Memorial Article

Jean Leray (1906--1998)
Armand Borel, Gennadi M. Henkin, and Peter D. Lax


Reifying the Research: Mathematics Education in Taiwan
Mark Saul

Declining Student Numbers Worry German Mathematics Departments
Allyn Jackson

The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography
Reviewed by Jim Reeds

Feature Articles

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Encounter with a Geometer, Part II
Marcel Berger
Partially based on three interviews, this two-part article discusses the extraordinary mathematics of Mikhael Gromov. Part II concentrates on Riemannian geometry and on mm-spaces, a class of measure spaces that generalize Riemannian manifolds.

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Standing the Test of Time: The Data Encryption Standard
Susan Landau
The Data Encryption Standard is the most widely used public cryptosystem in the world. Successfully used for more than twenty years, it has only recently begun to be vulnerable to the power of present-day computers. Landau describes the principles behind this encryption system and the kinds of attacks that are used on it.


From the President of the AMS
"Mathematical Challenges of the 21st Century" - Felix E. Browder

"Internet Time" - Susan Landau, Associate Editor
Letters to the Editor

Mathematics People
Strassen Receives Cantor Medal / NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellows / Correction to the Balzan Prize Announcement / Deaths

Mathematics Opportunities
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute / NSF Biocomplexity Competition / Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites for 2000 / 2000 Summer Program for Women in Mathematics / Maria Mitchell Women in Science Award / Project NExT: New Experiences in Teaching

For Your Information
AMS Establishes Ky and Yu-Fen Fan Endowment / Straley Named MAA Executive Director

Mathematics Calendar

New Publications Offered by the AMS

Publications of Continuing Interest

Meetings and Conferences

Meetings and Conferences Table of Contents