaces [See also 14Jxx]
14Q15   Computational aspects of higher-dimensional varieties [See also 14Jxx, 14Mxx]
14Q20   Effectivity, complexity and computational aspects of algebraic geometry
14Q25   Computational algebraic geometry over arithmetic ground fields [See also 14Gxx, 14H25, 14Kxx]
14Q30   Computational real algebraic geometry [See also 14Pxx]
14Q65   Geometric aspects of numerical algebraic geometry [See also 65H14]
14Q99   None of the above, but in this section
< 14Pxx | 14-XX | 14Rxx >
American Mathematical Society