ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: April  2013  Volume 60  Issue 04 
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The Notices offerings for April are diverse and fascinating. We have an article about the development of ergodic theory. There is an article about the level of errors in the mathematical literature and how we deal with them. Another piece treats the issue of historical chronology, or how we can be sure of the dates of important events. And there is a memory of distinguished mathematician Raoul Bott. April is Mathematics Awareness Month, and the theme this year is Mathematics and Sustainability. The Opinion Column by Simon Levin and the Communication by Rachel Levy treat this topic. --Steven G. Krantz, Editor (pp. )

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Remembering Raoul Bott (1923--2005)

Loring W. Tu, Coordinating Editor

(pp. 398)

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Errors and Corrections in Mathematics Literature

Joseph F. Grcar

(pp. 418)

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Mathematical Methods in the Study of Historical Chronology

Florin Diacu

(pp. 441)

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Newton's Laws and Coin Tossing

Don Ornstein

(pp. 450)

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The Mathematics of Sustainability
Simon Levin

Letters to the Editor

A Mathematician's Lament---A Book Review
Reviewed by William Schmidt


From the AMS Secretary

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