Prof. Konstantin Khanin (Toronto) is holding the Jean-Morlet Chair at CIRM-Luminy from January to June 2017.
The semester features two large workshops and other smaller events.
The first main event is a graduate school on "Random Structures in Statistical Mathematical Physics" that will take place March 06-10, 2017, featuring 6 mini-courses: Last Passage Percolation (Eric Cator), Directed Polymers in Random Environment (Francis Comets), Random Hamilton-Jacobi Equation (Kostya Khanin), Airy Processes (Daniel Remenik), Solvable Models for Directed Polymers (Timo Seppäläinen) and Phase Separation and Related Problems (Senya Shlosman).
Konstantin Khanin (University of Toronto)
Timo Seppäläinen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Senya Shlosman (Aix-Marseille Université)
The second main event is a conference on "Qualitative Methods in KPZ Universality"on April 24-27, 2017. Universality of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) scalings is a very active area in statistical mechanics and mathematical physics. Big progress was achieved recently in deriving exact formulas related to Tracy-Widom distributions and Airy processes. However, despite very clean and concrete predictions and a wide belief in the validity of the conjectures, little progress has been achieved in our understanding of the problem of universality. The proposed workshop aims to concentrate on this. Tentative speakers include Alexey Borodin, Ivan Corwin, Martin Hairer, Neil O'Connell, Etienne Pardoux, Jeremy Quastel, Timo Seppäläinen and Herbert Spohn.
Tom Alberts (University of Utah)
Yuri Bakhtin (Courant Institute)
Eric Cator (Radboud University)
Dmitry Dolgopyat (University of Maryland)
Kostantin Khanin (University of Toronto)
Jeremy Quastel (University of Toronto)
Senya Shlosman (Aix-Marseille Université)
CIRM invites mathematicians from anywhere in the world to pre-register for a chance to be selected and subsidized for board and lodging during the events.
NSF funding is also available for travel for US-based mathematicians.
Deadlines for registration can be found on the website;
Date Posted: Jan 01, 2017
Deadline: Jun 30, 2017