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< 68Uxx | 68-XX | 68Wxx >
68-XX Computer science {For papers containing software, source code, etc. in a specific mathematical area, see the classification number –04 in that area}
68Vxx Computer science support for mathematical research and practice
68V05   Computer assisted proofs of proofs-by-exhaustion type {For rigorous numerics, see 65Gxx; for proofs employing automated or interactive theorem provers, see 68V15}
68V15   Theorem proving (automated and interactive theorem provers, deduction, resolution, etc.) [See also 03B35]
68V20   Formalization of mathematics in connection with theorem provers [See also 03B35, 68V15]
68V25   Presentation and content markup for mathematics
68V30   Mathematical knowledge management
68V35   Digital mathematics libraries and repositories
68V99   None of the above, but in this section
< 68Uxx | 68-XX | 68Wxx >
American Mathematical Society