ISSN: 0002-9920 (Print) 1088-9477 (Electronic) 
Notices of the American Mathematical Society   Notices of the AMS
Current Issue: 03  2015  Volume 62  Issue 03 
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The March issue features the second installment of the Erdős centennial article and an interview with the new AMS President, Robert L. Bryant. There is an announcement from MSRI about the first-ever National Math Festival taking place in Washington this year, a retrospective on the life and remarkable publishing career of Klaus Peters, and a memorial for founding father of mathematical physics Arthur Strong Wightman. We wish you a pleasant Ides.—Steven G. Krantz, Editor

Reflections on Paul Erdős on His Birth Centenary, Part II

Krishnaswami Alladi and Steven G. Krantz, Coordinating Editors

(pp. 226-247)
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In Memory of Arthur Strong Wightman

Barry Simon, Coordinating Editor

(pp. 249-257)
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Presidential Views: Interview with Robert L. Bryant

Remembering Klaus Peters
Sigurdur Helgason, Dana Scott, Alice Peters and David Mumford

Preliminary Report on the 2013-2014 New Doctoral Recipients
William Yslas Velez, James W. Maxwell and Colleen Rose

WHAT Automatic Sequence?
Eric Rowland



From the AMS Secretary

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