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Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2024 Chelsea Walton
Chelsea Walton, a professor of mathematics at Rice University, has been awarded the fourth annual AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship. Walton's research interests include Noncommutative Algebra, Quantum Symmetries, Hopf algebras and their variants/Quantum Groups, and Representation Theory.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2023 Ludovic Tangpi
Ludovic Tangpi, an assistant professor in Princeton University's Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, has been awarded the third annual AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship. Tangpi's research interests include applied probability, stochastic control, and their applications in quantitative finance, including risk management, super hedging, and large population games.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2022 Ryan Hynd
Ryan Hynd, an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, has been awarded the AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year. Hynd researches partial differential equations arising in mathematical models for fluid mechanics, control theory, and finance, as well as eigenvalue problems.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2021 Mohamed Omar
Mohamed Omar, an associate professor of mathematics and the Joseph B. Platt Chair in Effective Teaching at Harvey Mudd College, has been awarded the inaugural AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship. Omar has an excellent track record in research and a notable research program, and he has displayed impressive leadership in mentoring and service to the mathematics community.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.