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Prize: AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2025 Robert McCann

Robert McCann, University of Toronto, will receive the 2025 American Mathematical Society (AMS) - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics "in recognition of his groundbreaking contributions to optimal transport theory, and for pioneering deep applications to economics and physics," according to the citation. McCann holds a Canada Research Chair in Mathematics, Economics, and Physics.

Prize announcement as seen in the news release.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2022 Eitan Tadmor

Eitan Tadmor, a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, will receive the 2022 AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics for his original contributions to applied and numerical analysis with applications in fluid dynamics, image processing, and collective dynamics. The prize also recognizes the significant impact of his fundamental work in theory and computation of nonlinear partial differential equations.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2019 Marsha J Berger; Arkadi Nemirovski

The 2019 Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics was awarded to Marsha Berger for her fundamental contributions to adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and to Cartesian mesh techniques for automating the simulation of compressible flows in complex geometry and to Professor Arkadi Nemirovski for his fundamental contributions to high-dimensional optimization and for his discovery of key phenomena in the theory of signal estimation and recovery.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2016 Constantine M Dafermos

Thirteenth award: to Constantine M. Dafermos for his foundational work in partial differential equations and continuum physics.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2013 Andrew Majda

Twelfth award: to Andrew Majda "his groundbreaking work in theoretical fluid mechanics and its application to problems in atmospheric science and oceanography."

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2010 David L. Donoho

Eleventh award: to David L. Donoho for introducing novel fundamental and powerful mathematical tools in signal processing and image analysis.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2007 Craig Tracy; Harold Widom

Tenth award: to Craig Tracy and Harold Widom for their deep and original work on Random Matrix Theory, a subject which has remarkable applications across the scientific spectrum, from the scattering of neutrons off large nuclei to the behavior of the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2004 James A. Sethian

Ninth award: to James A. Sethian for his seminal work on the computer representation of the motion of curves, surfaces, interfaces, and wave fronts, and for his brilliant applications of mathematical and computational ideas to problems in science and engineering.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2000 Alexandre J. Chorin; Arthur T. Winfree

Eighth award: to Alexandre J. Chorin in recognition of his seminal work in computational fluid dynamics, statistical mechanics, and turbulence; and to Arthur T. Winfree in recognition of his profound impact on the field of biological rhythms, otherwise known as coupled nonlinear oscillators.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1995 Hermann Flaschka; Ciprian Foias

Seventh award: to Hermann Flaschka for deep and original contributions to our understanding of completely integrable systems; and to Ciprian Foias, for basic contributions to operator theory, analysis, and dynamics and their applications.

Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1990 Michael Aizenman; Jerrold E. Marsden

Sixth award: to Michael Aizenman for his outstanding contribution of original and non-perturbative mathematical methods in statistical mechanics by means of which he was able to solve several long open important problems concerning critical phenomena, phase transitions, and quantum field theory; and to Jerrold E. Marsden for his outstanding contributions to the study of differential equations in mechanics: he proved the existence of chaos in specific classical differential equations; his work on the momentum map, from abstract foundations to detailed applications, has had great impact.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1985 Clifford S. Gardner

Fifth award: to Clifford S. Gardner for his contributions to applied mathematics in the areas of supersonic aerodynamics, plasma physics and hydromagnetics, and especially for his contributions to the truly remarkable development of inverse scattering theory for the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1980 Gerald B. Whitham; Tosio Kato

Third award: to Tosio Kato for his distinguished work in the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1975 Peter D. Lax

Second award: to Peter D. Lax for his broad contributions to applied mathematics, in particular, for his work on numerical and theoretical aspects of partial differential equations and on scattering theory.

AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1970 Richard E. Bellman

First award: to Richard E. Bellman for his pioneering work in the area of dynamic programming, and for his related work on control, stability, and differential-delay equations.