ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: November  2012  Volume 59  Issue 10 
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The month of November provides an eclectic offering. We have an article about a college professor returning to teach in high school. There is a piece about the method of Stein in statistical analysis. And an offering about hidden symmetries. Finally, we have a memorial for Fields Medalist Daniel Quillen. --Steven G. Krantz, Editor (pp. )

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Forbidden Symmetries

Frank A. Farris

(pp. 1386)

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Daniel Quillen

Eric Friedlander and Daniel Grayson, Coordinating Editors

(pp. 1392)

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Adventures in Teaching: A Professor Goes to High School to Learn about Teaching Math

Darryl Yong

(pp. 1408)

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Archimedes, Gauss, and Stein

Jim Pitman and Nathan Ross

(pp. 1416)

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Improving the Refereeing Process: A Simple Proposal
Brian Osserman

Letters to the Editor

Galileo's Muse: Renaissance Mathematics and the Arts--A Book Review
Reviewed by Anthony Phillips


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