ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: November  2013  Volume 60  Issue 10 
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The November issue features several articles bearing on math education. These include a Doceamus on moving from the routine to the nonroutine in problem solving, a piece on the structure of U.S. elementary school mathematics, and an article on what secondary preservice math teachers need to know. In a historical direction, we have an article about the role of Cauchy's mean value theorem in the history of analytic rigor. Finally, there is an unusual article about the application of mathematical principles to the negotiation of peace in the Middle East. --Steven G. Krantz, Editor

A Critique of the Structure of U.S. Elementary School Mathematics

Liping Ma

(pp. 1282)

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What Do Secondary Preservice Mathematics Teachers Need to Know? Content Courses Connecting Secondary and Tertiary Mathematics

Eileen Murray and Jon R. Star

(pp. 1297)

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Principles for Implementing a Potential Solution to the Middle East Conflict

Thomas L. Saaty and H. J. Zoffer

(pp. 1300)

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WHAT IS... a Flag Algebra?
Alexander A. Razborov

Stuck in the Middle: Cauchy's Intermediate Value Theorem and the History of Analytic Rigor
Michael J. Barany

Doceamus: Problem Solving: Moving from Routine to Nonroutine and Beyond
Barry Garelick

In Memory of Professor Francisco Federico Raggi Cárdenas
María José Arroyo, Rogelio Fernández-Alonso González, Sergio R. López-Permouth, José Ríos Montes, and Carlos Signoret


MOOCs and the Future of Mathematics
Robert Ghrist

Letters to the Editor

Classic Problems of Probability--A Book Review
Reviewed by Andrew I. Dale

Sources in the Development of Mathematics--A Book Review
Reviewed by Tom Archibald


From the AMS Secretary

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