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AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2025 Robert McCann
Robert McCann, University of Toronto, will receive the 2025 American Mathematical Society (AMS) - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics "in recognition of his groundbreaking contributions to optimal transport theory, and for pioneering deep applications to economics and physics," according to the citation. McCann holds a Canada Research Chair in Mathematics, Economics, and Physics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2025 Yvonne Lai
Yvonne Lai will receive the 2025 AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. "Dr. Yvonne Lai exhibits a deep, energetic, and abiding commitment to supporting improvements in mathematics education at all levels, and to creating a more inclusive and equitable mathematics community," according to the prize citation. "She leads in bridging the gap between the mathematics and mathematics education communities, working to find common ground even in the face of divisive issues."
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Ciprian Foias Prize in Operator Theory 2025 Matthew Kennedy
Matthew Kennedy, University of Waterloo, has been awarded the 2025 Ciprian Foias Prize in Operator Theory by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Kennedy has been honored for his wide-ranging and innovative work on group C*-algebras, according to the citation.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
David P. Robbins Prize 2025 Sophie Morier-Genoud; Valentin Ovsienko
Sophie Morier-Genoud of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne and Valentin Ovsienko of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Reims, are awarded the 2025 AMS David P. Robbins Prize for their paper "$q$-deformed rationals and $q$-continued fractions," published in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2025 Kenta Suzuki
Kenta Suzuki of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is awarded the 2025 American Mathematical Society (AMS)-Mathematical Association of America (MAA)-Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for his extraordinary research in the representation theory of $p$-adic groups. His papers, including two solo works, represent significant progress in different areas of the field.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
I. Martin Isaacs Prize for Excellence in Mathematical Writing 2025 Ben Green
Ben Green, Waynflete Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Oxford, will receive the inaugural I. Martin Isaacs Prize for Excellence in Mathematical Writing for his article "On Sárközy's theorem for shifted primes," published in Journal of the American Mathematical Society in 2024.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize 2025 Nour Khoudari
Nour Khoudari is awarded the 2025 Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize in recognition of the outstanding contributions in her Temple University PhD thesis, titled "From Microscopic to Macroscopic Scales: Traffic Waves and Sparse Control."
JPBM Communications Award 2025 Eugenia Cheng
Eugenia Cheng will receive the 2025 Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) Communications Award "for her remarkable work bringing mathematics, mathematical ideas, and mathematical art to a wide audience through a multitude of books and other media," according to the prize citation.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2025 Dusa McDuff
The 2025 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement is awarded to Dusa McDuff for her outstanding and seminal contributions in von Neumann algebras, algebraic topology, and especially symplectic geometry and topology.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2025 Jinyoung Park
Jinyoung Park of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, will receive the 2025 Levi L. Conant Prize for her article "Threshold Phenomena for Random Discrete Structures," which was published in Notices of the American Mathematical Society 70 (2023), no. 10, 1615-1625.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research 2025 Pamela Gorkin
Pamela Gorkin is awarded the 2025 Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). She receives the prize for her record of high-quality research in functional analysis, complex analysis, operator theory, and linear algebra, and for her outstanding mathematical exposition, her work with undergraduates, and her service to the profession.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2025 Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program (JBMSHP) at Arizona State University (ASU)
The Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program (JBMSHP) at Arizona State University (ASU) will receive the 2025 Award for Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference from the American Mathematical Society (AMS). "The JBMSHP provides college-bound high-school students from groups that are historically underrepresented in STEM with a successful university experience and enhances their prospects for future academic success in the mathematical sciences," according to the prize citation. "The JBMSHP has done an outstanding job of motivating a new generation of future mathematicians, scientists, and engineers to create a statewide community of future scholars in Arizona."
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2025 Soheyla Feyzbakhsh; Richard Thomas
Soheyla Feyzbakhsh and Richard Thomas, both of Imperial College London, will receive the 2025 AMS Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry. They are honored, according to the citation, for "a series of three papers that transformed Donaldson-Thomas theory by proving that the rank r invariants of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X are completely determined by any of: (i) the rank 1 invariants of X, or (ii) the Gromov-Witten invariants of X, or (iii) the rank 0 invariants of X (whose generating series are conjectured to be modular)."
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2025 Ana Caraiani
Ana Caraiani, Royal Society University Research Fellow and professor of pure mathematics, Imperial College London, has been awarded the 2025 Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). She has been honored for contributions to arithmetic geometry and number theory: in particular, the Langlands program.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2024 Leo Corry
The 2024 Albert Leon Whiteman Prize of the American Mathematical Society is awarded to Leo Corry of Tel Aviv University (TAU) and the Open University of Israel, "for his exceptional scholarship and exposition elucidating the roles of axioms and structures in the practice of modern mathematics and physics, as well as for his many contributions to the field of history of mathematics as an editor, mentor, and communicator, "
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2024 Kendall Bearden; Clara Chaplin; Brent Christian; Georgia Corbett; Cameron Davis; Galileo Fries; Jacob Gathje; Kyle Kelley; Celia Kerr; Jackson Krebsbach; Sarah Kulas; Isaac Leiterman; Juntao Liu; Oscar Murillo-Espinoza; Olivia Roberts; Leif Schaumann; Dylan Schuster; Nash Ward
AMS Young Scholars Program 2024 Adelphi Summer Institute in Mathematical Epidemiology; Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) Summer Away; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Euler Circle; GirlsGetMath@CSU 2024; GirlsGetMath@ICERM 2024; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM); Kenneth I. Gross and Tony Trono Governor's Institute on Mathematical Sciences (GIV); LSU Math Circle / Virtual Math Circle: Research Opportunities for High School Students; Math Circles of Chicago; MathILy (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity); MathILy-Er; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp (HSMC); Michigan Math and Science Scholars (MMSS); Navajo Nation Math Circles; New York Math Circle; PROMYS and PROMYS Pathways Summer Program; PROTaSM(Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); PZ Math Corp; Ross Mathematics Program; SigmaCamp / Sigma Prime; Summer Illinois Mathematics (SIM) Camp 2024; Summer Math Program for Young Scholars; TexPREP - Lubbock 2024; University of South Florida STEM Education Center; Young CryptograpHers; Bridge to Calculus; Live Math Workshops; Math Knights Summer Institute; Rice University School Mathematics Project (RUSMP) Preparing for Success in Calculus; UConn CAPS Pre-College Summer Program; Navigate the Maze to Achievement, Inc.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2024 Ronald Coifman
The 2024 AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics is awarded to Ronald Coifman of Yale University for his profound impact on pure and applied harmonic analysis, and for the introduction of tools developed from these areas to address modern challenges of data science.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2024 ACME Program at Brigham Young University
The Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis (ACME) Program at Brigham Young University is awarded the 2024 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department. The ACME program has been highly successful in providing students with a rigorous foundation in mathematics as well as a broad interdisciplinary experience in applied mathematics.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2024 Angel Pineda
Angel Pineda, a professor of mathematics at Manhattan College, will receive the 2024 AMS Award for Distinguished Public Service. Professor Pineda is honored "in recognition of his tireless work at the grassroots level supporting mathematicians living in challenged, resource-poor environments around the world and of the impact his example has had on national and international scientific organizations," according to the citation, which highlights his work in Cambodia.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2024 Sybilla Beckmann
Sybilla Beckmann, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus, at the University of Georgia, will receive the 2024 AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. "Beckmann is nationally recognized for her seminal contributions to mathematics teacher education, combining experiences in mathematics, public school classrooms, textbook writing, national service, and research," the citation noted. "Through her work in mathematics education policy, she has advocated for high-quality teacher education and rigorous mathematical curriculum, impacting students and teachers across the country."
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS 2024 Susan Landau
The 2024 Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS is awarded to Susan Landau of Tufts University, a leading scholar in encryption policy and digital privacy, for her work writing technical research papers and op-eds, publishing public-facing work, briefing policymakers, and participating in national studies.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 2024 Francesc Castella
Francesc Castella, an associate professor of mathematics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been awarded the 2024-2025 AMS Centennial Research Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year. The primary selection criterion is the excellence of the candidate's research. Castella's research interests are number theory and arithmetic geometry: more specifically, p-adic L-functions, Euler systems, and Iwasawa theory.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2024 Victor Ostrik
The 2024 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory is awarded to Victor Ostrik of the University of Oregon "for his fundamental contributions to the theory of tensor categories, which have already found deep applications in modular representation theory and Lie theory. " Three papers were the basis for this award: "On symmetric fusion categories in positive characteristic," published in Selecta Mathematica, "Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories" (joint with Kevin Coulembier and Pavel Etingof), published in Annals of Mathematics, and "New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic" (joint with Dave Benson and Pavel Etingof), published in Duke Mathematical Journal.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2024 Chelsea Walton
Chelsea Walton, a professor of mathematics at Rice University, has been awarded the fourth annual AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship. Walton's research interests include Noncommutative Algebra, Quantum Symmetries, Hopf algebras and their variants/Quantum Groups, and Representation Theory.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2024 Benjamin Cousins; Santosh Vempala; Nathan Keller; Noam Lifshitz; Zilin Jiang; Jonathan Tidor; Yuan Yao; Shengtong Zhang; Yufei Zhao
The Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize 2024 is presented to:
- Ben Cousins & Santosh Vempala for Gaussian Cooling and O*(n^3) Algorithms for Volume and Gaussian Volume, SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 47, 2018.
- Nathan Keller & Noam Lifshitz for The Junta Method for Hypergraphs and the Erdos-Chvátal Simplex Conjecture, Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 392, 2021.
- Zilin Jiang, Jonathan Tidor, Yuan Yao, Shengtong Zhang, & Yufei Zhao for Equiangular lines with a fixed angle, Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 194, 2021.
Edmund Landau Award 2024 Darsh Gandhi; Jalise Lopez
Elias M. Stein Prize for New Perspectives in Analysis 2024 Marcel Filoche; Svitlana Mayboroda
The inaugural 2024 Elias M. Stein Prize for New Perspectives in Analysis is awarded jointly to Marcel Filoche and Svitlana Mayboroda for their original, powerful, elegant and impactful theory of the "localization landscape."
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2024 Faye Jackson; Rupert Li; Daniel Zhu
The recipient of the 2024 AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student is Faye Jackson of the University of Michigan who has discovered and theoretically explained several new and unexpected phenomena in analytic number theory.
Receiving Honorable Mention for the 2024 Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research by an Undergraduate Student is Rupert Li of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology whose work focused on problems in combinatorics and has resulted in ten coauthored mathematical research papers. Also receiving Honorable Mention for the 2024 Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student is Daniel Zhu of Princeton University who has made noteworthy contributions to multiple areas within combinatorics, including algebraic combinatorics, graph theory, and enumerative combinatorics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2024 Jessica Fintzen
The 2024 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra is awarded to Jessica Fintzen (University of Bonn) for her work transforming the understanding of representations of p-adic groups, in particular for the article "Types for tame p-adic groups," Ann. of Math. (2) 193 (2021), no. 1, 303–346.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize 2024 Abigail Hickok
The inaugural Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize is awarded to Abigail Hickok in recognition of the outstanding contributions in her PhD thesis, "Topics in Geometric and Topological Data Analysis.""
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars 2024 Greta Panova
Greta Panova, Gabilan Distinguished Professor of Science and Engineering and professor of mathematics at the University of Southern California, has been awarded the 2024-2025 AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars. Panova's research is in Algebraic Combinatorics with connections to Representation Theory, Computational Complexity Theory within Theoretical Computer Science and with Probability and Statistical Mechanics. Separately, she works with a team of molecular biologists on modeling DNA repair dynamics.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2024 Natalie Dean
Natalie Dean, Assistant Professor from Emory University, for her remarkable record of public engagement providing clear meaning and context to COVID models and predictions through traditional and social media.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2024 Quang Tran; Anna Oliva; Emma Rueter; Arda Ozcelebi; Yoonsang Lee; Anay Aggarwal; Manu Isaacs; Helena Welch
The American Mathematical Society presented the Karl Menger Awards at the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF) on May 17. The winners are high-school students who earned the right to compete at the Regeneron ISEF by winning a top prize at a local, regional, state, or national science fair. All winners received a booklet on Karl Menger and a one-year membership to the AMS.
Quang Tran of Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy, Harvey, LA was awarded the first-place prize of $2,000 for Divisors.
The Menger Award Committee also presented the following awards:
Second awards ($1,000): Anna Oliva, Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston, TX, Symmetry, Fixed Points and Quantum Billiards and Emma Rueter, Leibniz-Gymnasium Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Integration of Sequences
Third awards ($500): Arda Ozcelebi, Izmir Ozel Ege Lisesi, Izmir, Turkey, p-Euler-phi Partitions and Their Properties; Yoonsang Lee, Korea Science Academy of KAIST, Seoul, South Korea, A Study on Arc Index of Theta Curves; Anay Aggarwal and Manu Isaacs, Jesuit High School, Portland, OR, Fast Modular Exponentiation With Factored Modulus; Helena Welch, Los Alamos High School, Los Alamos, NM, Modeling an Ancient Musical Instrument
Certificates of Honorable Mention: Yunjia Quan, Charlotte Country Day School, Charlotte, NC, Enhancing Ethereum's Security With LUMEN; Austin Luo, Morgantown High School, Morgantown, WV, Injective Chromatic Index of Packet Radio Networks; Ayush Jain, Shri Ram School - Aravali Campus, Gugaon, Haryana, India, Detecting Causality Using Symplectic Quandles; Joseph Vulakh, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, KY, Twisted Homogeneous Racks; Arav Chand, Half Hollow Hills High School West, Dix Hills, NY, Proofs of Fibonacci Analogues of Two Theorems; Songtianze Huang, Hangzhou Foreign Languages School, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, Group of seventh chord transformations; Sarah Lu, Centro Residencial de Oportunidades Educativas de Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, Enhancing Federated Learning Using Math and Coding.
Award annoucement as seen in the news release.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2024 Haim Brezis
The 2024 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement is awarded to Haïm Brezis for his outstanding and seminal contributions in several fields of Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, and for his remarkable influence in mathematics, in particular through his exceptional training of PhD students.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2024 Benson Farb; Dan Margalit
The 2024 Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition is awarded to Benson Farb and Dan Margalit for their Princeton Mathematical Series book A Primer on Mapping Class Groups.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2024 Jozsef Balogh; Robert Morris; Wojciech Samotij; David Saxton; Andrew Thomason; Jozsef Balogh; Robert Morris; Wojciech Samotij; David Saxton; A. Thomason
The 2024 Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research is awarded jointly to József Balogh, Robert Morris, and Wojciech Samotij for their 2015 paper "Independent sets in hypergraphs," published in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, and to David Saxton and Andrew Thomason for their 2015 paper "Hypergraph Containers," published in Inventiones Mathematicae.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2024 Jennifer Hom
The 2024 Levi L. Conant Prize is awarded to Jennifer Hom of Georgia Tech for her article Getting a handle on the Conway knot,
which was published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 59 (2021), 19–29.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 2024 Sylvia Serfaty
Sylvia Serfaty, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, received the 2024 Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics. Serfaty has made impactful contributions to the study of nonlinear partial differential equations, variational problems, and statistical physics problems.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2024 Mathematics Project at Minnesota, University of Minnesota
The AMS is pleased to recognize the Mathematics Project at Minnesota, University of Minnesota with the 2024 Mathematics Programs That Make a Difference Award. The Mathematics Project at Minnesota is an invaluable and highly effective graduate-student-led initiative developed with the goal of exposing and removing known barriers in retaining and advancing the careers of women, gender minorities, and underrepresented groups in the mathematical sciences at the University of Minnesota.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling 2024 Tilmann Gneiting
The Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling is awarded to Tilmann Gneiting for seminal work in environmental and stochastic modeling, with applications to computational weather forecasting, and for research in probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2024 Melissa Beerbower; Juan Brewer Caldera; Hannah Choi ; Ian Clawson; Pascal Cogan; Joseph Comerate; Kevin Crane; Mark Dubynskyi; Chasy Dupont; Cecilia Enriquez Ruiz ; Mia Goldstein; Ethan Hall; Adin Hammond; Kayanna Healy; Meredith Estrella Hernandez; Chuck Osaro Naghise; William Paek; Mary Radachy; Isabella Ruskamp; William Scheske; Jatin Shrestha; Avayendra Subedi; Ja'Lah Tenner; Bhim Tiwari; Kayla Wager; Skye E. Whitlow; Hewan Yoseph; Ivy Zhan
AMS Young Scholars Program 2023 AGAM: Nebraska Cryptography Summer Camp; BEAM Summer Away; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Adelphi Summer Institute in Mathematical Epidemiology; Creative and Analytical Math Program of the Bard Math Circle; Euler Circle; G2 (Girls Together) Math Program; GirlsGetMath@CSU; GirlsGetMath@ICERM; High School Internship Program in Integrated Mathematical Oncology; Math and Computational Thinking Lab; Math Circles of Chicago; Math Knight Summer Institute; MathCorps; MathILy (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity); MathILy-Er; MathROOTS; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; Montana Math Circle Summer Camp; Navajo Nation Math Circles; PROMYS-Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); PZMC - PZ Number Theory Camp; Ross Mathematics Program ; SigmaCamp; Summer Illinois Mathematics Camp; TexPREP - Lubbock 2023; The 51st Hampshire College Summer Studies; The Kenneth I. Gross and Tony Trono Governor?s Institute on Mathematical Sciences Institute; Virtual Math Circle: Research Opportunities for High School Students; GirlsGetMath@UCO, University of Central Oklahoma
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2023 Postbaccalaureate Program at the Center for Women in Mathematics at Smith College
The Postbaccalaureate Program at the Center for Women in Mathematics at Smith College develops mathematical talent and confidence, demystifies the steps toward an academic career, diversifies the mathematical community, and provides a path into mathematics for women whose undergraduate experience did not.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2023 Ulrica Wilson
Ulrica Wilson, Professor of Mathematics at Morehouse College, will receive the 2023 AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in recognition of her contributions to numerous initiatives that have impacted nearly every segment of the mathematics community, including K-12 students, undergraduate students, graduate students, and mathematics faculty. Dr. Wilson's steadfast commitments to excellence in mathematics education, equity, and mentorship are central themes in her work.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2023 Frank Merle; Pierre Raphael; Igor Rodnianski; Jeremie Szeftel
The 2023 Bôcher Memorial Prize is awarded to Frank Merle, Pierre Raphaël, Igor Rodnianski, and Jérémie Szeftel for their groundbreaking work establishing the existence of blow-up solutions to the defocusing NLS equation in some supercritical regimes and to the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations.
Centennial Fellowship 2023 Joel Nagloo
Joel Nagloo, an associate professor at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) in the Department of Math, Stat, and Comp Sci, has been awarded the 2023-2024 AMS Centennial Research Fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year. The primary selection criterion is the excellence of the candidate's research. During the fellowship year, Nagloo plans to visit his collaborators in France and the United Kingdom, to continue our work on the Ax-Schanuel conjectures for covering maps and to apply those results to problems of unlikely intersections.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2023 Ludovic Tangpi
Ludovic Tangpi, an assistant professor in Princeton University's Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, has been awarded the third annual AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship. Tangpi's research interests include applied probability, stochastic control, and their applications in quantitative finance, including risk management, super hedging, and large population games.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Edmund Landau Award 2023 Megan Vitale
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2023 Letong (Carina) Hong; Sophie Kriz; Egor Lappo
The recipient of the 2023 AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student is Letong (Carina) Hong of MIT who has solved conjectures and proven important results in combinatorics, number theory, and probability.
Receiving Honorable Mention for the 2023 Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research by an Undergraduate Student is Sophie Kriz of University of Michigan who has written ten solo-authored research papers in representation theory and category theory, and has also co-authored a textbook, Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. Also receiving Honorable Mention for the 2023 Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student is Egor Lappo of Stanford for his outstanding research in mathematical evolutionary biology, combinatorics, and knot theory.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2023 Kaisa Matomäki; Maksym Radziwill; James Newton; Jack Thorne
The 2023 AMS Cole Prize in Number Theory is awarded to Kaisa Matomäki, James Newton, Maksym Radziwill, and Jack Thorne. K. Matomäki and M. Radziwiłł for their breakthrough paper 1. "Multiplicative functions in short intervals" [Annals of Math. 183 (2016), 1015-1056], which together with further developments by themselves and their collaborators have led to the solution and advances on long standing difficult problems, such as the Chowla Conjecture concerning local patterns in the parity of the number of prime factors of an integer. J. Newton and J. Thorne for their astonishing proof of a landmark sought after case of the Langlands Conjectures; namely the symmetric power functoriality for holomorphic modular forms. This is achieved in their two papers 1. Symmetric power functoriality for holomorphic modular forms, I. Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. 134 (2021), pp. 1-116. 2. Symmetric power functoriality for holomorphic modular forms, II. Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. 134 (2021), pp. 117-152.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars 2023 Jennifer Balakrishnan
Jennifer Balakrishnan, the Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor of Mathematics at Boston University, has been awarded the 2023-2024 AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars. Balakrishnan's research is motivated by various aspects of the classical and p-adic Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures, as well as the problem of algorithmically finding rational points on curves.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Joseph L. Doob Prize 2023 Bjorn Poonen
The 2023 Joseph L. Doob Prize is awarded to the book Rational Points on Varieties, written by Bjorn Poonen and published by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) in 2017 in the series Graduate Studies in Mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2023 Jordan Ellenberg; Grant Sanderson
Jordan Ellenberg, professor from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for his clear and entertaining prose that brings the power and beauty of mathematics to a general audience.
Grant Sanderson, creator of 3Blue1Brown, for his watchable and engaging YouTube channel, with over 4 million subscribers, about discovery and creativity in mathematics.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2023 Nicholas Hagedorn; Nikola Gyulev; Jeffrey Xu; Stefan Gaydarov; Joseph Vulakh; Meryl Zhang; Sophie Zhu; Joseph Crachiola; Camille Duma; Yunjia Quan; Rich Wang; Andrew Zhang
The AMS presented the Karl Menger Awards at the 2023 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF) on May 17th. The winners are high school students who earned the right to compete at the Regeneron ISEF by winning a top prize at a local, regional, state, or national science fair. The first place award of $2,000 was awarded to Nicholas Hagedorn of Princeton High School in Princeton, New Jersey for Strict Inequalities for the n-Crossing Number.
The Menger Award Committee also presented the following awards:
Second award of $1,000: Nikola Gyulev, Model High School of Mathematics "Akademik Kiril Popov", Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Proof of the Complete Presence of a Modulo 4 Bias for the Semiprimes, and Jeffrey Xu, Montgomery High School, Skillman, New Jersey, Extending the Vieta-Newton Theorem
Third award of $500: Stefan Gaydarov, Model High School of Mathematics "Akademik Kiril Popov," The Shape of Polynomial Map x ?Üí kx^n Mod P, Joseph Vulakh, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky, Hereditary Atomicity and ACCP in Monoids and Integral Domains, Meryl Zhang, R. C. Clark High School, Plano, Texas, The Easiest Hard Problem: A Heuristic Solution to the Two-Way Partitioning Problem Using Probabilistic Algorithms, and Sophie Zhu, Williamsville East High School, Williamsville, New York, Pointed Fusion Categories Over Non-Algebraically Closed Fields, and
Certificates of Honorable Mention: Joseph Crachiola, Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy, Saginaw, Michigan, Creating and Assessing a Tool to Organize Graphs Using Hooke's Law, Camille Duma, Vanguard High School, Ocala, Florida, Application of Michaelis-Menten Rational Function Models, Parametric Calculations, and Differential Equations to Determine the Most Influential Factor on Histamine Levels, Yunjia Quan, Charlotte Country Day School, Charlotte, North Carolina, Improving Bitcoin's Post-Quantum Transaction Efficiency With a Novel Lattice-Based Aggregate Signature Scheme Based on CRYSTALS-Dilithium and a STARK Protocol, and Rich Wang, William P. Clements High School, Sugar Land, Texas, Ending States of a Special Variant of the Chip-Firing Algorithm, and Andrew Zhang, Wayzata High School, Plymouth, Minnesota, Extremal Problems on the Steiner k-Distance and the Steiner k-Wiener Index
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics 2023 Jason Miller; Scott Sheffield
The 2023 Leonard Eisenbud Prize is awarded to Jason P. Miller and Scott Sheffield for works on random two-dimensional geometries, and in particular on Liouville Quantum Gravity.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2023 Nicholas Katz
Nicholas M. Katz, Princeton University, will receive the 2023 AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement for his landmark contributions to number theory and arithmetic geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2023 Lawrence Evans
Lawrence C. Evans, a professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, has received the 2023 Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition for his book Partial Differential Equations published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1998 (first edition) and 2010 (second edition).
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2023 P Kronheimer; Tomasz Mrowka
The 2023 Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research is awarded to Peter B. Kronheimer of Harvard University and Tomasz S. Mrowka of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for their paper "Gauge theory for embedded surfaces, I, published in 1993 in Topology 32, 773-826.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2023 Josh Greene
Joshua Greene receives the 2023 Levi L. Conant Prize for the article "Heegaard Floer homology", Notices of the AMS, 68 (2021), No. 1, pp. 19-33.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research 2023 Diana Thomas
Diana M. Thomas receives the 2023 Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research for her outstanding research at the interface of mathematics with nutrition and obesity as well as her work in number theory, combinatorics, and dynamical systems. She brings her joy for mathematical research to undergraduate students across disciplines providing previously untapped student populations, especially first-generation students, with novel research and career opportunities.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2023 Richard Hammack; Edmund Harriss; Silviana Amethyst; Jiangmei Wu
Best photograph, painting, or print: Richard Hammack for Topological Envelopes.
Best textile, sculpture, or other media: Edmund Harriss and Silviana Amethyst for Barth Sextic.
Honorable Mention: Jiangmei Wu for Dawn.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2023 Math Bridge to Doctorate Program at the University of Texas at Arlington
The AMS is pleased to recognize the Math Bridge to Doctorate Program at the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA) Mathematics Department with the 2023 Mathematics Programs That Make a Difference Award. The University of Texas-Arlington Math Bridge-to-Doctorate program is a year-long program that focuses on critical transitions from undergraduate to doctoral studies, that serves URM and underserved students from HBCUs and HSIs and supports the Gulf States Math Alliance. This program makes a difference in increasing URM doctorate students in mathematical sciences.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2023 Panagiota Daskalopoulos; Natasa Sesum
The 2023 Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize is awarded to Panagiota Daskalopoulos of Columbia University and Natasa Sesum of Rutgers University for their groundbreaking work in the study of ancient solutions to geometric evolution equations..
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2023 Colin Brennan; Marianna Gabriele; Paul Gongwer; Mia Grella; Frances Grout; Noah Haley; Jillian Marasco; Jeffrey Nubla; Wandy Saint-Phard; Suzanne (Suzy) Smith; Nasir Wynruit
Colin Brennan, Northwestern University
Marianna Gabriele, East Tennessee State University
Paul Gongwer, Purdue University Fort Wayne
Mia Grella, Southern Connecticut State University
Frances Grout, University of San Francisco
Noah Haley, University of North Carolina, Asheville
Jillian Marasco, Washington State University
Jeffrey Nubla, University of Nevada, Reno
Wandy Saint-Phard, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Suzanne (Suzy) Smith, Trinity University
Nasir Wynruit, Tufts University
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2022 All Girls/All Math Summer Camp; Adelphi Summer Institute in Mathematical Epidemiology; Beyond the Classroom Summer Camp; Bridge to Calculus; Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM); California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS); Canada/USA Mathcamp; Creative and Analytical Math Program of the Bard Math Circle; Euler Circle; GirlsGetMath@ICERM; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; LSU Math Circle; Math Circles of Chicago; Mathematics Enrichment Through Applications Program (META); MathILy (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity); MathILy-Er; MathPath; MathROOTS; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; Navajo Nation Math Circles; New York Math Circle High School Summer Program; PROMYS-Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Ross Mathematics Program; SigmaCamp; Summer Illinois Mathematics Camp; Summer Math Program For Young Scholars; Tapia Center for Excellence and Equity in Education; The Calculus Project Inc.; The Kenneth I. Gross and Tony Trono Governor's Institute on Mathematical Sciences Institute; The Rice University School Mathematics Project (RUSMP) Preparing for Success in Calculus
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2022 Eitan Tadmor
Eitan Tadmor, a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, will receive the 2022 AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics for his original contributions to applied and numerical analysis with applications in fluid dynamics, image processing, and collective dynamics. The prize also recognizes the significant impact of his fundamental work in theory and computation of nonlinear partial differential equations.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2022 University of Missouri Mathematics Department
The University of Missouri Mathematics Department will receive the 2022 AMS Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department. Its outreach program under the leadership of Stephen Montgomery-Smith has been highly successful in serving at-risk and low-income children in Columbia, Missouri. In partnership with the Grade A Plus Academic Support and Enrichment program, graduate students tutor community students seeking support. The at-risk students commit to at least two hours a week of tutoring.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2022 Rodrigo Bañuelos
Rodrigo Bañuelos, a professor of mathematics at Purdue University, will receive the 2022 AMS Award for Distinguished Public Service. The honor recognizes his exceptional service to the profession, his extensive educational and professional mentoring, and his prolific activities that have advanced diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels of the mathematical sciences community.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2022 Deborah Hughes Hallett
Deborah Hughes Hallett, a professor of mathematics at the University of Arizona and an adjunct professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, will receive the 2022 AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Hughes Hallett's brilliant leadership in the calculus reform movement changed how mathematics is taught across the country and the globe. As a beloved mentor, she inspires generations of math educators. As a tireless advocate for justice, she has shown how mathematics can be used to combat racial profiling, climate change, and gerrymandering.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 2022 Mimi Dai
Mimi Dai, an associate professor at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), has been awarded the AMS Centennial Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year. The primary selection criterion is the excellence of the candidate's research. Dai researches nonlinear partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, harmonic analysis, and complex fluids. Recently she has focused on the appearance of singularities in turbulent flows. During her fellowship year, she will visit collaborators in the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Switzerland to continue tackling challenging problems on the pathological behavior of solutions to certain fluid equations.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2022 Xuhua He
The 2022 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory will be awarded to Xuhua He for his substantial advances in at least three directions of Lie Theory: the study of the cocenter of Hecke algebras of p-adic groups, the study of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and the theory of modular representations of semisimple groups.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Ciprian Foias Prize in Operator Theory 2022 Adam Marcus; Daniel Spielman; Nikhil Srivastava
Adam Marcus, Daniel Spielman, and Nikhil Srivastava will receive the 2022 Ciprian Foias Prize in Operator Theory. The award recognizes their highly original work that introduced and developed methods for understanding the characteristic polynomial of matrices, namely the iterative sparsification method (also in collaboration with Batson) and the method of interlacing polynomials.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2022 Ryan Hynd
Ryan Hynd, an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, has been awarded the AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year. Hynd researches partial differential equations arising in mathematical models for fluid mechanics, control theory, and finance, as well as eigenvalue problems.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
David P. Robbins Prize 2022 Alin Bostan; Irina Kurkova; Kilian Raschel
Alin Bostan, Irina Kurkova, and Kilian Raschel will receive the 2022 AMS David P. Robbins Prize for their paper “A human proof of Gessel's lattice path conjecture,” published in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society in 2017. The paper proves highly nontrivial enumeration results on a family of lattice paths known as Gessel walks. These simple-to-describe walks have a surprisingly beautiful enumeration that withstands standard combinatorial techniques. The proof makes an inspired use of experimentation to connect the problem with a remarkable identity involving elliptic functions. Unlike previous arguments, this novel proof method avoids any reference to large-scale computation.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize 2022 Piotr Przytycki; Daniel T Wise
The 2022 E.H. Moore Research Article Prize was awarded to Piotr Przytycki and Daniel Wise, both from McGill University, for the paper "Mixed 3-manifolds are virtually special," published in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society (Vol. 31, No. 2, 2018, pp. 319-347).
Edmund Landau Award 2022 Kaia De Vries
University of Maine, Orono: Kaia De Vries
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2022 Travis Dillon; Sophie Kriz; Alexander Cohen
Travis Dillon, a graduate of Lawrence University, will receive the 2022 AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student. Dillon earns this year's honor for his significant work in number theory, combinatorics, discrete geometry, and symbolic dynamics, which has been recognized by publications in top journals and competitive awards. Receiving Honorable Mention are Sophie Kriz, a student at the University of Michigan, and Alex Cohen, a graduate of Yale University.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars 2022 Bianca Viray
Bianca Viray, a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington, has been awarded the AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars for 2022-2023. An arithmetic geometer, Viray researches rational points on varieties, particularly how a variety's geometric properties influence failures of the local-to-global principle.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2022 Talithia Williams
Talithia Williams, an associate professor of mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, has won the 2022 Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) Communications Award for bringing mathematics and statistics into the homes and hands of millions through her work as a TV host, renowned speaker, and author.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2022 Sarth Chavan; Daniel Salkinder; Sophie Zhu; Edward Garth; Morgan Holien; Donald Liveoak; Shirley Xu; Dongin Kim; Sihyeong Yang; Seokyoung Yoon; Jiahui Li; Akilan Sankaran
The AMS presented the Karl Menger Awards at the 2022 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF) on May 12. The first-place award of $2,000 was given to Sarth Chavan of Aditya English Medium School in Pune, India, for On Ramanujan?s Identity for Odd Zeta Values and Its Generalization. The Menger Award Committee also presented awards to: Daniel Salkinder, Half Hollow Hills High School East, Dix Hills, New York, Nxnxn Rubik?s Cube and God?s Number (Second Award); Sophie Zhu, Williamsville East High School, East Amherst, New York, Factorizations in Evaluation Monoids of Laurent Semirings (Second Award), Edward Garth, Redeemer Baptist School, North Park, Australia, Validating a Predictive Mathematical Modelling Paradigm for Travelling from Point A to Point B (Third Award); Morgan Holien, Monarch High School, Louisville, Colorado, Attempting to Define Tetration of Non-Integer Heights (Third Award); Donald Liveoak, Allen Park High School, Allen Park, Michigan, Schrodinger Bridges on Discrete Domains (Third Award); Shirley Xu, The Bishop's School, La Jolla, California, A Heuristic Solution to the Closest String Problem Using Wave Function Collapse Techniques (Third Award), Dongin Kim, Sihyeong Yang, and Seokyoung Yoon, Korea Science Academy of KAIST, Busan, South Korea, Study on the Solution Set of Knot Colorings (Honorable Mention); Jiahui Li, Emma Willard School, Troy, New York, From the Manhattan Project to Statistics of Zeros in L-Functions (Honorable Mention); and Akilan Sankaran, Albuquerque Academy, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Modifying the ABCs of Number Theory (Honorable Mention).
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2022 Richard Stanley
Richard P. Stanley, an emeritus professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will receive the 2022 AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. Stanley has revolutionized enumerative combinatorics, revealing deep connections with other branches of mathematics, such as commutative algebra, topology, algebraic geometry, probability, convex geometry, and representation theory. In doing so, he solved important longstanding combinatorial problems, often reinvigorating these other fields with new combinatorial methods. Through his outstanding research; excellent expository works; and many PhD students, collaborators and colleagues, he continues to influence the field of combinatorics worldwide.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2022 Aise Johan de Jong
Aise Johan de Jong, a professor of mathematics at Columbia University, will receive the 2022 AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition. De Jong is the originator and maintainer of The Stacks Project, which is at once a comprehensive online textbook on the foundations of contemporary algebraic geometry and a remarkable instance of a carefully structured large-scale collaborative writing process.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2022 Michel X Goemans; David P Williamson
The 2022 Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research is awarded to Michel Goemans and David Williamson for their paper "Improved Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Cut and Satisfiability Problems Using Semidefinite Programming" published in 1995 in the Journal of the ACM. This paper, which focused on the Max-Cut problem, a core problem in combinatorial optimization, has had major, sustained impact on the fields of theoretical computer science and optimization theory.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2022 Andrej Bauer
Andrej Bauer receives the 2022 Levi L. Conant Prize for the article "Five Stage of Accepting Constructive Mathematics", Bulletin of the AMS, 54 (2017), 481-498.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 2022 Camillo De Lellis
Camillo De Lellis, Institute for Advanced Study, received the 2022 Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics "for his fundamental contributions to the study of dissipative solutions to the incompressible Euler equations and to the regularity theory of minimal surfaces."
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2022 David Reimann; Laura Nica; Public Math; University of Kentucky Math Lab
Best photograph, painting, or print: David Reimann for Septenary Circles.
Best textile, sculpture, or other media: Laura Nica for Scherk Minimal Surfaces.
Co-Honorable Mention: Public Math for Is It Complete? Children's Solutions to The Hexagon Challenge
and the University of Kentucky Math Lab (Nathan Fieldsteel, et al.) for Symmetric group on 4 Letters.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2022 Department of Mathematics at California State University at Fullerton
The Department of Mathematics at California State University at Fullerton (CSUF) will receive the 2022 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award. The department is recognized for its excellent record of mentoring and graduating students from underrepresented groups.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Mikhail Gordin Prize (AMS-EMS) 2022 Semyon Dyatlov
The 2022 AMS-EMS Mikhail Gordin Prize is awarded to Semyon Dyatlov for his work on quantum chaos, scattering theory and, in particular, differentiable dynamical systems.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2022 Michael A. Hill; Michael J Hopkins; Douglas C Ravenel
Michael Hill, Michael Hopkins, and Douglas Ravenel received the 2022 Veblen Prize for their paper "On the nonexistence of elements of Kervaire invariant one." This paper solved a 50-year-old problem in geometric topology by showing that framed manifolds with Kervaire invariant one can only exist in finitely many dimensions, introducing deeply influential new ideas and techniques in algebraic topology.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2022 Necef Kavrut; Leslye Rodriguez; Michael Brito; Heather Vogler; Mahdi Rahman; Kayleigh Page; Aaron Thomas; Aniela Mendez; Nevin Etter
California Institute of Technology: Necef Kavrut
DePaul University: Leslye Rodriguez
Middle Tennessee State University: Michael Brito
Northern Arizona University: Heather Vogler
University of Buffalo-SUNY: Mahdi Rahman
University of Central Oklahoma: Kayleigh Page
University of Louisville: Aaron Thomas
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley: Aniela Mendez
Washington & Lee University: Nevin Etter
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2021 Judith Grabiner
The 2021 Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize is awarded to Judith Grabiner for her outstanding contributions to the history of mathematics, in particular her works on Cauchy, Lagrange, and MacLaurin; her widely-recognized gift for expository writing; and a distinguished career of teaching, lecturing, and numerous publications promoting a better understanding of mathematics and the significant roles in culture
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2021 Nicholas Adduci; Ben Gobler; Hanna Noelle Griesbach; Luke Hetzel; Jonathan Homan; Bandita Karki; Johnathan Koch; Nathan LeRoy; Rebecca Odom; Chase Reiter; Tyler Russell; Hannah Scanlon; Ella Wilson; Katie Yan; Yifan Zhang
AMS Young Scholars Program 2021 All Girls/All Math; BEAM; Bridge to Calculus Program; Canada/USA Math Camp; Creative and Analytical Math Programs of the Bard Math Circle; Early Identification Program; Girls Get Math with Data; Governor's Institute on Mathematical Sciences; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; Math an' Coding; Math Circles of Chicago; Math Knights Summer Institute; MathIly; MathIly-Er; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; New York Math Circle High School Summer Program; PROMYS; PROTaSM; Ross Mathematics Program; Summer Illinois Math Camp; Summer Institute for Math at UW; Summer Math Program for Young Scholars; TexPREP-Lubbock; The Calculus Project and Leadership Academy
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2021 Gunther Uhlmann
The 2021 AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics is awarded to Gunther Uhlmann for his fundamental and insightful contributions to inverse problems and partial differential equations, as well as for his incisive work on boundary rigidity, microlocal analysis and cloaking.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2021 Department of Mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
The Department of Mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology has received the 2021 AMS Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department for its long-standing, wide-ranging, and sustained outreach efforts aimed at elementary and middle school students, high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students, and recent PhDs.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2021 Solomon Friedberg
Solomon Friedberg, the James P. McIntyre Professor of Mathematics at Boston College, has been awarded the 2021 AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics for his many significant contributions to mathematics education locally, nationally, and internationally.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS 2021 Michel Waldschmidt
The 2021 Bertrand Russell Prize is awarded to Michel Waldschmidt in recognition of his outstanding contributions to graduate schools and mathematical research in developing countries, and of his sustained commitment to building bridges between mathematical communities around the world.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 2021 Aaron J Pollack
Aaron Pollack, an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), has been awarded the AMS Centennial Fellowship for the 2021-2022 academic year. The fellowship provides support for course release, research-related travel, and research-related expenses. The primary selection criterion for the fellowship is the excellence of the candidate’s research.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship 2021 Mohamed Omar
Mohamed Omar, an associate professor of mathematics and the Joseph B. Platt Chair in Effective Teaching at Harvey Mudd College, has been awarded the inaugural AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship. Omar has an excellent track record in research and a notable research program, and he has displayed impressive leadership in mentoring and service to the mathematics community.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2021 Béla Csaba; Daniela Kühn; Allan Lo; Deryk Osthus; Andrew Treglown; Jin-Yi Cai; Xi Chen; Ken-Ichi Kawarabayashi; Mikkel Thorup
Béla Csaba, Daniela Kühn, Allan Lo, Deryk Osthus, and Andrew Treglown receive the 2021 Fulkerson Prize for "Proof of the 1-factorization and Hamilton decomposition conjectures", Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 244, no. 1154, 2016.
Jin-Yi Cai and Xi Chen receive the 2021 Fulkerson Prize for "Complexity of Counting CSP with Complex Weights", Journal of the ACM, vol. 64, no. 3, 2017.
Ken-Ichi Kawarabayashi and Mikkel Thorup receive the 2021 Fulkerson Prize for, "Deterministic Edge Connectivity in Near-Linear Time", Journal of the ACM, vol. 66, no. 1, 2018.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Edmund Landau Award 2021 Quinten Robinson
California State University, Chico: Quinten Robinson
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2021 Ashwin Sah; Mehtaab Sawhney; Noah Kravitz
Ashwin Sah and Mehtaab Sawhney, graduate students in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Mathematics, received the 2021 AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student, for their work as MIT undergraduates.The award recognizes the duo's innovative results across a broad range of topics in combinatorics, discrete geometry, and probability.
Receiving Honorable Mention for the Morgan Prize is Noah Kravitz.The citation for Kravitz notes that, He has made significant progress on very central and well-studied problems, including the small ball inequality, where he improved upon the current understanding of the problem by leading experts in the field and the lonely runner conjecture, where he discovered an unexpected rigidity in the problem.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2021 Chenyang Xu
The 2021 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra is awarded to Chenyang Xu. He leads a group developing an algebraic theory of moduli for K-stable Fano varieties and working out a radically new approach to the singularities of the minimal model program using K-stability.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars 2021 Helen M Wong
Helen Wong, an associate professor of mathematics at Claremont McKenna College, has been awarded the AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars for 2021-2022. Wong's research is in quantum topology and applications of topology.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2021 John Bailer; Richard Campbell; Rosemary Pennington; Erica Klarreich
John Bailer, Richard Campbell and Rosemary Pennington receive the 2021 JPBM Communications Award "for their engaging, entertaining, and enlightening Stats + Stories podcast that for over six years has brought 'the statistics behind the stories and the stories behind the statistics' to public radio and a broad podcast audience."
Erica Klarreich receives the 2021 JPBM Communications Award "for her work as a writer and popularizer of mathematics and science. She writes about mathematics and theoretical computer science, and her writing has been chosen for and reprinted in Best Writing on Mathematics in four different years. Her works have appeared in Quanta, The Atlantic, New Scientist, Science News, Wired and other publications for a general audience. Erica Klarreich received a PhD in mathematics in 1997."
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2021 Jessica Zhang; Haruki Sato; Hyungwon Han; Hyunjun Cho; Dohyeon Kim; Tzu-Hsuan Chiu; Andrei Mandelshtam; Chloe Zhan; Alexander Zhang
The 2021 Menger Awards went to (1st place) Jessica Zhang; (2nd place) Haruki Sato, Hyungwon Han, Hyunjun Cho, and Dohyeon Kim; (3rd place) Tzu-Hsuan Chiu, Andrei Mandelshtam, Chloe Zhan, and Alexander Zhang; (honorable mention) Dev Chheda, Oleg Chistov, Nathan Krause, William Li, Chau Le, and Khoa Huynh.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2021 Spencer Bloch
The 2021 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement is awarded to Spencer Bloch for his seminal contributions linking algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory, arithmetic and Hodge theory. Bloch's ideas pervade modern thinking on these subjects, and laid the groundwork in both techniques and framework for many of the most exciting developments in these areas.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2021 Noga Alon; Joel Spencer
The 2021 Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition will be awarded to Noga Alon and Joel Spencer for their book, The Probabilistic Method, published by Wiley & Sons Inc. in 1992.
Now in its fourth edition, The Probabilistic Method is an invaluable toolbox for both the beginner and the experienced researcher in discrete probability.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2021 Murray Gerstenhaber
The 2021 Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research is awarded to Murray Gerstenhaber for The cohomology structure of an associative ring,
Ann. Math. 78 (1963), 267-288 and On the deformation of rings and algebras,
Ann. Math. 79 (1964), 59-103. These two remarkable Annals of Mathematics papers established the foundations of algebraic deformation theory, developing a rich structure on the Hochschild cohomology. These papers have had and continue to have a huge impact on many areas of mathematics and physics, including higher algebra
and deformation quantization.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2021 Dan Margalit
Dan Margalit receives the 2021 Levi L. Conant prize for the article "The Mathematics of Joan Birman," Notices of the AMS, 66 (2019), 341-353 . In just ten pages Margalit conveys the breadth and depth of the mathematics of Joan Birman.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research 2021 Amanda Folsom
Amanda L. Folsom receives the 2021 Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research for her outstanding record of research in analytic and algebraic number theory, with applications to combinatorics and Lie theory, for her work with undergraduate students, and for her service to the profession, including her work to promote success of women in mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2021 Margaret Kepner; Debora Coombs; Duane Bailey; Phillip Webster
Best photograph, painting, or print: Margaret Kepner, "Eight-Ring Circus"
Best textile, sculpture, or other medium: Debora Coombs and Duane Bailey, "Laura's Flowerpot"
Honorable Mention award: Phillip Webster, "Madar-i-Shah Reconstruction"
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2021 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Programs
The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP) has received the 2021 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award.MSRI-UP is a pioneering program that introduces undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups to mathematical research with the longer-term goal of increasing their participation and success in graduate programs.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2021 Kaisa Matomäki
The 2021 Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize is awarded to Kaisa Matomäki for her work (much of it joint with Maksym Radziwill) opening up the field of multiplicative functions in short intervals in a completely unexpected and very fruitful way, and in particular in their breakthrough paper, Multiplicative functions in short intervals
(Annals of Math. 183 (2016), 1015–1056).
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling 2021 Michael I. Jordan
The Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling is awarded to Michael I. Jordan for foundational contributions to machine learning (ML), especially unsupervised learning, probabilistic computation, and core theory for balancing statistical fidelity with computation.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2021 Zoey Beda; Piper Welsh; Kianna Cabral; Joseph Bishop; Jordan Jarrell; Rachel Hur; Kristina Wilson; Shaniya Peart
Maryville University: Zoey Beda and Piper Welsh
Northeastern University: Kianna Cabral
University of Mississippi: Joseph Bishop
University of Montana: Jordan Jarrell
University of Oregon: Rachel Hur
University of Tennessee Knoxville: Kristina Wilson
Villanova University: Shaniya Peart
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2020 All Girls/All Math; Baa Hozho Math Camp; Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM); Canada/USA Mathcamp; CMT Summer Pogram for Math Scholars; Creative and Analytical Math Program of the Bard Math Circle; GirlsGetMath@ICERM; Governor's Institute on Mathematical Sciences; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program; MathILy; MathILy-Er; MathPath; MathROOTS; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; New York Math Circle High School Summer Program; Programs in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS); QTM Math Circle; Summer Illinois Math Camp; Summer Institute for Math at UW; Tapia Center for Excellence and Equity in Education; Yakama Mathematics Camp (Indigenous Math Circles Program)
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2020 Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The 2020 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department was awarded to the Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for its Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering and Science for High School Students (PRIMES).
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2020 David Eisenbud
The 2020 AMS Award for Distinguished Public Service is awarded to David Eisenbud, professor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley and director of the Mathematical Research Institute (MSRI), for his exceptional leadership and outreach efforts while director of MSRI, president of the AMS, and director for Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the Simons Foundation.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2020 Darryl H Yong
The 2020 Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics has been awarded to Darryl Yong of Harvey Mudd College where he also serves as the program director for the Mathematics Clinic. He is honored for his many sustainable and replicable contributions to mathematics and mathematics education at both the precollege and college levels.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2020 Camillo De Lellis; Lawrence Guth; Laure Saint-Raymond
The 2020 Bôcher Memorial Prize is awarded to Camillo De Lellis for his innovative point of view on the construction of continuous dissipative solutions of the Euler equations, which ultimately led to Isett's full solution of the Onsager conjecture, and his spectacular work in the regularity theory of minimal surfaces, where he completed and improved Almgren's program. The Prize is also awarded to Lawrence Guth for his deep and influential development of algebraic and topological methods for partitioning the Euclidean space and multi-scale organization of data, and his powerful applications of these tools in harmonic analysis, incidence geometry, analytic number theory, and partial differential equations. The third recipient of the 2020 Bôcher Memorial Prize is Laure Saint-Raymond for her transformative contributions to kinetic theory, fluid dynamics, and Hilbert's sixth problem on "developing mathematically the limiting processes...which lead from the atomistic view to the laws of motion of continua."
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 2020 Ilya Khayutin
Ilya Khayutin, Northwestern University, is awarded the AMS Centennial Fellowship for the academic year 2020-2021. He works in number theory and homogeneous dynamics; the interaction between arithmetic and dynamics, which often incorporates methods and ideas from homogeneous dynamics and ergodic theory, arithmetic geometry, and automorphic forms; and distribution of toral periods.
Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2020 Huanchen Bao; Weiqiang Wang
The 2020 Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory will be awarded to Huanchen Bao and Weiqiang Wang for their fundamental contributions to the theory of quantum symmetric pairs.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2020 Nina V Zubrilina; David Stoner; Mehtaab Sawhney; Ashwin Sah; Murilo Corato Zanarella
Nina Zubrilina is the recipient of the 2020 AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student for "her research in the areas of analysis and analytic number theory... characterized by her independent vision, her creativity, and her technical abilities."
Receiving Honorable Mention are Mehtaab Sawhney, MIT, David Stoner, who is a PhD student Stanford University after graduating from Harvard University, and Ashwin Sah, MIT, jointly; and Murilo Corato Zanarella, a PhD student at MIT who graduated from Princeton University.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2020 James Maynard
The 2020 Cole Prize in Number Theory is awarded to James Maynard for his many contributions to prime number theory. In particular, the prize recognizes the papers
i. "Small gaps between primes" (Ann. of Math., 2015),
ii. "Large gaps between primes"(Ann. of Math., 2016), and
iii. "Primes with restricted digits" (Inv. Math., 2019).
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars 2020 Karin H. Melnick
Karin Melnick, University of Maryland, College Park, received the Birman Fellowship for the academic year 2020-2021. Melnick's research is on differential-geometric aspects of rigidity
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Joseph L. Doob Prize 2020 Rene Carmona; Francois Delarue
The 2020 Joseph L. Doob Prize is awarded to the two-volume set Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications, I and II, written by René Carmona and François Delarue, and published in 2018 by Springer-Verlag in its series Stochastic Analysis and Applications.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2020 Chris Budd; James Tanton
Chris Budd receives the 2020 Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) Communications Award "for his passionate popularization of mathematics. Through his positions at Gresham College, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, his books, and his work with science festivals and schools, he inspires audiences of all ages." James Tanton is also a recipient "for global leadership in high school mathematics instruction. Through his "G'Day Math!" online courses, MAA Curriculum Inspirations, numerous textbooks, and the Global Math Project, he is inspiring millions to learn, and teach, math in wonderful new ways."
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics 2020 Kevin Costello
The 2020 Leonard Eisenbud Prize in Mathematics and Physics is awarded to Kevin Costello for his contributions to the mathematical foundations of quantum field theory and his gauge-theoretic explanation of solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equations.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2020 Karen Uhlenbeck
The 2020 Lifetime Achievement Prize is awarded to Karen Uhlenbeck for her long-lasting influence in geometric topology and analysis and for her mentorship of young people and women in mathematics. Her mathematics has laid the foundation for a tremendous range of research in differential geometry and geometric analysis over the past four decades.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2020 Martin R. Bridson; André Haefliger
Martin R. Bridson and André Haefliger are honored for their book Metric Spaces of Non-positive Curvature, published by Springer-Verlag in 1999. Metric Spaces of Non-positive Curvature is the authoritative reference for a huge swath of modern geometric group theory.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2020 Craig A. Tracy; H. Widom
The 2020 Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research in Analysis/Probability Theory is awarded to Craig Tracy and Harold Widom for the paper "Level-spacing distributions and the Airy kernel," published in 1994 in Communications in Mathematical Physics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2020 Amie Wilkinson
Amie Wilkinson is awarded the 2020 Levi. L. Conant prize for the article "What are Lyapunov exponents, and why are they interesting?", published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society in 2017. The article provides a broad overview of the modern theory of Lyapunov exponents and their applications to diverse areas of dynamical systems and mathematical physics.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 2020 Lawrence Guth
Larry Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, received the 2020 Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics "for developing surprising, original, and deep connections between geometry, analysis, topology, and combinatorics, which have led to the solution of, or major advances on, many outstanding problems in these fields."
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2020 Mark Donohue; Douglas M McKenna; David C. Bachman
- Best photograph, painting, or print: Douglas McKenna for "A Unit Domino", 106 x 66 cm, Giclée print, 2015.
- Best textile, sculpture, or other medium: Mark Donohue for "Suspended Helical Stair", 45 x 23 x 23 cm, String, Plywood, 2018.
- Honorable Mention: David Bachman for "Computational Wings", 23 x 35 x 3 cm, Laser etched acrylic, 2019.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2020 Graduate Research Opportunities for Women (GROW) Program
The Graduate Research Opportunities for Women (GROW) Program received the 2020 Mathematics Program that Make a Difference award for its annual series of conferences that nurture, mentor, and expose undergraduate women to the opportunities that await a career in mathematics.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2020 Aline Bonami; Peter Ebenfelt
Aline Bonami of Université d'Orléans and Peter Ebenfelt of the University of California, San Diego, have been awarded the 2020 Bergman Prizes.
Aline Bonami receives the Bergman Prize for her highly influential contributions to several complex variables and analytic spaces. She is being especially recognized for her fundamental work on the Bergman and Szegö projections and their corresponding spaces of holomorphic functions. Bonami's work has had long-lasting impact on the theory of several complex variables, operator theory, and harmonic analysis, and it continues to be a strong influence on present-day research in all these fields.
Peter Ebenfelt is awarded the Bergman Prize for his many important contributions to several complex variables, CR geometry, and partial differential equations. He is being recognized for his foundational and innovative results on mappings in CR geometry, his study of rigidity problems, and new insights into the Bergman kernel function. Ebenfelt's pioneering work has had deep influences on the theory of several complex variables, CR geometry, and geometric analysis and serves as an inspiration for a generation of junior mathematicians.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2020 Cheyenne Kara Hendershott; Christina Alexandria McBean; Darling Lupe Garcia; Eva Danielson; Jack Bryant Giannetti; Kelemua Tesfaye; Natasha Ann Gunderson; Shaun Cesario
Southeast Missouri State University: Cheyenne Kara Henderschott
Howard University: Christina Alexandria McBean
Vassar College: Darling Lupe Garcia
Wheaton College (MA): Eva Danielson
University of Florida: Jack Bryant Giannetti
Seattle University: Kelemua Tesfaye
Utah State University: Natasha Ann Gunderson
Bradley University: Shaun Cesario
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2019 Haley Colgate; Maria Cummings; Amanda Cusimano; Niyousha Davachi; Anthony Dickson; Jonathan Feigert; Martha Hartt; Eric Leu; Xiaomin Li; Marco Pettinato; Ryan Wartenberg; Isaac Weiss; Maia Wichman; Everett Yang; Janelle Nelson
AMS Young Scholars Program 2019 AIMC Math Camp at Navajo Prep; All Girls/All Math; Baa Hozho Math Camp; Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM); Broward Young People's Project; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Center for Mathematical Talent; Euclid Lab; GirlsGetMath@ICERM; GirlsGetMath@Rochester; MathILy; MathILy-Er; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; Programs in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS); Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Math (PROTaSM); QTM Math Circle; Research Science Institute (RSI); Ross Mathematics Program; TexPREP-Lubbock
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2019 Marsha J Berger; Arkadi Nemirovski
The 2019 Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics was awarded to Marsha Berger for her fundamental contributions to adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and to Cartesian mesh techniques for automating the simulation of compressible flows in complex geometry and to Professor Arkadi Nemirovski for his fundamental contributions to high-dimensional optimization and for his discovery of key phenomena in the theory of signal estimation and recovery.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2019 Franklin College
Awarded to the Department of Mathematics and Computing of Franklin College in Indiana for its outstanding achievements in the undergraduate mathematics program.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2019 M Vali Siadat
Awarded to M. Vali Siadat, Richard J. Daley College, for his many sustainable and replicable contributions to mathematics and mathematics education at both the pre-college and college level.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 2019 Piotr Przytycki
Piotr Przytycki of McGill University was awarded the 2019-2020 Centennial Fellowship.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
David P. Robbins Prize 2019 Roger E. Behrend; Ilse Fischer; Matjaz Konvalinka
The 2019 David P. Robbins Prize was awarded to Roger Behrend, Ilse Fischer and Matjaž Konvalinka for their paper "Diagonally and antidiagonally symmetric alternating sign matrices of odd order," published in 2017 in Advances in Mathematics (Vol. 315, pp. 324-365).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize 2019 Ciprian Manolescu
The 2019 E.H. Moore Research Article Prize was awarded to Ciprian Manolescu, University of California, Los Angeles, for the paper "Pin(2)-equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer homology and the triangulation conjecture," published in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society (Vol. 29, No. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 147-176).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2019 Ravi Jagadeesan
Ravi Jagadeesan will receive the 2019 Morgan Prize for his fundamental contributions across several topics in pure and applied mathematics, including algebraic geometry, statistical theory, mathematical economics, number theory, and combinatorics. Honorable Mentions: Evan Chen, for many papers in combinatorics and number theory, some as a single author and some in collaboration, and Huy Tuan Pham, for jointly authored papers in additive combinatorics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars 2019 Lillian Pierce
Lillian Pierce received the Birman Fellowship for the 2019/2020 academic year in recognition of her research is in analytic number theory and harmonic analysis.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2019 Margot Lee Shetterly
The 2019 Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) Communications Award was presented to Margot Lee Shetterly for her book and subsequent movie "Hidden Figures," which opened science and mathematics to a new generation of women and people of color by bringing into the light the stories of the African-American women who made significant contributions to aeronautics and astronautics, and, ultimately, to America's victory in the space race. Shetterly received the award at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) in Baltimore, Maryland, on Saturday, January 19 at 11:00 a.m. in the Baltimore Convention Center Hall Room 309/310, followed by an hour onstage interview and opportunity to meet her. The public was invited to the presentation and event, which was a highlight of the full day of free Mathemati-Con sessions and events sponsored by JMM, the largest mathematics meeting in the world.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2019 Ruslan Magdiev; Zong-Hong Cheng; Andrei Mandelshtam; Geidar Mamedov; Aayush Karan; Seo Yeong Kwag; Taeyang Park; Pin-Hsien Yang; Wei-Lun Chang
The 2019 Menger Awards went to (1st place) Ruslan Magdiev; (2nd place) Zong-Hong Cheng and Andrei Mandelshtam; (3rd place) Geidar Mamedov, Aayush Karan, Seo Yeong Kwag, Taeyang Park, Pin-Hsien Yang, and Wei-Lun Chang; (honorable mention) Aleksei Krivovichev, Daniil Kudriavtsev, John Tadeusz Piwinski, Stepan Akinshin, James Matthew Baker, and AnaMaria Perez.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2019 Jeff Cheeger
Awarded to Jeff Cheeger for his fundamental contributions to geometric analysis and their far-reaching influence on related areas of mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2019 Philippe Flajolet; Robert Sedgewick
Philippe Flajolet and Robert Sedgewick received the 2019 Mathematical Exposition Prize for their book Analytic Combinatorics, an authoritative and highly accessible compendium of its subject, which demonstrates the deep interface between combinatorial mathematics and classical analysis
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2019 Haruzo Hida
Haruzo Hida will receive the 2019 Seminal Contribution to Research Prize for his highly original paper, "Galois representations into GL2(Zp[[X]]) attached to ordinary cusp forms," published in 1986 in Inventiones Mathematicae.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2019 Alex Wright
Alex Wright received the 2019 Conant Prize for his article "From rational billiards to dynamics on moduli spaces" published in 2016 in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (Vol. 53, pp. 41-56).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research 2019 Stephan Garcia
Stephan Ramon Garcia received the first AMS Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research for his outstanding record of research in operator theory, complex analysis, matrix theory, and number theory, for high quality scholarship with a diverse set of undergraduates, and for his service to the profession.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2019 James Mai; Elizabeth Paley; Matthew Enlow
- Best photograph, painting, or print: James Mai for "Roundabout,” pair of 20 x 20 cm archival inkjet prints, 2018.
- Best textile, sculpture, or other medium: Elizabeth Paley for "DT-MSH/TC Klein Bottle", 16 x 23 x 19 cm, stoneware, 2015.
- Honorable Mention: Matt Enlow for "Breaking the ruled", 64 x 51 cm, paper, 2018.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2019 Women and Mathematics Program at the Institute for Advanced Study
Fourteenth award: to the Women and Mathematics Program at the Institute for Advanced Study (WAM) for its outstanding program of encouraging women to pursue advanced study and careers in mathematics. Read the profile about the WAM program.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2019 Xiuxiong Chen; Simon Donaldson; Song Sun
Xiu Xiong Chen, Simon Donaldson, and Song Sun received the 2019 Veblen Prize for their three-part series, "Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds, I, II and III," published in 2015 in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, in which they proved a long-standing conjecture in differential geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2019 Maryna Viazovska
The 2019 Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics was awarded to Maryna Viazovska, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), for her groundbreaking work in discrete geometry and her spectacular solution to the sphere-packing problem in dimension eight.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2019 Franc Forstneric; Mei-Chi Shaw
The 2019 Bergman Prizes have been awarded to Franc Forstneric of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Mei-Chi Shaw of the University of Notre Dame.
Franc Forstneric is awarded the Bergman Prize for his many contributions to several complex variables (SCV), as well as complex geometry and geometric analysis. He is being recognized for his foundational work on mapping problems for domains in complex spaces and more general complex manifolds, approximation theory in SCV, the development of the Oka principle, and complex analysis methods in the theory of minimal surfaces.
Mei-Chi Shaw is awarded the Bergman Prize for her many contributions to several complex variables, partial differential equations, and Cauchy-Riemann geometry. She is being especially recognized for her seminal work on the analysis of the $\bar\partial$ and $\bar\partial_{b}$ problems in settings where the ambient domain or ambient manifold is nonsmooth, which provides deep insight on the bearing of boundary regularity in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the problems.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2019 Amy Li; Jordan Kovacs; Yuxin Lin; Juan Linares Cabrera; Claudia Munoz; Stephen (blake) Allan; Eli Smith; Valeria Arredondo
Wellesley College: Amy Li
Bucknell University: Jordan Kovacs
University of Notre Dame: Yuxin Lin
Florida International University: Juan Linares Cabrera
Texas Tech University: Claudia Munoz
Baylor University: Stephen Blake Allan
University of Idaho: Eli Smith
California State University, Dominquez Hills: Valeria Arredondo
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2018 Karen H Parshall
Sixth award: to Karen Parshall was awarded the 2018 Whiteman Prize for her outstanding work in the history of mathematics, and in particular, for her work on the evolution of mathematics in the USA and on the history of algebra, as well as for her substantial contribution to the international life of her discipline through students, editorial work, and conferences.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2018 Preston Biro; Keller Blackwell; Kathleen Buch; William Craig; Brian Darrow Jr.; Samuel Delatore; Anthony Dickson; Caroline Howell; Jacob Kirsch; Robert Lehr; Katherine Mantych; Bridget Mueller-Brennan; Daniel Plummer; Henry Potts-Rubin; Victoria Robinson; Bao Van
AMS Young Scholars Program 2018 All Girls/All Math; Baa Hozho Math Camp; Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM); Canada/USA Mathcamp; GirlsGetMath@ICERM; GirlsGetMath@Rochester; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; MathILy (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity); MathILy-Er; MathPath; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; New York Math Circle High School Summer Program; PROMYS-Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Ross Mathematics Program; Summer Institute for Math at UW (SIMUW); Summer Math Program For Young Scholars; UPenn Summer Math Academy
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2018 Bernd Sturmfels
Sixteenth award: to Bernd Sturmfels for his instrumental role in creating the field of applied algebraic geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2018 Math Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP)
The 2018 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department was awarded to the Math Center for Educational Programs (MathCEP) at the University of Minnesota for its outreach programs aimed at K-12 children, teachers, graduate students, and postdocs. Read the award citation.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2018 Sylvain E Cappell
Sixteenth award: to Sylvain Cappell for his remarkable mentoring of talented young mathematicians, his dedication to protecting human rights, and his extraordinary involvement in outreach.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2018 Eric Stade
Dr. Eric Stade, Professor of Mathematics at University of Colorado, is an accomplished mathematician who has not only made sustainable and replicable contributions to mathematics education for students in the first two years of college, but he has also worked directly with pre-college teachers to enhance their impact on mathematics achievement. His outstanding contributions exemplify perfectly the priorities of the award.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS 2018 Christiane Rousseau
First award: to Christiane Rousseau, Université de Montréal, in recognition of her many contributions furthering human values and the common good through mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 2018 Toan T. Nguyen
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2018 Dennis Gaitsgory
Second award: to Dennis Gaitsgory, for his work on the geometric Langlands program, especially his fundamental contributions to the categorical Langlands conjecture and its extension in his recent work with Dima Arinkin. Gaitsgory is largely responsible for having created a systematic theory from what had been a collection of provocative ideas and insights.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2018 Thomas Rothvoß; Peter Allen ; Julia Böttcher; Simon Griffiths; Yoshiharu Kohayakawa; Robert Morris
Fourteenth award: to Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Simon Griffiths, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Robert Morris for "The chromatic thresholds of graphs", Adv. Math. 235, 261-295 (2013). Also awarded to Thomas Rothvoß for " The Matching Polytope has Exponential Extension Complexity.", J. ACM 64(6): 41:1-41:19 (2017).
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2018 Ashvin Anand Swaminathan
Twenty-third award: to Ashvin Swaminathan for his exceptional research in algebraic geometry, number theory, and combinatorics, which has appeared in numerous well-regarded professional level journals.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2018 Robert M Guralnick
Twentieth award: The 2018 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Robert Guralnick for his groundbreaking research on representation theory, cohomology, and subgroup structure of finite quasi-simple groups, and the wide-ranging applications of this work to other areas of mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars 2018 Margaret Beck
First award: to Margaret Beck for the 2018-2019 academic year in recognition of her exceptional research on stability problems in partial differential equations and spatially extended dynamical systems.
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2018 Vi Hart; Matt Parker
Twenty-seventh award: To Vi Hart for entertaining, thought-provoking mathematics and music videos on YouTube that explain mathematical concepts through doodles. And to Matt Parker for communicating the excitement of mathematics to a worldwide audience through YouTube videos, TV and radio appearances, book and newspaper writings, and stand-up comedy.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2018 Ryusei Sakai; Sota Kojima; Yuta Yokohama; Gopal Krishna Goel; Rachana Madhukara; Chavdar Tsvetanov Lalov; Gianfranco Cortes-Arroyo; Muhammad Ugur Oglu Abdulla; Boris Borisovich Baranov; Savelii Novikov
The 2018 Menger Awards went to (1st place) Ryusei Sakai, Sota Kojima, and Yuta Yokohama; (2nd place) Gopal Krishna Goel, and Rachana Madhukara; (3rd place) Chavdar Tsvetanov Lalov, Gianfranco Cortes-Arroyo, Muhammad Ugur Oglu Abdulla, Boris Borisovich Baranov, and Savelii Novikov; (Honorable Mention) Dmitrii Mikhailovskii, Chi-Lung Chiang, Kai Wang, Kayson Taka Hansen, Gustavo Xavier Santiago-Reyes, Omar Alejandro Santiago-Reyes, and Karthik Yegnesh.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2018 Jean Bourgain
Awarded to Jean Bourgain for the breadth of his contributions made in the advancement of mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2018 Martin S Aigner; Günter M Ziegler
Awarded to Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler of the Freie Universität Berlin, for Proofs from THE BOOK.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2018 Sergey Fomin; Andrei V Zelevinsky
Awarded to Sergey Fomin and Andrei Zelevinsky (posthumously) for their paper "Cluster algebras I: Foundations," published in 2002 in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2018 Henry L. Cohn
Henry Cohn received the 2018 Conant Prize for his article "A Conceptual Breakthrough in Sphere Packing," published in the February 2017 issue of the Notices of the AMS.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2018 Frank A. Farris; David Honda
Tenth award: Best photograph, painting, or print was awarded to Frank A Farris for "A Gooseberry/Fibonacci Spiral", a 51 x 51 cm digital print. Best textile, sculpture, or other medium was awarded to David Honda for "Dodecahedral 11-Hole Torus", made of cardstock paper and measures 34 x 37 x 37 cm. Honorable Mention was awarded to Ekaterina Lukasheva for "Excentrica", paper with spray paint and measures 52 x 52 x 5 cm.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2018 The Cougars and Houston Area Math Program (CHAMP)
Thirteenth award: to the Cougars and Houston Area Math Program (CHAMP) in recognition of the program's efforts in guiding Houston-area students toward further education and careers in mathematics.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2018 Johannes Sjostrand
The 2018 Bergman Prize recipient is Johannes Sjostrand, University of Bourgogne.
Sjostrand is recognized for his fundamental work on the Bergman and Szegő kernels, as well as for his numerous fundamental contributions to microlocal analysis, spectral theory, and partial differential equations (PDEs). He is especially being recognized for his groundbreaking work with L. Boutet de Monvel on describing the singularities and asymptotics of the Bergman and Szegő kernels in strictly pseudoconvex domains in $\Bbb{C}^n$. This work has been highly influential in subsequent developments on these and related topics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling 2018 Judea Pearl
First award: to Judea Pearl, for the invention of a model-based approach to probabilistic and causal reasoning, for the discovery of innovative tools for inferring these models from observations, and for the development of novel computational methods for the practical applications of these models.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2018 Aashwin Basnet; Daniel Melesse; Claire Barrera; Hadley DeBrine; Luis Ruiz; Mary Ghiloni; Stacy Stones; Yirong Wang
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2017 Monica Busser; Brian Darrow Jr.; Mr. Donald Wayne Fincher Jr; Travis Howk; Robert Krueger; Christine Langer; Britney Mazzetta; Brandon Payne; Kiersten Potter; Steven Rollins; Slade Sanderson; Parth Sarin; Sarah Seckler; Callie Sleep; Erika Sweet; Vincent Villalobos
AMS Young Scholars Program 2017 All Girls/All Math; Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM); Camp Euclid; Canada/USA Math Camp; GirlsGetMath@ICERM 2017; GirlsGetMath@Rochester; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; MathILy (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity); MathPath; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; PROMYS-Program in Mathematics for Young Scientisits; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute (RSI); SigmaCamp; Summer Institute for Mathematics at UW; MathILy-Er; Michigan Math and Science Scholars (MMSS)
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2017 Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2017 Kristin Umland
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2017 Andras Vasy
Twenty-fourth award: to András Vasy "for his fundamental paper 'Microlocal analysis of asymptotically hyperbolic and Kerr-de Sitter spaces,' Inventiones Mathematicae, 194 (2013), 381513."
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 2017 Shuichiro Takeda
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2017 David H. Yang
Twenty-second award: to David H. Yang for his outstanding research in algebraic geometry and geometric representation theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2017 Henri Darmon
Eighteenth award: The 2017 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory was awarded to Henri Darmon for his contributions to the arithmetic of elliptic curves and modular forms.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Joseph L. Doob Prize 2017 John B. Friedlander; H. Iwaniec
Fifth award: John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec for their book Opera de Cribro (AMS, 2010).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
JPBM Communications Award 2017 Siobhan Roberts; Arthur T Benjamin
Twenty-sixth award: The Award for Expository and Popular Books to Siobhan Roberts for for her engaging biographies of eminent mathematicians and articles about mathematics that are appreciated by the general public and scientific audiences alike and the Award for Public Outreach to Arthur Benjamin for his ability and commitment to share the joy of mathematics, and excites and engages audiences at all levels.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2017 Griffin Macris; Matthew Hase-Liu; Savelii Novikov; Arjun Ramani; Yuan-Jung Juang; Dmitrii Mikhailovskii; Egor Morozov
The 2017 Menger Awards went to (1st place) Griffin Macris; (2nd place) Matthew Hase-Liu, Savelii Novikov; (3rd place) Arjun Ramani, Yuan-Jung Juang, Dmitrii Mikhailovskii, Egor Morozov; (Honorable Mention) Dona-Maria Ivanova, Shilun Li, Alec Leng, Max Land, Gonen Zimmerman.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics 2017 Laszlo Erdos; Horng-Tzer Yau
Fourth award: to László Erdos and Horng-Tzer Yau for proving the universality of eigenvalue statistics of Wigner random matrices.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2017 James G Arthur
Awarded to James Arthur for his fundamental contributions to number theory and harmonic analysis, and in particular for his proof of the Arthur-Selberg trace formula.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2017 Dusa McDuff; Dietmar A Salamon
Awarded to Dusa McDuff and Dietmar Salamon for their book J-holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology. It not only develops the topic from the basics, explaining essential notions and results in detail, but also describes many of the most spectacular results in this area.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2017 Leon Simon
Levi L. Conant Prize 2017 David Bailey; Jonathan Borwein; Andrew Mattingly; Glenn Wightwick
Seventeenth award: to David Bailey, Jonathan Borwein, Andrew Mattingly, and Glenn Wightwick for their article "The Computation of Previously Inaccessible Digits of π2 and Catalan's Constant," Notices of the AMS, August 2013.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2017 Douglas Dunham; John Shier; Jiangmei Wu
Ninth award: Best photograph, painting, or print was awarded to Doug Dunham and John Shier for "Fractal Monarchs," a 30 x 40 cm digital print. Best textile, sculpture, or other medium was awarded to Jiangmei Wu for "Torus", made of Hi-tec Kozo Paper and 45 x 45 x 20 cm. Honorable Mention was awarded to Mary Klotz for " AAABBB, two juxtapositions: Dots & Blossoms, Windmills & Pinwheels". This work made of hand dyed silk ribbon is 66 x 46 x 3 cm.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2017 National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Studies
Twelfth award: The National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences, known as the Math Alliance, was chosen to receive the 2017 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award for its programs over the last 10 years promoting participation by groups underrepresented in doctoral programs in the mathematical sciences.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2017 Laura DeMarco
Fourteenth award: to Laura DeMarco for her fundamental contributions to complex dynamics, potential theory, and the emerging field of arithmetic dynamics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2017 Bo Berndtsson; Nessim Sibony
to Bo Berndtsson, Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Göteborg, Sweden, and Nessim Sibony, Université Paris-Sud (Orsay). Berndtsson is honored for his many fundamental contributions to several complex variables, complex potential theory, and complex geometry. Sibony is honored for his many fundamental contributions to several complex variables, complex potential theory and complex dynamics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2017 Alexandra Cassell; Keysha Rodriguez; Katherine Maza; Mary Kate Tomassi; Destiny Faith Allain; Eric Zarate; Sabrina Garcia
Twenty-seventh award: Alexandra Cassell, Skidmore College; Keysha Rodriguez, Providence College; Katherine Maza, Eastern Michigan University; Mary Kate Tomassi, University of Dallas; Destiny Faith Allain, Lamar University; Eric Zarate, University of California, Riverside; Sabrina Garcia, St Mary's College of California
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2016 Corey Afton; Monica Busser; Brian Darrow, Jr.; Niyousha Davachi; Mitchell Eithun; Michael Gableman; Nicholas Heiner; Peter Jakes; Majorie Jones; Tong Luo; Grace McCourt; Shriya Nagpal; Ahmad Nazeri; Sabin Pradhan; Kelsey Scott; Travis Spillum; Gabbie Van Scoy; Allison Vanderstoep; Vasily Zadorozhnyy
AMS Young Scholars Program 2016 All Girls/All Math; Baa Hozho Mathematics Camp; Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM); Camp Euclid; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Florida Tech Math Circle; GirlsGetMath@ICERM; Governor's Institutes of Vermont: Mathematical Sciences; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; Joseph Baldwin Academy for Eminent Young Scholars (JBA); MathILy; MathILy-Er; MathPath; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; New York Math Cirlce High School Summer Program; PROMYS; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Ross Mathematics Program; SigmaCamp; SMaRT (Summer Mathematics Research Training) Camp; STEM for Scholars; Summer Institute for Mathematics at UW; Summer Mathematics Program for High School Students; Williams College Math Camp (WCMC); Young Scholars Program
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2016 Constantine M Dafermos
Thirteenth award: to Constantine M. Dafermos for his foundational work in partial differential equations and continuum physics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2016 California State University at Northridge
Eleventh award: the Department of Mathematics at California State University at Northridge.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2016 Aloysius Helminck
Fifteenth award: to Aloysius "Loek" Helminck for "his dynamic and public-spirited leadership of the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University, and for his work, both in his department and at the national level, to increase the diversity of the mathematical research community."
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2016 Michael Gage; Arnold Pizer
Third award: to Michael Gage and Arnold Pizer for the creation and development of WeBWorK, one of the first web-based systems that assign and grade homework problems in mathematics and science courses.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2016 Eyal Lubetzky
Forty-second award: to Eyal Lubetzky
Fellowship announcement as seen in the news release.
Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory 2016 Geordie Williamson
First award: to Geordie Williamson for his work on the representation theory of Lie algebras and algebraic groups. His results include proofs and re-proofs of some longstanding conjectures as well as spectacular counterexamples to the expected bounds in others.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
David P. Robbins Prize 2016 Christoph Koutschan; Manuel Kauers; Doron Zeilberger
Fourth award: to Christoph Koutschan, Manuel Kauers, and Doron Zeilberger for their paper, "Proof of George Andrews's and David Robbins's q-TSPP conjecture," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) (2011).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize 2016 Caucher Birkar; Paolo Cascini; Christopher Derek Hacon; James McKernan
Fifth award: Caucher Birkar, Paolo Cascini, Christopher D. Hacon, and James McKernan received the 2016 AMS E. H. Moore Research Article Prize. They were honored for their article "Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type," Journal of the AMS (2010).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2016 Amol Aggarwal
Twenty-first award: to Amol Aggarwal received for his outstanding research in combinatorics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2016 Simon Singh; Museum of Mathematics
Twenty-fifth award: The Award for Expository and Popular Books to Simon Singh for his numerous books and productions which bring mathematics vividly to life and the Award for Public Outreach to the Museum of Mathematics for enhancing public understanding and perception of mathematics through dynamic exhibits and programs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2016 Stephanie Shi-Ning Mui; Ekaterina Lebedeva; Phuong Anh Tran; Muhammad Ugur oglu Abdulla; Pei-Hsuan Chang; Qingxuan Jiang; Osvaldo J. Pagan; Dariannette Valentin
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2016 Barry Simon
Awarded to Barry Simon for his impact on the education and research of a generation of mathematical scientists through his significant research achievements, his highly influential books, and his mentoring of graduate students and postdocs.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2016 David Cox; John Little; Donal O'Shea
Awarded to David Cox, John Little and Donal O'Shea for their book Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, which has made algebraic geometry and computational commutative algebra accessible not just to mathematicians but to students and researchers in many fields.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2016 Andrew J. Majda
Awarded to Andrew J. Majda for two papers published in the Memoirs of the AMS in 1983: "The existence of multidimensional shock fronts," Vol 43, Number 281, and "The stability of multidimensional shock fronts," Vol 41, Number 275.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2016 Daniel Rothman
Sixteenth award: to Daniel Rothman for his his paper "Earth's Carbon Cycle: A Mathematical Perspective", Bulletin of the AMS (2015). He gives the reader an understanding of the Earth's carbon cycle by applying classical ideas from applied mathematics to the data at hand.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2016 Karl Kattchee; George Hart
Eighth award: Best photograph, painting, or print was awarded to Karl Kattchee for for "45 Poppies," a 18 x 31 cm digital print. Best textile, sculpture, or other medium was awarded to George Hart for Sword Dancing". The work is made of wood (dyed) and cable ties and measures 32 x 45 x 45 cm. Honorable Mention was awarded to Robert Orndorff for "OSU Triptych No. 2". The paper and acrylic triptych is 20 x 46 cm.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2016 Morehouse College
Eleventh award: The Mathematics Department at Morehouse College has been chosen to receive the 2016 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award for its significant efforts to encourage students from underrepresented groups to continue in the study of mathematics and statistics.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2016 Fernando Codá Marques; André Neves
Nineteenth award: The 2016 Veblen Prize was awarded to Fernando Codá Marques and André Neves, for "their remarkable work on variational problems in differential geometry [including] the proof of the Willmore conjecture". This work resolved a longstanding question about the nature of surfaces.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2016 Charles Epstein; François Trèves
To Charles L. Epstein, University of Pennsylvania, and François Trèves, Rutgers University. Epstein is honored for his fundamental contributions to the theory of embeddability and stability of 3-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann (CR) structures. Trèves is honored for his many fundamental contributions to several complex variables and partial differential equations.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2016 Terrence Coelho; Renee Adonteng; Breana Kechelle Leach; Seth Erik Emblem; Madison C. DuPont; Andrew D. Coleman; Edwin Garcia
Twenty-sixth award: Terence Coelho - Rutgers University, New Brunswick; Renee Adonteng - Virginia Commonwealth University; Breana Kechelle Leach - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Seth Erik Emblem - Texas Christian University; Madison C. DuPont - University of North Texas; Andrew D. Coleman - Colorado State University at Pueblo; Edwin Garcia - San Francisco State University
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2015 Umberto Bottazzini
Fifth award: to Umberto Bottazzini was awarded the 2015 Whiteman Prize for his many works in the history of mathematics, notably on the rise of modern mathematics in Italy and on analysis in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2015 AJ Vogt; William O'Brochta; Megan Rodriguez; Anna Snyder; Sarah Hilsman; Cole Watson; Elliot Golia; Jack Ryan; Daniel Giles; David Stoner; Samantha Parsons; Douglas Knowles; Jack Jenkins; Madeline Hansalik; Sharat Chandra; John Vastola; Monica Busser; Zack While; Eric Shehadi; Gabrielle K. Van Scoy; Megan J. Chambers
AMS Young Scholars Program 2015 Camp Euclid; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Governor's Institutes of Vermont: Mathematical Sciences; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program; KSU Mathcircle Summer Enrichment Program; MathILy; MathPath; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; Michigan Math and Science Scholars Summer Program; New York Math Cirlce High School Summer Program; PROMYS; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Ross Mathematics Program; Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC; STEM for Scholars; Summer Institute for Mathematics at UW; Summer Mathematics Program for High School Students; Summer Program in Mathematical Problem Solving; TexPREP; Williams College Math Camp (WCMC); Young Scholars Program
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2015 Emmanuel Candès
Fifteenth award: to Emmanuel Candès for his work on compressed sensing that has revolutionized signal processing and medical imaging and his related work on computational harmonic analysis, statistics and scientific computing.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2015 Iowa State University
Tenth award: to Iowa State University
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2015 W. James Lewis Jr.
Second award: to Jim Lewis because he created an atmosphere of commitment to teaching that established the department as a national model among mathematics departments in research universities where both teaching and research are highly valued, integrated, and rewarded.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2015 Christian Schnell; Kyungyong Lee
Forty-first award: to Kyungyong Lee and Christian Schnell
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2015 Francisco Santos
Thirteenth award: to Francisco Santos for "A Counterexample to the Hirsch Conjecture", Annals of Mathematics, 2012.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2015 Levent Alpoge
Twentieth award: to Levent Alpoge received for several contributions in the fields of number theory, probability, and combinatorics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2015 Peter Scholze
Nineteenth award: The 2015 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Peter Scholze for his work on perfectoid spaces which has led to a solution of an important special case of the weight-monodromy conjecture of Deligne.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2015 Nitya Mani; Stefan Luka Colton; Petar Milkov Gaydarov; Vishal Rajesh; Nisha Rajesh; Chia Hua Chang; Eric Michael Neyman; Shashwat Kishore
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2015 Victor Kac
Awarded to Victor Kac for his groundbreaking contributions to Lie Theory and its applications to Mathematics and Mathematical Physics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2015 Robert Lazarsfeld
Awarded to Robert Lazarsfeld for his books "Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I and II", published in 2004. These books were instant classics that have profoundly influenced and shaped research in algebraic geometry over the past decade.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2015 Rostislav Grigorchuk
Awarded to Rostislav Grigorchuk for his influential paper "Degrees of growth of finitely generated groups and the theory of invariant means," which appeared in Russian in 1984 in Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya and in English translation a year later. The paper stands as a landmark in the development of the now-burgeoning area of geometric group theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2015 Jeffrey Lagarias; Chuanming Zong
Fifteenth award: to Jeffrey Lagarias and Chuanming Zong for their article, "Mysteries in Packing Regular Tetrahedra," which appeared in Notices of the AMS, Volume 59, No. 11, (2012), 1540-1549. The article leads the broad range of Notices readers through the 2000-year history of the subject, including its appearance in 1900 in Hilbert's 18-th problem, into its mathematical heart.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2015 Kerry Mitchell; Susan Goldstine; Aaron Pfitzenmaier
Seventh award: Best photograph, painting, or print was awarded to Kerry Mitchell for "Penrose Pursuit 2," a 16" high x 20" wide digital print onto an aluminum panel. Best textile, sculpture, or other medium was awarded to Susan Goldstine for "Map Coloring Jewelry Set". The set includes glass beads, gold-filled beads, thread, and ear wires. Honorable Mention was awarded to Aaron Pfitzenmaier for "15 Irregular Hexahedra," made of paper, 10.5" x 10.5" x 10.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2015 Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at Brigham Young University; Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PCUMC)
Tenth award: The Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at Brigham Young University and the Pacific Coast Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PCUMC) have been chosen to receive the 2015 AMS Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award for their "significant efforts to encourage students from underrepresented groups to continue in the study of mathematics."
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2015 Hee Oh
Thirteenth award: to Hee Oh for her fundamental contributions to the fields of dynamics on homogeneous spaces, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, and applications to number theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2015 Eric Bedford; Jean-Pierre Demailly
To Eric Bedford of Stony Brook University and Jean-Pierre Demailly of University of Grenoble-Alpes. Bedford is honored his many fundamental contributions to Several Complex Variables, Pluripotential Theory and Complex Dynamics. Demailly has long been recognized as a dominant figure in several complex variables and complex geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2015 Kiyon Hahm; Stephen Wayne Brazil; Josephine Atsuko Sechrist; Alexandra Platt; Kristen Marie Amman; Emily Wardenburg; Sara Catherine Fee
Twenty-fifth award: Kiyon Hahm - Johns Hopkins University, Stephen Wayne Brazil - New Mexico University,Josephine Atsuko Sechrist - Oregon State University, Alexandra Platt - University of Delaware,Kristen Marie Amman - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Emily Wardenburg - University of Northern Iowa, Sara Catherine Fee - University of Tulsa.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2014 Marcus Elia; Marissa Hartzheim; Taylor Miller; Crystal Mackey; Jonathan Marino; Robert Lehr; Samantha Parsons; Matthew Buhr; Max Goering; Daniel Miller; Heather Gronewald; Eric Shehadi; Eric Lai; Elizabeth Greco; Dayna Mann; Andre Bunton
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2014 All Girls/All Math; Governor's Institutes of Vermont: Mathematical Sciences; MathILy; Camp Euclid; KSU Mathcircle Summer Enrichment Program; MathPath; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; Michigan Math and Science Scholars Summer Program; New York Math Cirlce High School Summer Program; PROMYS; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Ross Mathematics Program; SMaRT (Summer Mathematics Research Training Camp); Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC); Summer Program for Applied Rationality and Cognition; Summer Program in Mathematical Problem Solving; UMTYMP Summer Program; We Do Math; Williams College Math Camp (WCMC); Young Scholars Program
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2014 Williams College
Ninth award: to Williams College
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2014 Philip Kutzko
Fourteenth award: to Philip Kutzko for his leadership of a national effort to increase the number of doctoral degrees in the mathematical sciences earned by students from underrepresented groups.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2014 Paul J. Sally Jr.
First award: to Paul Sally, Jr. for his work with teachers and students at the precollege level, which began in the 1960s and continued unabated until the day of his death.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2014 Simon Brendle
Twenty-third award: to Simon Brendle for his outstanding solutions of long standing problems in geometric analysis including the solution with R. Schoen of the differentiable sphere theorem (JAMS 22 2009) and the solution of the Lawson conjecture (to appear Acta Mathematica 2013). Brendle is also recognized for his deep contributions to the study of the Yamabe equation.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2014 Eric Larson
Nineteenth award: to Eric Larson for his truly exceptional record of research. He has so far authored or co-authored eight papers which have appeared in a wide spectrum of research journals.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2014 Yitang Zhang; Cem Yildirim; János Pintz; Daniel Goldston
Eighteenth award: The 2014 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory was awarded to Yitang Zhang for his work on bounded gaps between primes and to Cem Y. Yildirim, János Pintz and Daniel Goldston were jointly awarded the 2014 Cole Prize in Number Theory for their work on small gaps between primes.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Joseph L. Doob Prize 2014 Cédric Villani
Fourth award: to Cédric Villani for his book, Optimal Transport: Old and New. (Springer-Verlag, 2009).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2014 Danica McKellar
Twenty-third award: to Danica McKellar because her books, blog, and public appearances have encouraged countless middle and high school students, especially girls, to be more interested in mathematics.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2014 Nitya Mani; Kevin K. Lee; Sarah Lee Shader; Shahar Silberstein; Ritesh N. Ragavender; Rayna D. Gadzheva; Paul Clarke
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics 2014 Gregory W. Moore
Third award: to Gregory W. Moore for his group of works on the structure of four-dimensional supersymmetric theories with extended supersymmetry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2014 Phillip A. Griffiths
Awarded to Philip A. Griffiths for his contributions to our fundamental knowledge in mathematics, particularly algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and differential equations.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2014 Yuri Burago; Dmitri Burago; Sergei Ivanov
Awarded to Yuri Burago, Dmitri Burago, and Sergei Ivanov for their book A Course in Metric Geometry, in recognition of excellence in exposition and promotion of fruitful ideas in geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2014 Robert Kohn; Luis A. Caffarelli; Louis Nirenberg
Awarded to Luis Caffarelli, Robert Kohn, and Louis Nirenberg for their paper, "Partial regularity of suitable weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations." Communications Pure and Applied Math, vol 35 no 6, 771-831 (1982).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2014 Alex Kontorovich
Fourteenth award: to Alex Kontorovich for his article, "From Apollonius to Zaremba: Local-global phenomena in thin orbits", which appeared in Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 50. This article introduces a new field of number theory that has proven to be extremely fruitful, even in shedding light on some ancient problems.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2014 Conan Chadbourne; Robert Fathauer; Faye E. Goldman
Sixth award: "Enigmatic Plan of Inclusion I and II," by Conan Chadbourne was awarded Best photograph, painting, or print. "Three-Fold Development," by Robert Fathauer was awarded Best textile, sculpture, or other medium. "Blue Torus," by Faye E. Goldman received Honorable Mention.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2014 Carleton College Summer Math Program; Rice University Summer Institute of Statistics
Ninth award: The AMS recognizes the Carleton College Summer Mathematics Program for Women and the Rice University Summer Institute of Statistics. Both programs have made significant, successful efforts to encourage either underrepresented minorities and/or women to continue in the study of mathematics.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2014 Takeo Ohsawa; Slawomir Kolodziej
To Takeo Ohsawa of Nagoya University and Sławomir Kołodziej of Jagiellonian University. Ohsawa's work has led to important advances in a wide variety of areas, including local structure of plurisubharmonic functions, invariance of plurigenera, multiplier ideal sheaves, and estimates for the Bergman kernel. Kołodziej is recognized for his seminal contributions to the complex Monge-Ampère equation and pluripotential theory, including necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of bounded solutions, stability, and other sharp estimates.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2014 Kathleen Marie Chamberlain; Daniel Bickley; Sariah Dawn Reese; Horacio Alexandre Sanchez Cardenas; Matthew Stuart Farrell; Prabhat Kumar; Taylor Huettenmueller
Twenty-fourth award: Kathleen Marie Chamberlain - Old Dominion University; Daniel Bickley - Miami University, Oxford; Sariah Dawn Reese - Oral Roberts University; Horacio Alexandre Sanchez Cardenas - California State University Fullerton; Matthew Stuart Farrell - Cornell University; Prabhat Kumar - West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Taylor Huettenmueller - Emporia State University.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2013 Daniel Persia; Karenna Genzlinger; Calvin Cochran; Joshua Brakensiek; Lisa Borum; Laura Staver; Alex Leitheiser; Matthew Barry; Eric Shehadi; Camron Bagheri; Ashley Orr; Kim Do; Michael Baker
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2013 Girls/All Math; Camp Euclid; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM); LSU Mathcircle Summer Enrichment Progam; MathPath; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program; New York Math Circle High School Summer Program; PROMYS; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Ross Mathematics Program; Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC); Summer Program in Mathematical Problem Solving; Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2013 Andrew Majda
Twelfth award: to Andrew Majda "his groundbreaking work in theoretical fluid mechanics and its application to problems in atmospheric science and oceanography."
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2013 University of Texas at Arlington
Eighth award: to University of Texas at Arlington.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2013 Xinwen Zhu
Fortieth award to Xinwen Zhu
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
David P. Robbins Prize 2013 Alexander Razborov
Third award: to Alexander Razborov "for his paper, "On the minimal density of triangles in graphs" (Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 17 (2008), no. 4, 603-618), and for introducing a new powerful method, flag algebras, to solve problems in extremal combinatorics."
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize 2013 Michael Larsen; Richard Pink
Fourth award: To Michael Larsen and Richard Pink for their article "Finite subgroups of algebraic groups" (J. Amer. Math. Soc. 24 (2011), no. 4, 1105-1158).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2013 Fan Wei
Eighteenth award: to Fan Wei "for her wide range of scholarly contributions".
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2013 John Allen Paulos
Twenty-second award: to John Allen Paulos "because his books, columns, reviews, speeches, and editorials have for more than twenty-five years brought mathematically informed ideas, information, opinion, and humor to a broad nonspecialist audience."
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2013 Colin Aitken; Stanislav I. Atanasov; Hannah Larson; Asbjorn C. Nordentoft; Simanta Guatam; Ilya Kirillov; Maksim L. Bezrukov; Aliasksandr O. Stadolnik
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2013 Yakov Sinai
"for his pivotal role in shaping the theory of dynamical systems and for his groundbreaking contributions to ergodic theory, probability theory, statistical mechanics, and mathematical physics"
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2013 John Guckenheimer; Philip Holmes
In recognition of their book, Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields (Applied Mathematical Sciences, 42, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983; reprinted with revisions and corrections, 1990).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2013 Saharon Shelah
For his book, Classification Theory and the Number of Nonisomorphic Models (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, 92, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam-New York, 1978; 2nd edition, 1990).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2013 John Baez; John Huerta
Thirteenth award: to John Baez and John Huerta for their article, "The algebra of grand unified theories" (Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc., 47 (2010), no. 3, 483-552).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2013 Vladimir Bulatov; Kevin Lee; Susan Goldstine
Fifth award: Vladimir Bulatov was awarded best photograph, painting, or print for his work "Bended Circle Limit III," a 24 x 24 inch digital print. Kevin Lee for was awarded best textile, sculpture, or other medium for his inlaid wooden box, "Inlaid Wooden Boxes of Makoto Nakamura's Tessellations," 4 x 4 x 4 inches, made of cherry, maple, walnut, oak, butternut, and mahogany. Susan Goldstine received honorable mention for "Tessellation Evolution," her beaded necklace, 18 inches x 15 inches, made of glass beads, gold-plated glass beads, onyx beads, gold-plated clasp, and thread.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2013 Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
Eighth award: The AMS recognizes the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) is honored for its remarkable contribution to the national effort to produce more women PhDs in the mathematical sciences.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2013 Ian Agol; Daniel Wise
Eighteenth award: The 2013 Veblen Prize was awarded to Ian Agol, for his many fundamental contributions to hyperbolic geometry, 3-manifold topology, and geometric group theory and to Daniel Wise, for his deep work establishing subgroup separability (LERF) for a wide class of groups and for introducing and developing with Frédéric Haglund the theory of special cube complexes which are of fundamental importance for the topology of three-dimensional manifolds.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2013 Maryam Mirzakhani
Twelfth award: to Maryam Mirzakhani for her deep contributions to the theory of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2013 Xiaojun Huang; Steven Zelditch
To Xiaojun Huang and Steve Zelditch because they are leaders in geometric analysis, a focus of contemporary mathematical research. Their penetrating insights have solved long-standing problems and transformed subsequent work in the field.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2013 John Douglas Helbig Jr.; Chaoren Lin; Paul George Ponmattam; Ruth Mariko Fujino; Paige Ferguson; Michael W. Brown; Shalaine L. Buck; Michael VanDyke
Twenty-third award: to John Douglas Helbig Jr. - Kean University; Chaoren Lin - SUNY at Binghamton; Paul George Ponmattam - Vanderbilt University; Ruth Mariko Fujino - Winthrop University; Paige Ferguson - University of North Dakota; Michael W. Brown - University of New Mexico; Shalaine L. Buck - University of New Mexico; Michael VanDyke - Idaho State University.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2012 Joseph Warren Dauben
Fourth award: to Joseph Warren Dauben for his contributions to the history of Western and Chinese mathematics, and for deepening and broadening the international mathematical community's awareness and understanding of its history and culture.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2012 Beth Bjorkman; Ashley Broadwell; Nathanial Card; Wilson Cheung; Marissa Clougher; Sarah Heilig; Erik Miller; Candice Nielsen; Mario Sracic; Sarah Wesley
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2012 Canada/USA Mathcamp; Governor's Institutes of Vermont: Mathematical Sciences; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM); Lamar Achievement in Mathematics Program (LAMP); MathPath; Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp; PROMYS; PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Ross Mathematics Program; Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC); Summer Program in Mathematical Problem Solving; Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2012 Bjorn Engquist
Fourteenth award: to Bjorn Engquist for his contributions to a wide range of powerful computational methods over more than three decades.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2012 Bryn Mawr College
Seventh award: to Bryn Mawr College
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2012 William McCallum
Thirteenth award: to William McCallum for his energetic and effective efforts in promoting improvements to mathematics education.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2012 Karin Melnick
Thirty-ninth award: to Karin Melnick
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2012 Sanjeev Arora; Satish Rao; Umesh Vazirani; Anders Johansson; Jeffry Kahn; Van H. Vu; László Lovász; Balázs Szegedy
Twelth award: to Sanjeev Arora, Satish Rao, and Umesh Vazirani for improving the approximation ratio for graph separators and related problems. ToAnders Johansson, Jeff Kahn, and Van H. Vu for determining the threshold of edge density above which a random graph can be covered by disjoint copies of a given smaller graph. To László Lovász and Balázs Szegedy for characterizing subgraph multiplicity in sequences of dense graphs.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2012 John Pardon
Seventeenth award: to John Pardon for solving a problem on distortion of knots posed in 1983 by Mikhail Gromov.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2012 Alexander S. Merkurjev
Eighteenth award: The 2012 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Alexander S. Merkurjev for his work on the essential dimension of groups.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2012 Dana Mackenzie
Twenty-first award: to Dana Mackenzie for a remarkably broad and deep body of writing for experts and nonexperts alike.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2012 Fabian Henneke; Xianghui Zhong; Danial Sanusi; Raman A. Birulia; Katherine Leigh Cordwell; Viachaslau I. Murashka; Danila Alexandrovich Baygushev; Sidharth Dhawan; Anirudh Prabhu
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2012 Ivo M Babuska
To Ivo M. Babuška for his many pioneering advances in the numerical solution of partial differential equations over the last half century.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2012 Michael Aschbacher; Richard Lyons; Steve Smith; Ronald Solomon
To Michael Aschbacher, Richard Lyons, Steve Smith, and Ronald Solomon for their work, The classification of finite simple groups: groups of characteristic 2 type, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 172, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2011.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2012 William P. Thurston
To William Thurston for his contributions to low dimensional topology, and in particular for a series of highly original papers, starting with "Hyperbolic structures on 3-manifolds. I. Deformation of acylindrical manifolds" (Ann. of Math. (2) 124 (1986), no. 2, 203-246), that revolutionized 3-manifold theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2012 Persi Diaconis
Twelfth award: to Persi Diaconis for his article, "The Markov chain Monte Carlo revolution" (Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 46 (2009), no. 2, 179-205).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 2012 Michael J. Hopkins
The 2012 recipient of the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics was Michael J. Hopkins.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2012 Sylvie Donmoyer; Thomas Hull; Robert Lang; Ray Schamp; Carlo H. Séquin
Fourth award: First place to Sylvie Donmoyer for "Still Life with Magic Square" ; second place award to Thomas Hull, Robert Lang, and Ray Schamp for "Pleated Multi-sliced Cone,"; and third place award to Carlo H. Séquin for "Lawson's Minimum-Energy Klein Bottle."
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2012 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Seventh award: The AMS recognizes the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) for its efforts to encourage students from underreppresented groups to continue in the study of mathematics.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2012 David S. Jerison; John M. Lee
To David S. Jerison (MIT) and John M. Lee (University of Washington) for their pioneering works on the CR Yamabe problem, which lead to finding canonical metrics in a given conformal class, for strictly pseudo-convex manifolds.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2012 Tyler Billingsley; Benjamin Levi Heebner; Matthew Phillip Larson; Emily Mavaddat; Anakaren Santana; Abigail Margaret Skelton; Ryan T. Uding
Twenty-second award: to Tyler Raven Billingsley - Purdue University Calumet; Benjamin Levi Heebner - Pennsylvania State University; Matthew Phillip Larson - Hendrix College; Emily Mavaddat - University of Denver; Anakaren Santana - University of California, Berkeley; Abigail Margaret Skelton - Lebanon Valley College; and Ryan T. Uding - University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2011 Joseph Ferrara; Katie Heaps; Kady Hossner; Rachel Levanger; Katherine Moore; Brian Pietsch; Christopher Schafhauser; Mario Sracic; Hongying Zhao
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2011 All Girls/All Math; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Lamar Achievement in Mathematics Program (LAMP); MathPath; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Ross Mathematics Program; Texas State Honors Summer Math Camp; Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2011 University of Arizona
Sixth award: to University of Arizona
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2011 Gunther Uhlmann; Assaf Naor
Twenty-second award: to Gunther Uhlmann for his fundamental work on inverse problems; and to Assaf Naor for introducing new invariants of metric spaces and for applying his new understanding of the distortion between various metric structures to theoretical computer science.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2011 Andrew Toms
Thirty-eighth award: to Andrew S. Toms
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2011 Maria Monks
Sixteenth award: to Maria Monks for her impressive work in combinatorics and number theory, which has appeared in Advances in Applied Mathematics, Proceedings of the AMS, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics, and Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2011 Chandrashekhar Khare; Jean-Pierre Wintenberger
Seventeenth award: The 2011 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory was awarded to Chandrashekhar Khare and Jean-Pierre Wintenberger for their remarkable proof of Serre's modularity conjecture.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Joseph L. Doob Prize 2011 Peter Kronheimer; Tomasz Mrowka
Third award: to Peter Kronheimer and Tomasz Mrowka for their book Monopoles and Three-Manifolds (Cambridge University Press, 2007).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2011 Nicolas Falacci; Cheryl Heuton
Twentieth award: to Nicolas Falacci and Cheryl Heuton for their positive portrayal of the power and fun of mathematics through their hit TV series, Numb3rs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2011 Manosij G. Dastidar; John Tilla Parish IV; Tzu-Hsuan Su; Vasily Sergeevich Bolbachan; Benjamin Kraft; Anirudh Prabhu; Jonathan F. Li
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics 2011 Herbert Spohn
Second award: to Herbert Spohn for his group of works on stochastic growth processes.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2011 John W. Milnor
To John W. Milnor for standing out from the list of great mathematicians in terms of his overall achievements and his influence on mathematics in general, both through his work and through his excellent books.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2011 H. Iwaniec
To Henryk Iwaniec for his long record of excellent exposition, both in books and in classroom notes.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2011 Ingrid Daubechies
To Ingrid Daubechies for her paper, "Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets" (Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 41 (1988), no. 7, 909-996).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2011 David A Vogan Jr
Eleventh award: to David Vogan for his article, "The character table for E8" (Notices of the AMS 54 (2007), no. 9, 1122-1134).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2011 Margaret Kepner; Carlo H. Séquin; Anne Burns
Third award: First place award to to Margaret Kepner for "Magic Square 25 Study" ; second place award to Carlo H. Séquin for "Torus Knot"(5,3); and third place award to Anne Burns for "Circles on Orthogonal Circles."
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2011 Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University; Center for Women in Mathematics and the Center's Post-baccalaureate Program at Smith College
Sixth award: to Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University and the Center for Women in Mathematics and the Center's Post-baccalaureate Program at Smith College. See citations and descriptions of programs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2011 Amie Wilkinson
Eleventh award: to Amie Wilkinson for her remarkable contributions to the field of ergodic theory of partially hyperbolic dynamical systems.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2011 Gennadi Henkin
To Gennadi Henkin
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2011 David Samuel Allen; Xavier Eduardo Garcia; Jeffrey Hart; Amina S. Mendez; Amanda Nicole Rodriguez; Tyler Wippel
Twenty-first award: to David Samuel Allen - Colorado State University; Xavier Eduardo Garcia - University of Minnesota Twin Cities; Jeffrey Hart - California State University San Marcos; Amina S. Mendez - Ohio Wesleyan University; Amanda Nicole Rodriguez - Texas A&M University Corpus Christi; Tyler Wippel - Central Michigan University; Maocai Wu - Brooklyn College-CUNY.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2010 Matt Alexander; Erica Evans; Richard Freedman; Jennifer Garbett; Michael Joseph; Sepideh Khavara; Kelley Moran; Scott Powers; Lindsay Van Leir; Joseph Patt
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2010 All Girls/All Math; Lamar Achievement in Mathematics Program (LAMP); MathPath; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC); Stony Brook Mathematics Camp; Texas State Honors Summer Math Camp; Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2010 David L. Donoho
Eleventh award: to David L. Donoho for introducing novel fundamental and powerful mathematical tools in signal processing and image analysis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2010 North Carolina State University
Fifth award: to North Carolina State University
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2010 Carlos Castillo-Chavez
Twelfth award: to Carlos Castillo-Chavez for having a major impact with his efforts and activities in improving the representation in the broad mathematical sciences of the nation's traditionally underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2010 Joel Bellaiche
Thirty-seventh award: to Joel Bellaiche
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
David P. Robbins Prize 2010 Ileana Streinu
Second award: to Ileana Streinu of Smith College for her paper "Pseudo-triangulations, rigidity and motion planning", Discrete Comput. Geom. 34 (2005), no. 4, 587-635.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize 2010 Sorin Popa
Third award: to Sorin Popa for his article, On the superrigidity of malleable actions with spectral gap J. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (2008), no. 4, 981-1000.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2010 Scott Duke Kominers
Fifteenth award: to Scott Duke Kominers for his outstanding and prolific record of undergraduate research spanning a broad range of topics, including number theory, computational geometry, and mathematical economics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2010 Marcus du Sautoy
Nineteenth award: to Marcus du Sautoy for complementing his love of mathematical discovery with a passion for communicating mathematics to a broad public.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2010 Yale Wang Fan; Joshua W. Pfeffer; Anirudha Balasubramanian; Kate A. Geschwind; Almas Abdulla; Jacob B. Hurwitz; Evgenia I. Alekseeva
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2010 William Fulton
To William Fulton for playing a pivotal role in shaping the direction of algebraic geometry, forging and strengthening ties between algebraic geometry and adjacent fields, and teaching and mentoring several generations of younger mathematicians.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2010 David Eisenbud
To David Eisenbud for his book, Commutative Algebra: With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 150, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995. xvi+785 pp.)
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2010 Robert L. Griess Jr.
To Robert L. Griess Jr. for his construction of the "Monster" sporadic finite simple group, which he first announced in "A construction of F1 as automorphisms of a 196,883-dimensional algebra" (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78 (1981), no. 2, part 1, 686-691) with details published in "The friendly giant" (Invent. Math. 69 (1982), no. 1, 1-102).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2010 Bryna Kra
Tenth award: to Bryna Kra for her article, "The Green-Tao Theorem on arithmetic progressions in the primes: An ergodic point of view" (Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 43 (2006), no. 1, 3-23).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2010 Robert Bosch; Harry Benke; Richard Werner
Second award: First place award to Robert Bosch for "Embrace"; second place award to Harry Benke for "The Vase"; and third place award to Richard Werner for "Meditations on f(x,y) = x2/2 + xy/2 - y4/8."
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2010 Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM) at Rice University; Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences
Fifth award: to Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM) at Rice University and the Summer Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard School of Public Health. See citations and descriptions of programs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2010 Tobias H. Colding; William P. Minicozzi II; Paul Seidel
Seventeenth award: to Tobias H. Colding and William P. Minicozzi II for their profound work on minimal surfaces; and to Paul Seidel for his fundamental contributions to symplectic geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2010 Vianey Carolina Leos Barajas; Langston W. Joiner; Michelle Chu; Perla Salazar; Dana C. Haymon; James S. Wratten Jr.; Bebi Z. G. Rajendra
Twentieth award: to Vianey Carolina Leos Barajas - California State University, Bakersfield; Langston W. Joiner - University of Cincinnati; Michelle Chu - Emory University; Perla Salazar - Kansas State University; Dana C. Haymon - University of Oklahoma; James S. Wratten Jr. - Rochester Institute of Technology; Bebi Z. G. Rajendra - York College.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2009 Jeremy John Gray
Third award: to Jeremy John Gray for his many historical works, which have not only shed great light on the history of modern mathematics but also have given an example of the ways in which historical scholarship can contribute to the understanding of mathematics and its philosophy.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2009 Matt Alexander; Neil Biegalle; Adam Boseman; Lisa Curll; Thomas Eliot; Harold L. Gomes; Masaki Ikeda; Jennifer Jordan; Jason Lutz; Sean Watson; Moriah Wright
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2009 Achievement in Mathematics Program (AMP); All Girls/All Math; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM); Michigan Math and Science Scholars Summer Program; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Research Science Institute; Ross Mathematics Program; Texas State Honors Summer Math Camp
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2009 Joel Smoller
Thirteenth award: to Joel Smoller for his leadership, originality, depth, and breadth of work in dynamical systems, differential equations, mathematical biology, shock wave theory, and general relativity.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2009 University of Nebraska Lincoln
Fourth award: to University of Nebraska Lincoln
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2009 Antonio Montalban
Thirty-sixth award: to Antonio Montalban
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2009 Maria Chudnovsky; Neil Robertson; Paul Seymour; Robin Thomas; Daniel A. Spielman; Shang-Hua Teng; Thomas C. Hales; Samuel P. Ferguson
Eleventh award: to M. Chudnovsky, N. Robertson, P. Seymour, and R. Thomas, "The strong perfect graph theorem," Annals of Mathematics, 164 (2006) 51-229; and to D. A. Spielman and S.-H. Teng, "Smoothed analysis of algorithms: Why the simplex algorithm usually takes polynomial time", Journal of ACM 51 (2004) 385-463; and to Thomas C. Hales, "A proof of the Kepler conjecture", Annals of Mathematics 162 (2005) 1063-1183; and to Samuel P. Ferguson, "Sphere Packings, V. Pentahedral Prisms", Discrete and Computational Geometry 33 (2006) 167-204.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2009 Aaron Pixton
Fourteenth award: to Aaron Pixton for five impressive papers he has written, in addition to his Princeton senior thesis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2009 Christopher Hacon; James McKernan
Seventeenth award: The 2009 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Christopher Hacon and James McKernan for their groundbreaking joint work on higher dimensional birational algebraic geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2009 George Csicsery
Eighteenth award: to George Csicsery for communicating the beauty and fascination of mathematics and the passion of those who pursue it.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2009 Joshua Vekhter; Andrei Triffo; Yale Wang Fan; Almas Abdulla; Sarah Lee Sellers; Sohini Sengupta; Sameer Kirtikumar Deshpande; Jeffrey Chan; Alicia Zhang
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leonard M. and Eleanor B. Blumenthal Award for the Advancement of Research in Pure Mathematics 2009 Maryam Mirzakhani
Fifth Prize
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2009 Luis Caffarelli
To Luis Caffarelli, one of the world's greatest mathematicians studying nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2009 I.G. MacDonald
To I.G. MacDonald for his book Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials (second edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1995).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2009 Richard Hamilton
To Richard Hamilton for his paper "Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature," J. Differential Geom. 17 (1982), 255-306.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2009 John Morgan
Ninth award: John Morgan for his article, "Recent Progress on the Poincaré Conjecture and the Classification of 3-Manifolds," Bulletin of the AMS 42 (2005), 57-78.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award 2009 Goran Konjevod; Carlo Séquin; Robert Fathauer
First award: First place award to Goran Konjevod, for his origami work, "Wave (32), 2006"; second place award to Carlo Séquin, for his sculpture, "Figure-8 Knot, 2007"; and third place award to Robert Fathauer, for "Twice Iterated Knot No. 1, 2008.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2009 Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi; Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University
Fourth award: to Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi and the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University. See citations and descriptions of programs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2009 Laure Saint-Raymond
Tenth award: to Laure Saint-Raymond for for her fundamental work on the hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation in the kinetic theory of gases.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2009 Ngaiming Mok; Duong H. Phong
To Ngaiming Mok and Duong H. Phong
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2009 Alison Lynette Ashe; Kendall Olivia Brown; Zehui Chen; Jonathan Jordan Edwards; David Hassan; Ana-Cristina Cerda Jimenez; Mantatisi S. Walker
Ninteenth award: to Alison Lynette Ashe - University of Vermont; Kendall Olivia Brown - Truman State University; Zehui Chen - Smith College; Jonathan Jordan Edwards - Kenyon College; David Hassan - University of California, Santa Barbara; Ana-Cristina Cerda Jimenez - California State University, Fresno; Mantatisi S. Walker - Jackson State University.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2008 Matthew Alexander; Neil Biegalle; Adam Boseman; Lisa Curll; Thomas Eliot; Harold L. Gomes; Masaki Ikeda; Jennifer Jordan; Jason Lutz; Sean Watson; Moriah Wright
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2008 All Girls/All Math; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; MathPath; Michigan Math and Science Scholars Summer Program; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Ross Mathematics Program; Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC); Stony Brook Mathematics Camp; Texas State Honors Summer Math Camp
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2008 University of Iowa
Third award: to University of Iowa
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2008 Herbert Clemens
Eleventh award: to Herbert Clemens for his superb research in complex algebraic geometry, his continuing efforts in education, and his seminal role in the founding and continuation of the Park City/IAS Mathematics Institute.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2008 Alberto Bressan; Charles Fefferman; Carlos Kenig
Twenty-first award: to Alberto Bressan for his fundamental works on hyperbolic conservation laws; and to Charles Fefferman for his many fundamental contributions to different areas of analysis; and to Carlos Kenig for his important contributions to harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and nonlinear dispersive PDE.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2008 Christopher Hoffman
Thirty-fifth award: to Christopher Hoffman
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2008 Nathan Kaplan
Thirteenth award: to Nathan Kaplan for four impressive papers in algebraic number theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2008 Manjul Bhargava
Sixteenth award: The 2008 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Manjul Bhargava for his revolutionary work on higher composition laws.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Joseph L. Doob Prize 2008 Enrico Bombieri; Walter Gubler
Second award: to Enrico Bombieri and Walter Gubler for their book Heights in Diophantine Geometry (Cambridge University Press, 2006).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2008 Carl Bialik
Seventeenth award: to Carl Bialik for increasing the public's understanding of mathematical concepts.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2008 Alexander Lee Churchill; Shravani Mikkilineni; David Alexn Rosengarten; Eric Kerner Larson; Alex Hao Chen; Paul Myer Kominers; Matthew Wage
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics 2008 Hirosi Ooguri; Andrew Strominger; Cumrun Vafa
First award: to Hirosi Ooguri, Andrew Strominger, and Cumrun Vafa for their paper "Black hole attractors and the topological string", Physical Review D (3) 70 (2004), 106007.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2008 George Lusztig
To George Lusztig for entirely reshaping representation theory, and, in the process, changing much of mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2008 Neil Trudinger
To Neil Trudinger for his book Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order, written with the late David Gilbarg.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2008 Endre Szemerédi
To Endre Szemerédi for his paper "On sets of integers containing no k elements in arithmetic progression", Acta Arithmetica XXVII (1975), 199-245.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2008 J. Brian Conrey
Eighth award: J. Brian Conrey for his article "The Riemann Hypothesis," Notices of the AMS 50 (2003) no. 3, 341-353; and to Shlomo Hoory, Nathan Linial, and Avi Wigderson for their article "Expander graphs and their applications", Bulletin of the AMS 43 (2006), no. 4, 439-561.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 2008 Clifford H. Taubes
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2008 Miami University (Ohio) Summer Undergraduate Mathematical Science Research Institute (SUMSRI); University of Maryland Mathematics Summer Program in Research and Learning (Math SPIRAL)
Third award: to Summer Undergraduate Mathematical Science Research Institute (SUMSRI), Miami University (Ohio) and Mathematics Summer Program in Research and Learning (Math SPIRAL), University of Maryland, College Park. See citations and descriptions of programs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2008 Aaron Peterson; Faith L. Buell; Phillip David Lorren; Daksha Shakya; Joseph Zancocchio; Amanda J. Mueller; Hans Parshall
Eighteenth award: to Aaron Peterson - Luther College, Faith L. Buell - Wright State University, Phillip David Lorren - Georgia Southern University, Daksha Shakya - Ithaca College, Joseph Zancocchio - College of Staten Island (CUNY), Amanda J. Mueller - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Hans Parshall - Humboldt State University.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2007 Jeff Cornfield; Tyler Drombosky; Rachel Grotheer; David Horn; Sara Jensen; William Ryan Livingston; Matt Ward
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2007 Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; Michigan Math and Science Scholars Summer Program; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); Ross Mathematics Program; Summer Explorations and Research Collaborations for High School Girls (SEARCH); Texas State University Honors Summer Math Camp
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2007 Craig Tracy; Harold Widom
Tenth award: to Craig Tracy and Harold Widom for their deep and original work on Random Matrix Theory, a subject which has remarkable applications across the scientific spectrum, from the scattering of neutrons off large nuclei to the behavior of the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2007 Los Angeles University of California
Second award: to University of California, Los Angeles
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2007 Martin Kassabov
Thirty-fourth award: to Martin Kassabov
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
David P. Robbins Prize 2007 Samuel P. Ferguson; Thomas C. Hales
First award: to Samuel P. Ferguson and Thomas C. Hales, for the paper "A proof of the Kepler conjecture," by Thomas C. Hales, Annals of Mathematics, 162 (2005), 1065-1185 (Section 5 of this paper is jointly authored with Ferguson).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize 2007 Ivan Shestakov; Ualbai Umirbaev
Second award: to Ivan Shestakov and Ualbai Umirbaev for their two ground-breaking papers, both published in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society: The tame and the wild automorphisms of polynomial rings in three variables, 17 (2004), no. 1, 197--227; The tame and the wild automorphisms of polynomial rings in three variables and Poisson brackets and two-generated subalgebras of rings of polynomials, 17 (2004), no. 1, 181--196.Poisson brackets and two-generated subalgebras of rings of polynomials
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2007 Daniel Kane
Twelfth award: to Daniel Kane for establishing a research record that would be the envy of many professional mathematicians.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2007 Steven H. Strogatz
Sixteenth award: to Steven H. Strogatz for making a consistent effort to reach out to a wider audience.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2007 Dmitry Vaintrob; Alexander Lee Churchill; Cheng-Tao Chung; Christopher Lopez; Hagai Helman; Albert C. Liu; Nikita M. Savushkin; Ardit Kroni; Daniel K. Bezdek
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2007 Henry P. McKean
To Henry P. McKean for his rich and magnificent mathematical career and for his work in analysis, which has a strong orientation towards probability theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2007 David Mumford
To David Mumford for his beautiful expository accounts of a host of aspects of algebraic geometry, including The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes (Springer, 1988).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2007 Karen Uhlenbeck
To Karen Uhlenbeck for her foundational contributions in analytic aspects of mathematical gauge theory. These results appeared in the two papers: "Removable singularities in Yang-Mills fields", Communications in Mathematical Physics, 83 (1982), 11-29 and "Connections with L:P bounds on curvature", Communications in Mathematical Physics, 83 (1982), 31-42.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2007 Jeffrey Weeks
Seventh award: to Jeffrey Weeks for his article "The Poincare Dodecahedral Space and the Mystery of the Missing Fluctuations," Notices of the AMS 51 (2004) no. 6, 610-619.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2007 Bryn Mawr College and Spelman College Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE); Arizona State University Mathematical Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI)
Second award: to Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE), Bryn Mawr College and Spelman College; and Mathematical Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI), Arizona State University. See citations and descriptions of programs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2007 Peter Kronheimer; Tomasz Mrowka; Zoltán Szabó; Peter Ozsvath
Sixteenth award: to Peter Kronheimer and Tomasz Mrowka for their joint contributions to both three- and four-dimensional topology through the development of deep analytical techniques and applications; and to Peter Ozsváth and Zoltán Szabó for their contributions to 3- and 4-dimensional topology through their Heegaard Floer homology theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2007 Claire Voisin
Ninth award: to Claire Voisin for her deep contributions to algebraic geometry, and in particular for her recent solutions to two long-standing open problems: the Kodaira problem ( On the homotopy types of compact Kähler and complex projective manifolds, Inventiones Mathematicae, 157 (2004), no. 2, 329-343) and Green's Conjecture ( Green's canonical syzygy conjecture for generic curves of odd genus, Compositio Mathematica, 141 (2005), no. 5, 1163-1190; and Green's generic syzygy conjecture for curves of even genus lying on a K3 surface, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 4 (2002), no. 4, 363-404).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2007 Alexander Nagel; Stephen Wainger
To Alexander Nagel and Stephen Wainger
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2007 Susan Massey; Amy Streifel; Rosemary Holguin; Emily Jean Ognacevic; Betsy Kay Barr; Kayla Rose Boyle
Seventeenth award: to Susan Christine Massey - University of Washington, Amy Streifel - Lewis and Clark College, Rosemary Holguin - SUNY at New Paltz, Emily Jean Ognacevic - Saint Louis University, Betsy Kay Barr - University of Tennessee Knoxville, Kayla Rose Boyle - University of Northern Iowa.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2006 Tara Cruickshank; David Gohlke; Sara Jensen; Lee Kennard; David Martin; William Stanton; Jeffrey Ward
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2006 All Girls/All Math Summer Camp for High School Girls; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; MathPath; Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); PROTaSM (Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students in Mathematics); Ross Mathematics Program; Summer Explorations and Research Collaborations for High School Girls (SEARCH); Texas State Honors Summer Math Camp; Texas Tech University Summer Mathematics Academy; University of Chicago Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2006 Cathleen S Morawetz
Twelfth award: to Cathleen Synge Morawetz for her deep and influential work in partial differential equations, most notably in the study of shock waves, transonic flow, scattering theory, and conformally invariant estimates for the wave equation.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department 2006 Harvey Mudd College
First award: to Harvey Mudd College
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2006 Roger Howe
Tenth award: to Roger Howe for his multifaceted contributions to mathematics and to mathematics education.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2006 Christopher Hacon; Bryna Kra
Thirty-third award: to Christopher Hacon and to Bryna Kra
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2006 Manindra Agrawal; Neeraj Kayal; Nitin Saxena; Mark Jerrum; Alistair Sinclair; Eric Vigoda; Neil Robertson; Paul D. Seymour
Tenth award: to Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena, "PRIMES is in P," Annals of Mathematics, Volume 160, issue 2, 2004, Pages 781--793; and to Mark Jerrum, Alistair Sinclair and Eric Vigoda, "A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with nonnegative entries," J. ACM, Volume 51, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 671--697; and to Neil Robertson and Paul D. Seymour, "Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecture," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 92, Issue 2 , 2004, Pages 325--357.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2006 Jacob Fox
Eleventh award: to Jacob Fox for a most astounding collection of research papers by any undergraduate mathematician.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2006 János Kollár
Sixteenth award: The 2006 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to János Kollár for his outstanding achievements in the theory of rationally connected varieties and for his illuminating work on a conjecture of Nash.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2006 Roger Penrose
Fifteenth award: to Roger Penrose for the discovery of Penrose tilings, which have captured the public's imagination, and for an extraordinary series of books that brought the subject of consciousness to the public in mathematical terms.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2006 Michael Anthony Viscardi; Daniel Abraham Litt; Brett Alexander Harrison; Anarghya A. Vardhana; Gleb A. Pogudin; Nicholas Michael Wage; Sohan Venkat Mikkilineni
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2006 Frederick W. Gehring; Dennis P. Sullivan
To Frederick W. Gehring for being a leading figure in the theory of quasiconformal mappings for over fifty years; and to Dennis P. Sullivan for his fundamental contributions to many branches of mathematics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2006 Lars V. Hörmander
To Lars V. Hörmander for his book, The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2006 Clifford S. Gardner; John M. Greene; Martin D. Kruskal; Robert M. Miura
To Clifford S. Gardner, John M. Greene, Martin D. Kruskal, and Robert M. Miura for their paper "KortewegdeVries equation and generalizations. VI. Methods for exact solution", Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 27 (1974), 97-133.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2006 Ronald Solomon
Sixth award: to Ronald Solomon for his article "A Brief History of the Classification of the Finite Simple Groups", Bulletin of the AMS 38 (2001), no. 3, 315-352.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference 2006 Universidad de Puerto Rico, Humacao, Summer Institute in Mathematics for Undergraduates (SIMU); University of Iowa Department of Mathematics Graduate Program
First award: to Summer Institute in Mathematics for Undergraduates (SIMU), Universidad de Puerto Rico, Humacao; and Graduate Program, Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa. See citations and descriptions of programs.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2006 Kengo Hirachi
To Kengo Hirachi
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2006 Lorena Pulido; Jennifer Renee Winter; Sean Michael Eagan; Khadijah Shadeed; Elizabeth Rini; Elizabeth R. Morra; John Roosevelt Quinn; Adam Joseph Lizzi
Sixteenth award: to Lorena Pulido and Jennifer Renee Winter - California State University, San Bernardino, Sean Michael Eagan - University of Missouri, Rolla, Khadijah Shadeed - University of Central Missouri, Elizabeth Rini - Boston College, Elizabeth R. Morra - Eckerd College, John Roosevelt Quinn - University of California, San Diego, Adam Joseph Lizzi - Swarthmore College.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2005 Harold M. Edwards
Second award: to Harold M. Edwards to pay tribute to his many publications over several decades that have fostered a greater understanding and appreciation of the history of mathematics, especially the theory of algebraic numbers.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2005 Jason Brinker; Jennifer Carmichael; Stephanie Deacon; David Gohlke; Angela Hicks; David Martin; Maria Salcedo; Tina Smith
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2005 All Girls/All Math Summer Camp for High School Girls; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; MathPath; Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); Ross Mathematics Program; Texas State Honors Summer Math Camp; University of Chicago Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2005 Frank Merle
Twentieth award: to Frank Merle for his fundamental work in the analysis of nonlinear dispersive equations.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2005 Yuan-Pin Lee; Mihnea Popa
Thirty-second award: to Yuan-Pin Lee and Mihnea Popa
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2005 Reid W. Barton
Tenth award: to Reid W. Barton for his paper "Packing densities of patterns ", Electron. J. Combin. 11 (2004), no. 1, Research Paper 80, 16 pp. Honorable Mention: To Po-Shen Loh.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2005 Peter Sarnak
Fifteenth award: The 2005 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Peter Sarnak for his fundamental contributions to number theory and in particular his book Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues and Monodromy, written jointly with his Princeton colleague Nicholas Katz.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Joseph L. Doob Prize 2005 William P. Thurston
First award: to William P. Thurston for his book Three-dimensional Geometry and Topology, edited by Silvio Levy (Princeton University Press, 1997).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2005 Barry Cipra
Fourteenth award: to Barry Cipra for writing about mathematics of every kind-from the most abstract to the most applied-for nearly twenty years. His lucid explanations of complicated ideas at the frontiers of research have appeared in dozens of articles in newspapers, magazines, and books.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2005 Scott Kominers; Samuel Mohun Bhagwat; Kledin Dobi; Matthew Ryan Tierney; Elad Oster; John Michael Sillcox; Carlos Manuel Fonseca; Manuel Luis Rivera
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leonard M. and Eleanor B. Blumenthal Award for the Advancement of Research in Pure Mathematics 2005 Manjul Bhargava
Fourth Prize
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2005 Israel M. Gelfand
To Israel M. Gelfand for profoundly influencing many fields of research through his own work and through his interactions with other mathematicians and students.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2005 Branko Grünbaum
To Branko Grünbaum for his book, Convex Polytopes.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2005 Robert P. Langlands
To Robert P. Langlands for his paper "Problems in the theory of automorphic forms," (Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 170 (1970), 18-86). This is the paper that introduced what are now known as the Langlands conjectures.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2005 Allen Knutson; Terence Tao
Fifth award: to Allen Knutson and Terence Tao for their stimulating article "Honeycombs and Sums of Hermitian Matrices" Notices of the AMS 48, no. 2 (2001), 175-186.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2005 Svetlana Jitomirskaya
Eighth award: to Svetlana Jitomirskaya for her pioneering work on non-perturbative quasiperiodic localization, in particular for results in her papers (1) Metal-insulator transition for the almost Mathieu operator, Ann. of Math. (2) 150 (1999), no. 3, 1159-1175, and (2) with J. Bourgain, Absolutely continuous spectrum for 1D quasiperiodic operators, Invent. Math. 148 (2002), no. 3, 453-463.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2005 Elias M. Stein
To Elias M. Stein
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2005 Carissa Joy Strawn; Jennifer A. Roberge; Yukiko Kozakai; Melanie Marie Meyer; Christian Sykes; Christopher Piecuch; Sophia Leibman; Gabor Revesz
Fifteenth award: to Carissa Joy Strawn - Abilene Christian University, Jennifer A. Roberge - Amherst College, Yukiko Kozakai - Arizona State University, Melanie Marie Meyer - University of Missouri, Kansas City, Christian Sykes - University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Christopher Piecuch - University of Rhode Island, Sophia Leibman and Gabor Revesz - Ohio State University.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2004 Stephanie Barille; Nathan Edington; Jeremy Hamilton; Colleen Hughes; Theodore Stadnik; Ryan Sternberg; Alyssa Wood
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2004 Ross Mathematics Program; Texas State Honors Summer Math Camp; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics; All Girls/All Math Summer Camp for High School Girls; University of Chicago Young Scholars Program; MathPath
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2004 James A. Sethian
Ninth award: to James A. Sethian for his seminal work on the computer representation of the motion of curves, surfaces, interfaces, and wave fronts, and for his brilliant applications of mathematical and computational ideas to problems in science and engineering.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2004 Richard A. Tapia
Ninth award: to Richard A. Tapia for inspiring and teaching thousands of people (from elementary school students to senior citizens) to study and appreciate the mathematical sciences.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2004 Jinho Baik; Nitu Kitchloo
Thirty-first award: to Jinho Baik and to Nitu Kitchloo
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize 2004 Mark Haiman
First award: to Mark Haiman for Hilbert schemes, polygraphs, and the Macdonald positivity conjecture, Journal of the AMS 14 (2001), 941-1006.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2004 Melanie Wood
Ninth award: to Melanie Wood for research on Belyi-extending maps and P -orderings. Honorable mention: To Karen Yeats.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2004 no award given
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2004 Brett Alexander Harrison; Ilya Gurwich; Brian Todd Rice; Sam Lewallen; Brianna Rachel Satinoff; Huan-Chun Yeh; Ning Zhang
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2004 Cathleen Synge Morawetz
To Cathleen Synge Morawetz for greatly influencing mathematics in the broad sense throughout her long and distinguished career.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2004 John W. Milnor
To John W. Milnor in recognition of a lifetime of expository contributions ranging across a wide spectrum of disciplines including topology, symmetric bilinear forms, characteristic classes, Morse theory, game theory, algebraic K-theory, iterated rational maps...and the list goes on.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2004 Lawrence C. Evans; Nicolai V. Krylov
To Lawrence C. Evans and Nicolai V. Krylov for the "Evans-Krylov theorem" as first established in the papers: Lawrence C. Evans, "Classical solutions of fully nonlinear convex, second order elliptic equations", Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics 35 (1982), no. 3, 333-363; and N. V. Krylov, "Boundedly inhomogeneous elliptic and parabolic equations", Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, ser. mat. 46 (1982), no. 3, 487-523; and translated in Mathematics of the USSR, Izvestiya 20 (1983), no. 3, 459-492.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2004 Noam D. Elkies
Fourth award: to Noam D. Elkies for his enlightening two-part article "Lattices, Linear Codes, and Invariants", Notices of the AMS 47, nos. 10-11 (2000): Part I, 1238-45; Part II, 1382-91.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 2004 Dan Virgil Voiculescu
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2004 David Gabai
Fifteenth award: to David Gabai for his work in geometric topology, in particular, the topology of 3-dimensional manifolds.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2004 Joseph J. Kohn
To Joseph J. Kohn
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2004 Laura Wolfram; Prince Chidyagwai; Ekaterina Jager; Blerta Shtylla; Antonio Veloz; Daniel Pomerleano; Kathryn Carr; Cass Bath; Olivia Gistand
Fourteenth award: to Laura Wolfram - Beloit College, Prince Chidyagwai, Ekaterina Jager, and Blerta Shtylla - Lafayette College, Antonio Veloz - Michigan State University, Daniel Pomerleano - University of Pennsylvania, Kathryn Carr and Cass Bath - Portland State University, Olivia Gistand - Santa Clara University.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AAS-AMS-APS Public Service Award 2003 Sherwood L. Boehlert; Alan B. Mollohan; Pete V. Domenici
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2003 Chris Jones; Emily King; Marta Kobiela; Derek Pope; Brenda Russo; Maria Salcedo; Barbara Sexton
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2003 All Girls/All Math; Canada/USA Mathcamp; Hampshire College Summer Summer Studies in Mathematics; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); Ross Mathematics Program; Stanford University Mathematics Camp; SWT Honors Summer Math Camp; University of Chicago Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 2003 John Mather; Charles S. Peskin
Eleventh award: to John Mather for being a mathematician of exceptional depth, power, and originality; and to Charles S. Peskin for devoting much of his career to understanding the dynamics of the human heart and bringing an extraordinarily broad range of expertise to bear on this problem.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2003 Henry H. Kim; John E. Meier
Thirtieth award: to Henry H. Kim and to John E. Meier
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2003 J. F. Geelen; A. M. H. Gerards; A. Kapoor; Bertrand Guenin; Satoru Iwata; Lisa Fleischer; Satoru Fujishige; Alexander Schrijver
Ninth award: to J. F. Geelen, A. M. H. Gerards and A. Kapoor, for "The Excluded Minors for GF(4)-Representable Matroids," Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 79 (2000), no. 2, 247--299; and to Bertrand Guenin for "A characterization of weakly bipartite graphs," Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 83 (2001), no. 1, 112--168; and to Satoru Iwata, Lisa Fleischer, and Satoru Fujishige for "A combinatorial strongly polynomial algorithm for minimizing submodular functions," Journal of the ACM, 48, July 2001, no. 4, 761--777; and to Alexander Schrijver for "A combinatorial algorithm minimizing submodular functions in strongly polynomial time," Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 80 (2000), no. 2, 346--355.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2003 Joshua Greene
Eighth award: to Joshua Greene for his work in combinatorics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2003 Hiraku Nakajima
Fifteenth award: The 2003 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Hiraku Nakajima for his work in representation theory and geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2003 Robert Osserman
Thirteenth award: to Robert Osserman for being an erudite spokesman for mathematics, communicating its charm and excitement to thousands of people from all walks of life.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2003 Andrew Michael Leifer; Raymund Chun-Hung To; David Guillaume Pothier; Alexandr V. Medvedev; Ethan James Street; Hyeyoun Chung; Anatoly Preygel; Lester Wayne Mackey; Evgeniy E. Loharu; Sergey O. Ivanov; Brian Todd Rice; Artem G. Viktorov
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2003 Ronald Graham; Victor Guillemin
To Ron Graham for being one of the principal architects of the rapid development worldwide of discrete mathematics in recent years; and to Victor Guillemin for playing a critical role in the development of a number of important areas in analysis and geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2003 John B. Garnett
To John B. Garnett for his book, Bounded Analytic Functions (Pure and Applied Mathematics, 96, Academic Press, Inc. [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers], New York-London, 1981, xvi + 467 pp.)
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2003 Ronald Jensen; Michael Morley
To Ronald Jensen for his paper "The fine structure of the constructible hierarchy" (Annals of Mathematical Logic 4 (1972) 229-308); and to Michael Morley for his paper "Categoricity in power" (Transactions of the AMS 114 (1965) 514-538).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2003 Nicholas Katz; Peter Sarnak
Third award: to Nicholas Katz and Peter Sarnak for their expository paper "Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry", Bulletin of the AMS 36 1-26 (1999).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2003 Abigail Thompson
Seventh award: to Abigail Thompson for her outstanding work in 3-dimensional topology.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2003 M. Salah Baouendi; Linda Preiss Rothschild
To M. Salah Baouendi and Linda Preiss Rothschild
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2003 Thida S. Aye; Andrew Richard Tackmann; Maria Christin Llewellyn; Rahbar Virk; Sarah Deiwert; Angela Martinho; Timothy P. Lewis; Bishal Thapa
Thirteenth award: to Thida S. Aye - Bryn Mawr College, Andrew Richard Tackmann - Minnesota State University at Mankato, Maria Christin Llewellyn - University of Maryland at Baltimore County, Rahbar Virk - Colorado College, Sarah Deiwert and Angela Martinho- California State University, Hayward, Timothy P. Lewis - Lehigh University, Bishal Thapa - State University of New York at Potsdam.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AAS-AMS-APS Public Service Award 2002 James T. Walsh; Barbara Mikulski
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2002 Elizabeth Donovan; Ed Kenney; Borislav Mezhericher; F. Ronald Ogborne; Teresa Selee; Robert Shuttleworth; Brian Wyman
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2002 All Girls/All Math; Hampshire College Summer Summer Studies in Mathematics; Mathcamp; Michigan Math and Science Scholars; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); Ross Mathematics Program; SWT Honors Summer Math Camp; University of Chicago Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2002 Margaret H. Wright
Eighth award: to Margaret H. Wright for notable contributions to the federal government and the scientific community, and for encouraging women and minority students.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 2002 Daniel Tataru; Terence Tao; Fanghua Lin
Nineteenth award: to Daniel Tataru for his fundamental paper "On global existence and scattering for the wave maps equations," Amer. Jour. of Math. 123 (2001) no. 1, 37-77; and to Terence Tao for his recent fundamental breakthrough on the problem of critical regularity in Sobolev spaces of the wave maps equations, "Global regularity of wave maps I. Small critical Sobolev norm in high dimensions", Int. Math. Res. Notices (2001), no.6, 299-328 and "Global regularity of wave maps II. Small energy in two dimensions", to appear in Comm. Math. Phys. (2001 or early 2002); and to Fanghua Lin for his fundamental contributions to our understanding of the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equations with a small parameter.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2002 Albert C. Fannjiang; Wee Gan; Ravi Kumar Ramakrishna
Twenty-ninth award: to Albert C. Fannjiang and to Wee Teck Gan and to Ravi Kumar Ramakrishna
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2002 Ciprian Manolescu
Seventh award: to Ciprian Manolescu for making a fundamental advance in the field by giving an elegant construction of Floer homology. Honorable mention: To Michael A. Levin.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 2002 Henryk Iwaniec; Richard Taylor
Fourteenth award: The 2002 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Henryk Iwaniec for his fundamental contributions to analytic number theory, and to Richard Taylor for several outstanding advances in algebraic number theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2002 Helaman Ferguson; Claire Ferguson
Twelfth award: to Helaman Ferguson and Claire Ferguson for dazzling the mathematical community and a far wider public with exquisite sculptures embodying mathematical ideas, along with artful and accessible essays and lectures elucidating the mathematical concepts.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2002 Jacob Licht; Matthew Aaron Tesch; Andrew Michael Korth; Chun-Chen Yeh; Liang Chen; Ashum Karahanovich Kaibhanov; Amanda Bryce Shaw
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2002 Michael Artin; Elias Stein
To Michael Artin for helping to weave the fabric of modern algebraic geometry, and to Elias Stein for making fundamental contributions to different branches of analysis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2002 Yitzhak Katznelson
To Yitzhak Katznelson for his book on harmonic analysis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2002 Mark Goresky; Robert MacPherson
To Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson for the papers, "Intersection homology theory", Topology 19 (1980), no. 2, 135-62 (IH1) and "Intersection homology. II", Invent. Math. 72 (1983), no. 1, 77-129 (IH2).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2002 Elliott H. Lieb; Jakob Yngvason
Second award: to Elliott H. Lieb and Jakob Yngvason for their article, "A Guide to Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, " Notices of the AMS 45, no. 5 (1998), 571-581.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2002 Marcus A. Arreguin; Challis Kinnucan; Suzanne L. Robertson; Kevin L. Smith; Aimee J. Groudas; Peter Kirkpatrick; Kevin R. Pond
Twelfth award: to Marcus A. Arreguin - Stephen F. Austin State University, Challis Kinnucan - Bates College, Julie Brinton - Brigham Young University, Suzanne L. Robertson - The College of William and Mary, Kevin L. Smith - Furman University, Aimee J. Groudas - University of Hartford, Peter Kirkpatrick - University of Southern California, Kevin R. Pond- University of Texas at Dallas.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AAS-AMS-APS Public Service Award 2001 Vernon Ehlers; Neal Lane
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize 2001 Thomas Hawkins
First award: to Thomas Hawkins to recognize an outstanding historian of mathematics whose current research and numerous publications display the highest standards of mathematical and historical sophistication.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2001 Eric Appelt; Erin Bergman; Dave Gerberry; Brenda Johnson; Yakov Kronrod; Brian Muscia; Thomas Wakefield; Kathy Woodside
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2001 All Girls/All Math; Hampshire College Summer Summer Studies in Mathematics; Mathcamp; Michigan Math and Science Scholars; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); Ross Mathematics Program; SWT Honors Summer Math Camp; University of Chicago Young Scholars Program
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2001 Ivan Dimitrov; Ravi Vakil; Jiahong Wu-Wu; Meijun Zhu
Twenty-eighth award: to Ivan Dimitrov, Ravi Vakil, Jiahong Wu, Meijun Zhu
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2001 Jacob Lurie
Sixth award: to Jacob Lurie for his paper "On simply laced Lie algebras and their miniscule representations", Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), no. 3, 515-575. Honorable mention: To Wai Ling Yee.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2001 Keith J. Devlin
Eleventh award: to Keith J. Devlin for his many contributions to public understanding of mathematics through great numbers of radio and television appearances; public talks; books; and articles in magazines, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and online.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2001 Abdur Rasheed Sabar; Yuri Georgievich Kudryashov; Serge A. Tishchenko; Jason Wah Lone Chiu; Craig Allen Schroeder; Hasuk Francis Song; Daniel Wichs
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leonard M. and Eleanor B. Blumenthal Award for the Advancement of Research in Pure Mathematics 2001 Stephen J. Bigelow; Elon B. Lindenstrauss
Third Prize
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2001 Harry Kesten
To Harry Kesten for his many and deep contributions to probability theory and its applications.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2001 Richard P. Stanley
To Richard P. Stanley in recognition of the completion of his two-volume work Enumerative Combinatorics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2001 Leslie F. Greengard; Vladimir Rokhlin
To Leslie F. Greengard and Vladimir Rokhlin for the paper "A fast algorithm for particle simulations", J. Comput. Phys. 73, no. 2 (1987), 325-348.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Levi L. Conant Prize 2001 Carl Pomerance
First award: to Carl Pomerance for his paper,"A Tale of Two Sieves," Notices of the AMS 43, no. 12 (1996), 1473-1485.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 2001 Jeff Cheeger; Yakov Eliashberg; Michael J. Hopkins
Fourteenth award: to Jeff Cheeger for his work in differential geometry, to Yakov Eliashberg for his work in symplectic and contact topology, and to Michael J. Hopkins for his work in homotopy theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 2001 Karen E. Smith; Sijue Karen E. Wu
Sixth award: to Karen E. Smith for her outstanding work in commutative algebra, and to Sijue Wu for her work on a long-standing problem in the water wave equation.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2001 László Lempert; Sidney Webster
To László Lempert and Sidney Webster
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2001 Alexander Ivanov Sotirov; Gregory Nevil Leuchiali Maxwell; Ann Smith; Andrea C. Forney; Sinead Pollom; Virginia Roberts; Paul T. Watkins; Yakov Kronrod; Megan Lally
Eleventh award: to Alexander Ivanov Sotirov - Columbia University, Gregory Nevil Leuchiali Maxwell - Florida Atlantic University, Ann Smith - Henderson State University, Andrea C. Forney - John Carroll University, Sinead Pollom - Seattle University, Virginia Roberts - University of Texas at Austin, Paul T. Watkins - University of Utah, Yakov Kronrod and Megan Lally - Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AAS-AMS-APS Public Service Award 2000 William Frist; Joseph L. Lieberman; Harold Varmus
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 2000 Erin M. Bergman; John T. Griesmer; Yakov Kronrod; Sarah Lalumia; Joel Lepak; Judy Maendel; Kathryn Rendall; Thomas Wakefield
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Young Scholars Program 2000 All Girls/All Math; Hampshire College Summer Summer Studies in Mathematics; Mathcamp; PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists); Ross Mathematics Program; SWT Honors Summer Math Camp; University of Michigan Math Scholars
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 2000 Alexandre J. Chorin; Arthur T. Winfree
Eighth award: to Alexandre J. Chorin in recognition of his seminal work in computational fluid dynamics, statistical mechanics, and turbulence; and to Arthur T. Winfree in recognition of his profound impact on the field of biological rhythms, otherwise known as coupled nonlinear oscillators.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 2000 Paul J. Sally Jr.
Seventh award: to Paul J. Sally, Jr. for the quality of his research, for his service to the [American Mathematical] Society as Trustee, but more importantly for his many efforts in improvement of mathematics education for the nation's youth and especially for members of minority and underrepresented groups and for his longitudinal mentoring of students, in particular the mathematics majors at Chicago.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 2000 Siqi Fu; Christopher Herald; Wei-Dong Ruan; Vasily Strela
Twenty-seventh award: to Siqi Fu, Christopher Herald, Wei-Dong Ruan, Vasily Strela
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 2000 Michel X. Goemans; David P. Williamson; Michele Conforti; Gerard Cornuejols; M. R. Rao
Eighth award: to Michel X. Goemans and David P. Williamson for "Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum cut and satisfiability probelsm using semi-definite programming", Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 42 (1995), no. 6, pages 1115-1145; and to Michele Conforti, Gerard Cornuejols, and M. R. Rao for "Decomposition of balanced matrices", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 77 (1999), no. 2, pages 292-406.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 2000 Sean McLaughlin
Fifth award: to Sean McLaughlin for his proof of the "Dodecahedral Conjecture," a major problem in discrete geometry related to, but distinct from, Kepler's sphere-packing problem and a conjecture that has resisted the efforts of the strongest workers in this area for nearly sixty years. Honorable mention: To Samit Dasgupta.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 2000 Andrei Suslin; Aise Johan de Jong
Fourteenth award: The 2000 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Andrei Suslin for his work on motivic cohomology, and to Aise Johan de Jong for his important work on the resolution of singularities by generically finite maps.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 2000 Sylvia Nasar
Tenth award: to Sylvia Nasar for A Beautiful Mind, her biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 2000 Jayce R. Getz; Abdur Rasheed Sabar; Aadel Ahmed Chaudhuri; Zachary Howard Cohn; Ching Tang Chen; Elaine Pei-San Gee; Siarhei Markouski; Ilya Malakhovsky; Vassily Vladimirovich Starodubtsev
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 2000 Isadore M. Singer
To Isadore M. Singer. Singer's series of five papers with Michael F. Atiyah on the Index Theorem for elliptic operators (which appeared in 1968-71) and his three papers with Atiyah and V.K. Patodi on the Index Theorem for manifolds with boundary (which appeared in 1975-76) are among the great classics of global analysis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 2000 John H. Conway
To John H. Conway in recognition of his many expository contributions in automata, the theory of games, lattices, coding theory, group theory, and quadratic forms.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 2000 Barry Mazur
To Barry Mazur for his paper "Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal" in Publications Mathematiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, no. 47 (1978), 33-186.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 2000 Ingrid Daubechies
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2000 Masatake Kuranishi
To Masatake Kuranishi
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 2000 Yen Hai Le; Alexanderv Statniko; Matthew Bartholomew; Alyssa Burns
Tenth award: to Yen Hai Le - California State University at Long Beach, Alexander Statnikov - Case Western Reserve University, Matthew Bartholomew - Clarkson University, Alyssa Burns - University of Houston.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1999 Robin Driesner; Jeffrey Dumont; Sanjai Kumar Gupta; Ben Jantson; Sara LaLumia; Teresa Selee; Libby Wiebel
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1999 Demetrios Christodoulou; Sergiu Klainerman; Thomas Wolff
Eighteenth award: to Demetrios Christodoulou for his contributions to the mathematical theory of general relativity, and to Sergiu Klainerman for his contributions to nonlinear hyperbolic equations, and to Thomas Wolff for his work in harmonic analysis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 1999 Charles W. Rezk; Bin Wang; Changyou Wang; Tonghai Yang
Twenty-sixth award: to Charles W. Rezk, Bin Wang, Changyou Wang, and Tonghai Yang
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 1999 Daniel Biss
Fourth award: to Daniel Biss for his remarkable breadth, as well as depth. The most exciting aspect of his submission was his extension of a category which more closely binds the associations between combinatorial group theory and combinatorial topology. Honorable mention: To Aaron E. Archer.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 1999 Ian Stewart
Ninth award: to Ian Stewart for communicating the excitement of science and mathematics to millions of people around the world for more than twenty years and to John Lynch and Simon Singh for their exceptional contributions to public understanding of mathematics through their documentary on Andrew Wiles and the Fermat Conjecture, entitled "Fermat's Last Theorem" (shown on NOVA as "The Proof").
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1999 Amit Kumar Sabharwal; Andrew Chi; Jennifer Lynn Pelka; Ching-Tang Chen; C. Andrew McManus; Jennifer Rose Walk; Heidi Lee Williams
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 1999 Richard V. Kadison
To Richard V. Kadison. For almost half a century, Professor Kadison has been one of the world leaders in the subject of operator algebras, and the tremendous flourishing of this subject in the last thirty years is largely due to his efforts.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 1999 Serge Lang
To Serge Lang for his many mathematics books. Among Lang's most famous texts are Algebra [Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1965; Second edition, 1984; Third edition, 1993, ISBN 0-201-55540-9] and Algebraic Number Theory [Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1970; Second edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 110, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, ISBN: 0-387-94225-4].
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 1999 Michael G. Crandall; John F. Nash
To John F. Nash for his remarkable paper: "The embedding problem for Riemannian manifolds," Ann. of Math. (2) 63 (1956) 20-63.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 1999 Bernadette Perrin-Riou
Fifth award: to Bernadette Perrin-Riou for her number theoretical research on p-adic L-functions and Iwasawa theory.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1999 John D'Angelo
To John P. D'Angelo
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1999 Hulya Cebeciouglu; Jeremy Copeland; Danielle Lyles; Marcia Jean Mercer
Ninth award: to Hulya Cebeciouglu - City University of New York, Jeremy Copeland - Reed College, Danielle Lyles - University of Texas at San Antonio, Marcia Jean Mercer - Western Kentucky University. See also the April 2000 issue of the Notices of the AMS.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1998 Stephen Bochanski; Joe Ferguson; Nathan L. Gibson; Stephen Hartke; Kimball Martin; Ting Fai Ng; John Slanina; Harry Smith
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 1998 Paul H. Rabinowitz
Tenth award: to Paul H. Rabinowitz for his deep influence on the field of nonlinear analysis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 1998 Kenneth C. Millett
Sixth award: to Kenneth C. Millett for his work devoted to underrepresented minority students in the mathematical sciences. Professor Millett founded the University of California, Santa Barbara Achievement Program and directed the mathematics component of the Summer Academic Research Internship and the Summer Institute in Mathematics and Science at UCSB.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 1998 Mark Andrea A. de Cataldo; Stavros Garoufalidis; Sándor Kovács; Yanguang Li
Twenty-fifth award: to Mark Andrea A. de Cataldo, Stavros Garoufalidis, Sándor Kovács, and Yanguang Li
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Citation for Public Service 1998 Liang-Shin Hahn; Arnold E. Ross
Third award: to Liang-Shin Hahn and Arnold E. Ross. Liang-Shin Hahn for carrying forward and developing the New Mexico High School Mathematics Contest and for exposition and popularization of mathematics attractive to and suitable for potential candidates for the contest and others with similar intellectual interests. Arnold E. Ross for inspiring generations of young people through the summer mathematics programs he created and has continued to run for nearly 40 years.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 1998 Jade Vinson
Third award: to Jade Vinson for wide-ranging research in analysis and geometry.Honorable mention: To Vikaas Sohal.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 1998 Constance Reid
Eighth award: to Constance Reid for writing about mathematics with grace, knowledge, skill and clarity.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1998 Jonathan Adam Kelner; Michael Yanchee Lee; Daniel Yamins; Alexey Evgenjevitch Eroshin; Sarah Flannery; Jeremy Ryan Rahe; Jennifer Rose Walk
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 1998 Nathan Jacobson
To Nathan Jacobson for his many contributions to research, teaching, exposition, and the mathematical profession. Few mathematicians have been as productive over such a long career or have had as much influence on the profession as has Professor Jacobson.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 1998 Joseph Silverman
To Joseph Silverman for his books, The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 106, Springer-Verlag, New; York-Berlin, 1986; and Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 151, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 1998 Herbert Wilf; Doron Zeilberger
To Herbert Wilf and Doron Zeilberger for their joint paper, "Rational functions certify combinatorial identities," Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 3 (1990) 147-158.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1998 Kelly Cornish; Kevin A. Wilson; Matthew A. Halverson; Dumitru C. Tutuianu
Eighth award: to Kelly Cornish - Stevens Institute of Technology, Kevin A. Wilson - Georgia State University, Matthew A. Halverson - Iowa State University, Dumitru C. Tutuianu - University of Nevada at Las Vegas. [no Notices article.]
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1997 Jeffrey Clouse; Joshua Hortsman; Jayme Moore; Vincent Lucarelli; Michael Perry; Sheryle Proper
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 1997 Ovidiu Costin; Fred Diamond; Gang Liu; Zhongwei Shen; Stephanie Frank Singer
Twenty-fourth award: to Ovidiu Costin,Fred Diamon, Gang Liu, Zhongwei, and Stephanie Frank Singer
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 1997 Jeong Han Kim
Seventh award: to Jeong Han Kim for "The Ramsey Number R(3,t) Has Order of Magnitude t2/log t," which appeared in Random Structures and Algorithms, volume 7, issue 3, 1995, pages 173-207.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1997 Andrew J. Wiles
Thirteenth award: The 1997 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Andrew J. Wiles for his work on the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem, published in Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's Last Theorem, Ann. of Math. 141 (1995), 443-551.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 1997 Philip J. Davis
Seventh award: to Philip J. Davis for being a prolific communicator of mathematics to the general public.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1997 Davesh Maulik; Nicholas Eriksson; Jeremy Rahe; Jennifer Pelka; Yen-Jen Chen; Sylvain Halle; Melanie Schechter; Matthew Seligman
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leonard M. and Eleanor B. Blumenthal Award for the Advancement of Research in Pure Mathematics 1997 Loïc Merel
Second Prize
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 1997 Ralph S. Phillips
To Ralph S. Phillips for being one of the outstanding analysts of our time. His early work was in functional analysis: his beautiful theorem on the relation between the spectrum of a semigroup and its infinitesimal generator is striking as well as very useful in the study of PDEs. His extension theory for dissipative linear operators predated the interpolation approach to operator theory and robust control. He made major contributions to acoustical scattering theory in his joint work with Peter Lax, proving remarkable results on local energy decay and the connections between poles of the scattering matrix and the analytic properties of the resolvent. He later extended this work to a spectral theory for the automorphic Laplace operator, relying on the Radon transform on horospheres to avoid Eisenstein series. In the last fifteen years, Ralph Phillips has done brilliant work, in collaboration with others, on spectral theory for the Laplacian on symmetric spaces, on the existence and stability of cusp forms for general noncompact quotients of the hyperbolic plane, on the explicit construction of sparse optimal expander graphs, and on the structure of families of isospectral sets in two dimensions (the collection of drums that sound the same).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 1997 Anthony W. Knapp
To Anthony W. Knapp for his book, Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups (An overview based on examples), Princeton University Press, 1986, a beautifully written book which starts from scratch but takes the reader far into a highly developed subject.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 1997 Mikhael Gromov
To Mikhael Gromov for his paper, Pseudo-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds, Inventiones Math. 82 (1985), 307-347, which revolutionized the subject of symplectic geometry and topology and is central to much current research activity, including quantum cohomology and mirror symmetry.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 1997 Ingrid Daubechies
Fourth award: to Ingrid Daubechies for her deep and beautiful analysis of wavelets and their applications.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1997 David E. Barrett; F Christ
To David E. Barrett and Michael Christ
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1997 Martin Akguc; Laura Steiner; Claudia Catalan; Elizabeth Madrigal; Emily Press; Laura Wasser
Seventh award: to Martin Akguc - Georgetown University, Laura Steiner, Claudia Catalan, and Elizabeth Madrigal - Loyola Marymount University, Emily Press - New York University, Laura Wasser - Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1996 Scott Clark; Stephen Haptonstahl; Kim Jordan; Pi-Yeh Liu; Vincent Lucarelli; Eugene Sy
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 1996 Yi Hu; Robert McCann; Alexander Voronov; Jiaping Wang
Twenty-third award: to Yi Hu,Robert McCann, Alexander Voronov, and Jiaping Wang
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 1996 Manjul Bhargava
Second award: to Manjul Bhargava for truly outstanding mathematical research in algebra. Honorable mention: To Lenhard L. Ng.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
JPBM Communications Award 1996 Gina Kolata
Sixth award: to Gina Kolata for consistently giving outstanding coverage to many of the most exciting breakthroughs in mathematics and computer science over the past twenty years.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1996 Davesh Maulik; Nicholas Eriksson; Logan Joseph Kleinwaks; Eric Landquist; Vanesa Miranda-Diaz; Jason Charles Stone; Lauren Williams
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 1996 Goro Shimura
To Goro Shimura for his important and extensive work on arithmetical geometry and automorphic forms; concepts introduced by him were often seminal, and fertile ground for new developments, as witnessed by the many notations in number theory that carry his name and that have long been familiar to workers in the field.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 1996 Bruce Berndt; William Fulton
To William Fulton for his book, Intersection Theory, Springer-Verlag, "Ergebnisse series," 1984.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 1996 Daniel Stroock; S.R.S. Varadhan
To Daniel Stroock and S.R.S. Varadhan for their four papers: Diffusion processes with continuous coefficients I and II, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 22 (1969), 345-400, 479-530; On the support of diffusion processes with applications to the strong maximum principle, Sixth Berkeley Sympos. Math. Statist. Probab., vol. III, 1970, pp. 333-360; Diffusion processes with boundary conditions, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 34 (1971), 147-225; Multidimensional diffusion processes, Springer-Verlag, 1979.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 1996 Andrew J. Wiles
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1996 Richard Hamilton; Gang Tian
Thirteenth award: to Richard Hamilton for his continuing study of the Ricci flow and related parabolic equations for a Riemannian metric, and to Gang Tian for his contributions to geometric analysis.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1996 Christie M. Safin; Andreea Nicoara; Allison Pacelli; Lorna Renee Sanders
Sixth award: to Christie M. Safin - Murray State University, Andreea Nicoara - Stanford University, Allison Pacelli - Union College, Lorna Renee Sanders - Western Illinois University.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1995 Aron Atkins; Ashley Carter; Alayne Clare; Scott Clark
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1995 Hermann Flaschka; Ciprian Foias
Seventh award: to Hermann Flaschka for deep and original contributions to our understanding of completely integrable systems; and to Ciprian Foias, for basic contributions to operator theory, analysis, and dynamics and their applications.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 1995 Donald J. Lewis
Fourth award: to Donald J. Lewis for his many contributions to mathematical education, mathematics policy, and mathematical research and administration during a career that has spanned several decades.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Centennial Fellowship 1995 Rafael de la Llave; William McCallum; Kent Edward Orr
Twenty-second award: to Rafael de la Llave, William Gordon McCallum, and Kent Edward Orr
Fellowship announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM) 1995 Kannan Soundararajan
First award: to Kannan Soundararajan for truly exceptional research in analytic number theory. Honorable mention: To Kiran Kedlaya.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1995 Michel Raynaud; David Harbater
Thirteenth award: The 1995 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Michel Raynaud and David Harbater for their solution of Abhyankar's conjecture. This work appeared in the papers Revêtements de la droite affine en caractéristique p > 0, Invent. Math. 116 (1994) 425-462 (Raynaud), and Abhyankar's conjecture on Galois groups over curves, Invent. Math. 117 (1994) 1-25 (Harbater).
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1995 Davesh Maulik; Benjamin Michael Goetz; Jacob Lurie; Daniel Biss; Samit Dasgupta; Yueh-Hsing Lin; Claus Mazanti Soerensen
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 1995 John T. Tate
To John T. Tate for scientific accomplishments spanning four and a half decades. He has been deeply influential in many of the important developments in algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory during this time.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 1995 Jean-Pierre Serre
To Jean-Pierre Serre for his 1970 book Cours d'Arithmétique, with its English translation, published in 1973 by Springer Verlag, A Course in Arithmetic.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 1995 Edward Nelson
To Edward Nelson for the following two papers in mathematical physics characterized by leaders of the field as extremely innovative: A quartic interaction in two dimensions in Mathematical Theory of Elementary Particles, MIT Press, 1966, pages 69-73; and Construction of quantum fields from Markoff fields in Journal of Functional Analysis, 12 (1973), 97-112. In these papers he showed for the first time how to use the powerful tools of probability theory to attack the hard analytic questions of constructive quantum field theory, controlling renormalizations with L^p estimates in the first paper, and in the second turning Euclidean quantum field theory into a subset of the theory of stochastic processes.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 1995 Sun-Yung Alice Chang
Third award: to Sun-Yung Alice Chang for her deep contributions to the study of partial differential equations on Riemannian manifolds and in particular for her work on extremal problems in spectral geometry and the compactness of isospectral metrics within a fixed conformal class on a compact 3-manifold.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1995 Harold P. Boas; Emil J. Straube
To Harold P. Boas and Emil J. Straube
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1995 Mark Robert Moseley; Donna J. Shepherd; Clayton T. Hester; James R. Jarrell III
Fifth award: to Mark Robert Moseley - University of Arizona, Donna J. Shepherd - Arkansas State University, Clayton T. Hester - Mississippi State University, James R. Jarrell III - Montclair State College.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1994 Andrew Douglass; Allen Harbaugh; Kathryn Nyman; Daniel L. Viar; Sonny Vu; Jeb F. Willenbring
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 1994 Ivo M Babuska; S. R. S. Varadhan
Ninth award: to Ivo Babuška for important contributions to the reliability of finite element methods, the development of a general framework for finite element error estimation, and the development of p- and hp- finite element methods; and to S. R. S. Varadhan for important contributions to the martingale characterization of diffusion processes, to the theory of large deviations for functionals of occupation times of Markov processes, and to the study of random media.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1994 Leon Simon
Seventeenth award: to Leon Simon for his profound contributions toward understanding the structure of singular sets for solutions of variational problems.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Centennial Fellowship 1994 Patricia E. Bauman; David E. Marker
Twenty-first award: to Patricia E. Bauman and David E. Marker
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 1994 Louis Billera; Gil Kalai; Neil Robertson; Paul D. Seymour; Robin Thomas
Sixth award: to Louis Billera for "Homology of smooth splines: Generic triangulations and a conjecture of Strang", Transactions of the AMS, volume 310 (1988) pp. 325-340; to Gil Kalai for Upper bounds for the diameter and height of graphs of the convex polyhedra, Discrete and Computational Geometry, volume 8 (1992) pp. 363-372; and to Neil Robertson, Paul D. Seymour, and Robin Thomas for Hadwiger's conjecture for K6; free graphs, Combinatorica, volume 13 (1993) pp. 279-361.
JPBM Communications Award 1994 Martin Gardner
Fifth award: to Martin Gardner, for authoring numerous books and articles about mathematics, including his long-running Scientific American column, "Mathematical Games," and his books, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science and Mathematical Carnival.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1994 Davesh Maulik; Eric Matthew Dennis; Sarah Ann Lord; Timothy Eller; Rahul Manu Kohli; Fam-ye Lin; Benedek Valko; Mary Kathleen Clavenna; Vinay Kumar Goyal-Singhal; Jan Haugland; Wes Andres Watters; Ian George Zacharia
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 1994 Louis Nirenberg
To Louis Nirenberg for his numerous basic contributions to linear and nonlinear partial differential equations and their application to complex analysis and differential geometry.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 1994 Ingrid Daubechies
To Ingrid Daubechies for her book, Ten Lectures on Wavelets (CBMS 61, SIAM, 1992, ISBN 0-8987-1274-2).
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 1994 Louis de Branges
To Louis de Branges for his proof of the Bieberbach Conjecture.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1994 John Erik Fornaess
To John Erik Fornaess
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1994 Williamn Hudso; Margaret Norris; Guanghong Xu; Coleen Clemetson; Mikhail G. Konikov
Fourth award: to William Hudson and Margaret Norris - Boise State University, Guanghong Xu - Illinois Institute of Technology, Coleen Clemetson - Temple University, Mikhail G. Konikov - University of Maryland at College Park.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1993 Vladimir Dimitrijevic; Jennifer Garrett; Lauren D. Hartman; Jon Hester; Joel M. Wisdom
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 1993 Isadore M. Singer
Third award: to Isadore M. Singer in recognition of his outstanding contributions to his profession, to science more broadly, and to the public good by bringing the best of mathematics and his own insights to bear on the activities of the National Academy of Sciences; on committees of the National Research Council, including the two so-called David Committees on the health of the mathematical sciences, and the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy; on the President's Science Advisory Council; on decisions of Congress, through testimony concerning the support of mathematics and mathematical research; and on a host of critical situations over many years in which his wisdom and intervention helped gain a hearing for the problems of his community and the contributions it makes to the nation.
Centennial Fellowship 1993 Jacques Hurtubise; Andre Scedrov; David Webb
Twentieth award: to Jacques Hurtubise, Andre Scedrov, and David Webb
JPBM Communications Award 1993 Joel Schneider
Fourth award: to Joel Schneider for "Square One TV."
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1993 Mahesh Kalyana Mahanthappa; Steve Shaw-Tang Chien; Andrew Dittmer; Moon Duchin; Robert Michael Kirby II; Sarah Ann Lord; Anna Ruth Terry
Leonard M. and Eleanor B. Blumenthal Award for the Advancement of Research in Pure Mathematics 1993 Zhihong Xia
First Prize
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement (1993 - present) 1993 Eugene B. Dynkin
To Eugene B. Dynkin for his foundational contributions to Lie algebras and probability theory over a long period and his production of outstanding research students in both Russia and the United States, countries to whose mathematical life he has contributed so richly.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (1993 - present) 1993 Walter Rudin
To Walter Rudin for his books Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill (1953, 1964, and 1976); and Real and Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill (1966, 1974, and1976).
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research (1993 - present) 1993 George Daniel Mostow
To George Daniel Mostow for his paper Strong rigidity of locally symmetric spaces, Annals of Mathematics Studies, number 78, Princeton University Press (1973).
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 1993 Lai-Sang Young
Second award: to Lai-Sang Young for her leading role in the investigation of the statistical (or ergodic) properties of dynamical systems.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1993 Yum-Tong Siu
To Yum-Tong Siu
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1993 Michelle L. Lanir; Jodi C. Wright; Rebecca K. Moore; Mikhail Krichman
Third award: to Michelle L. Lanir - University of California at Los Angeles, Jodi C. Wright - State University of New York at Geneseo, Rebecca K. Moore - Eastern New Mexico University, Mikhail Krichman - University of Virginia.
Award announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1992 Jeffrey John Boats; Francis Y Fung; Susan Koppenol; Daniel L. Viar
Award for Distinguished Public Service 1992 Harvey B. Keynes
Second award: to Harvey B. Keynes for his multifaceted efforts to revitalize mathematics education, especially for young people.
Centennial Fellowship 1992 Krzysztof Burdzy; William Menasco; David Morrison
Nineteenth award: to Krzysztof Burdzy, William Menasco, and David Morrison
Citation for Public Service 1992 Marcia P. Sward
Second award: to Marcia P. Sward for her contributions toward establishing and directing the Mathematical Sciences Education Board from its inception in the fall of 1985 until August 1989.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1992 Karl Rubin; Paul Vojta
Twelfth award: The 1992 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Karl Rubin for his work in the area of elliptic curves and Iwasawa Theory with particular reference to his papers Tate-Shafarevich groups and L-functions of elliptic curves with complex multiplication and The "main conjectures" of Iwasawa theory for imaginary quadratic fields and to Paul Vojta for his work on Diophantine problems with particular reference to his paper Siegel's theorem in the compact case.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1992 Mahesh Kalyana Mahanthappa; Harrison Kwei Tsai; Andrew Dittmer; Jonobie Dale Baker; Joshua Brody; Yen-Hsiang Li; Robert Jordon Pollack
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1992 Jacques Dixmier; James Glimm; Peter D. Lax
To Jacques Dixmier for his books von Neumann Algebras (Algèbres de von Neumann), Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1957); C*-Algebras (Les C*-Algèbres et leurs Representations), Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1964); and Enveloping Algebras (Algèbres Enveloppantes), Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1974). To James Glimm for his paper, Solution in the large for nonlinear hyperboic systems of conservation laws, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, XVIII (1965), pp. 697-715. To Peter D. Lax for his numerous and fundamental contributions to the theory and applications of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations and functional analysis, for his leadership in the development of computational and applied mathematics, and for his extraordinary impact as a teacher. [Note, since there wasn't an AMS-MAA Summer Meeting in 1992, this award was made at the January 1993 AMS-MAA Annual Meeting.]
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 1992 Robert MacPherson
Stefan Bergman Prize 1992 Charles Fefferman
To Charles Fefferman
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1992 Julianne Stile; Cassandra Burns; James Anthony Nunez; Juan Ramon Romero-Oliveras
Second award: to Julianne Stile - Allegheny College, Cassandra Burns - Memphis State University, James Anthony Nunez - University of California at Irvine , Juan Ramon Romero-Oliveras - University of Puerto Rico.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1991 Anthony F. DeLia; Heather Desimone; Mark Dobner; Linda Hughes; Marguerite Nedreberg; Joshua Tempkin; Marc Wallace
Automatic Theorem Proving Prizes 1991 Woodrow W. Bledsoe; Robert S. Boyer; J. Moore
The Milestone Prize: to Woodrow W. Bledsoe
The Current Prize: to Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore
Centennial Fellowship 1991 Daniel Bump; Kari Vilonen
Eighteenth award: to Daniel Bump and Kari Vilonen
Citation for Public Service 1991 Andre Z. Manitius
First award: to Andre Z. Manitius for the contributions he made to the mathematical community while employed in the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 1991 Martin Dyer; Alan Frieze; Ravi Kannan; Alfred Lehman; W. Cook; Paul Seymour; Nikolai E. Mnev
Fifth award: to Martin Dyer, Alan Frieze, and Ravi Kannan for A random polynomial time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, volume 38/1 (1991) pp. 1-17; to Alfred Lehman for The width-length inequality and degenerate projective planes, W. Cook and P. D. Seymour (eds.), Polyhedral Combinatorics, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, volume 1, (American Mathematical Society, 1990) pp. 101-105; and to Nikolai E. Mnev for The universality theorems on the classification problem of configuration varieties and convex polytope varieties, O. Ya. Viro (ed.), Topology and Geometry-Rohlin Seminar, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1346 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988) pp. 527-544.
JPBM Communications Award 1991 Ivars Peterson
Third award: to Ivars Peterson for exceptional skill in communicating mathematics to the general public over the last decade.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1991 Monwhea Jeng; Hans Christian Gromoll; Jesse L. Tseng; Andrew Dittmer; Matthew A. Neimark; Rageshree Ramachandran; Jeb E. Willenbring
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1991 Jean-François Treves; Eugenio Calabi; Armand Borel
To Jean-François Treves for Pseudodifferential and Fourier Integral Operators, Volumes 1 and 2 (Plenum Press, 1980). To Eugenio Calabi for his fundamental work on global differential geometry, especially complex differential geometry.To Armand Borel for his extensive contributions in geometry and topology, the theory of Lie groups, their lattices and representations and the theory of automorphic forms, the theory of algebraic groups and their representations and extensive organizational and educational efforts to develop and disseminate modern.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1991 Andrew J. Casson; Clifford H. Taubes
Twelfth award: to Andrew J. Casson for his work on the topology of low-dimensional manifolds, and to Clifford H. Taubes for his foundational work in Yang-Mills theory.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics 1991 Dusa McDuff
First award: to Dusa McDuff for her outstanding work during the past five years on symplectic geometry.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1991 Steven Bell; Ewa Ligocka
To Steven Bell and Ewa Ligocka
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards 1991 Robert Lane Bassett; Linie Yunwen Chang; Kara Lee Lavender; Thomas A. Shimkus; Melissa Cockerill; Deborah Fagan; Sherry Heis; Pamela Jo Chaney
First award: to Robert Lane Bassett, Linie Yunwen Chang, and Kara Lee Lavender - Duke University, Thomas A. Shimkus - University of Scranton, Melissa Cockerill, Deborah Fagan, and Sherry Heis - Montana State University, Pamela Jo Chaney - Howard Payne University.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1990 Anna Fiehler; Francis Y Fung; Lisa Hansen; Richard Kinkela; Chikako Mese
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1990 Michael Aizenman; Jerrold E. Marsden
Sixth award: to Michael Aizenman for his outstanding contribution of original and non-perturbative mathematical methods in statistical mechanics by means of which he was able to solve several long open important problems concerning critical phenomena, phase transitions, and quantum field theory; and to Jerrold E. Marsden for his outstanding contributions to the study of differential equations in mechanics: he proved the existence of chaos in specific classical differential equations; his work on the momentum map, from abstract foundations to detailed applications, has had great impact.
Award for Distinguished Public Service 1990 Kenneth M. Hoffman
First award: to Kenneth M. Hoffman for his outstanding leadership in establishing channels of communication between the mathematical community and makers of public policy as well as the general public.
Centennial Fellowship 1990 Michael Anderson; Carolyn Gordon; Steven Mitchell
Seventeenth award: to Michael Anderson, Carolyn Gordon, and Steven Mitchell
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1990 Shigefumi Mori
Twelfth award: The 1990 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Shigefumi Mori for his outstanding work on the classification of algebraic varieties and, in particular, for his paper Flip theorem and the existence of minimal models for 3-folds, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, volume 1 (1988), pp. 117-253.
JPBM Communications Award 1990 Hugh Whitemore
Second award: to Hugh Whitemore for contributions to communicating mathematics to the public in his play, "Breaking the Code," which chronicles the brilliant but troubled life of the British mathematician Alan Turing.
Karl Menger Memorial Awards 1990 Daniel K. Dugger; Joshua Erlich; Joshua B. Fischman; Min-Horng Chen; Matthew Baker; Michael L. Harrison; Virginia A. DiDomizio
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1990 R. D. Richtmyer; Bertram Kostant; Raoul Bott
To R. D. Richtmyer for his book Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems (Interscience, 1st Edition 1957 and 2nd Edition, with K. Morton, 1967). To Bertram Kostant for his paper, On the existence and irreducibility of certain series of representations, Lie Groups and their Representations (1975), pp. 231-329. To Raoul Bott for having been instrumental in changing the face of geometry and topology, with his incisive contributions to characteristic classes, K-theory, index theory, and many other tools of modern mathematics.
AMS Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation 1989 Nicholas Ahn; Robert A. Cullen; Beth-Allyn Eggens; Darrin Frey; M. Chris Haase; Chikako Mes; Michele Pezet; William C. Regli; Stephen J. Smith
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1989 Richard M. Schoen
Sixteenth award: to Richard M. Schoen for his work on the application of partial differential equations to differential geometry, in particular his completion of the solution to the Yamabe Problem in Conformal deformation of a Riemannian metric to constant scalar curvature, Journal of Differential Geometry, volume 20 (1984), pp. 479-495.
Centennial Fellowship 1989 Isaac Y. Efrat; John M. Lee; Ralf Spatzier
Sixteenth award: to Isaac Y. Efrat, John M. Lee, and Ralf J. Spatzier
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1989 Daniel Gorenstein; Alberto P. Calderón; Irving Kaplansky
To Daniel Gorenstein for his book Finite Simple Groups, An Introduction to their Classification (Plenum Press, 1982); and his two survey articles The Classification of Finite Simple Groups and Classifying the Finite Simple Groups, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, volume 1 (1979) pp. 43-199, and volume 14 (1986) pp. 1-98, respectively. To Alberto P. Calderón for his paper Uniqueness in the Cauchy Problem for Partial Differential Equations, American Journal ofMathematics, volume 80 (1958), pp. 16-36. To Irving Kaplansky for his lasting impact on mathematics, particularly mathematics in America. By his energetic example, his enthusiastic exposition, and his overall generosity, he has made striking changes in mathematics and has inspired generations of younger mathematicians.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1989 David Catlin
To David Catlin
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 1988 Elliott H. Lieb
Eighth award: to Elliott H. Lieb for his profound analysis of problems arising in mathematical physics.
Centennial Fellowship 1988 Steven Bell; Don M. Blasius; David Gabai
Fifteenth award: to Steven R. Bell, Don M. Blasius, and David Gabai
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 1988 Eva Tardos; Narendra Karmarkar
Fourth award: to Eva Tardos for A strongly polynomial minimum cost circulation algorithm, Combinatorica, volume 5 (1985), pp. 247-256; and to Narendra Karmarkar for A new polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming, Combinatorica, volume 4 (1984), pp. 373-395.
JPBM Communications Award 1988 James Gleick
First award: to James Gleick for sustained and outstanding contributions in communicating mathematics to the general public.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1988 Sigurdur Helgason; Gian-Carlo Rota; Deane Montgomery
To Sigurdur Helgason for his books Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces (Academic Press, 1962), Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces (Academic Press, 1978); and Groups and Geometric Analysis (Academic Press, 1984). To Gian-Carlo Rota for his paper On the foundations of combinatorial theory, I. Theory of Möbius functions, Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete, volume 2 (1964), pp. 340-368. To Deane Montgomery for his lasting impact on mathematics, particularly mathematics in America. He is one of the founders of the modern theory of transformation groups and is particularly known for his contributions to the solution of Hilbert's fifth problem.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics (formerly named the National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics) 1988 Robert P. Langlands
Centennial Fellowship 1987 Richard Hain; Bill Jacob
Fourteenth award: to Richard Hain and Bill Jacob
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1987 Dorian M. Goldfeld; Benedict H. Gross; Don B. Zagier
Eleventh award: The 1987 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory To Dorian M. Goldfeld for his paper, Gauss's class number problem for imaginary quadratic fields, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, volume 13, (1985), pp. 23-37; and to Benedict H. Gross and Don B. Zagier for their paper, Heegner points and derivatives of L-Series, Inventiones Mathematicae, volume 84 (1986), pp. 225-320.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1987 Martin Gardner; Herbert Federer; Wendell Fleming; Samuel Eilenberg
To Martin Gardner for his many books and articles on mathematics and particularly for his column "Mathematical Games" in Scientific American. To Herbert Federer and Wendell Fleming for their pioneering paper, Normal and integral currents, Annals of Mathematics, volume 72 (1960), pp. 458-520. To Samuel Eilenberg for his fundamental contributions to topology and algebra, in particular for his classic papers on singular homology and his work on axiomatic homology theory which had a profound influence on the development of algebraic toplogy.
Centennial Fellowship 1986 Dinakar Ramakrishnan
Thirteenth award: to Dinakar Ramakrishnan
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1986 Donald E. Knuth; Rudolf E. Kalman; Saunders Mac Lane
To Donald E. Knuth for his expository work, The Art of Computer Programming, 3 Volumes (1st Edition 1968, 2nd Edition 1973). To Rudolf E. Kalman for his two fundamental papers: A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems, Journal of Basic Engineering, volume 82, (1960), pp. 35-45; and Mathematical description of linear dynamical systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, volume 1 (1963), pp. 152-192; and for his contribution to a third paper (with R. S. Bucy), New results in linear filtering and prediction theory, Journal of Basic Engineering, volume 83D (1961), pp. 95-108. To Saunders Mac Lane for his many contributions to algebra and algebraic topology, and in particular for his pioneering work in homological and categorical algebra.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1986 Michael H. Freedman
Eleventh award: to Michael H. Freedman for his work in differential geometry and, in particular, the solution of the four-dimensional Poincaré conjecture.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1985 Clifford S. Gardner
Fifth award: to Clifford S. Gardner for his contributions to applied mathematics in the areas of supersonic aerodynamics, plasma physics and hydromagnetics, and especially for his contributions to the truly remarkable development of inverse scattering theory for the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations.
Centennial Fellowship 1985 R. Michael Beals
Twelfth award: to R. Michael Beals
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 1985 Jozsef Beck; H. W. Lenstra Jr.; Eugene M. Luks
Third award: to Jozsef Beck, for Roth's estimate of the discrepancy of integer sequences is nearly sharp, Combinatorica 1 (4),319-325, (1981); and H. W. Lenstra, Jr., for Integer programming with a fixed number of variables, Mathematics of Operations Research 8 (4), 538-548, (1983); and Eugene M. Luks for Isomorphism of graphs of bounded valence can be tested in polynomial time, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 25 (1), 42-65, (1982).
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1985 George Lusztig
Eleventh award: The 1985 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to George Lusztig for his fundamental work on the representation theory of finite groups of Lie type. In particular for his contributions to the classification of the irreducible representations in characteristic zero of the groups of rational points of reductive groups over finite fields, appearing in Characters of reductive groups over finite fields, Annals of Mathematics Studies, volume 107, Princeton University Press, 1984.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1985 Michael Spivak; Robert Steinberg; Hassler Whitney
To Michael Spivak for his five-volume set, A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry (second edition, Publish or Perish, 1979). To Robert Steinberg for three papers on various aspects of the theory of algebraic groups: Representations of algebraic groups, Nagoya Mathematical Journal, volume 22 (1963), pp. 33-56; Regular elements of semisimple algebraic groups, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Publications Mathématiques, volume 25 (1965), pp. 49-80; and Endomorphisms of linear algebraic groups, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, volume 80 (1968). To Hassler Whitney for his fundamental work on geometric problems, particularly in the general theory of manifolds, in the study of differentiable functions on closed sets, in geometric integration theory, and in the geometry of the tangents to a singular analytic space.
Automatic Theorem Proving Prizes 1984 J. Alan Robinson
The Milestone Prize: to J. Alan Robinson
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1984 Richard Melrose; Luis Caffarelli
Fourteenth award: to Luis A. Caffarelli for his deep and fundamental work in nonlinear partial differential equations, in particular his work on free boundary problems, vortex theory and regularity theory.
Centennial Fellowship 1984 Richard Timothy Durrett
Eleventh award: to Richard Timothy Durrett
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1984 Elias M. Stein; Lennart Carleson; Joseph L. Doob
To Elias M. Stein for his book, Singular integrals and the differentiability properties of functions, Princeton University Press (1970). To Lennart Carleson for his papers: An interpolation problem for bounded analytic functions, American Journal of Mathematics, volume 80 (1958), pp. 921-930; Interpolation by bounded analytic functions and the Corona problem, Annals of Mathematics (2), volume 76 (1962), pp. 547-559; and On convergence and growth of partial sums of Fourier series, Acta Mathematica volume 116 (1966), pp. 135-157. To Joseph L. Doob for his fundamental work in establishing probability as a branch of mathematics and for his continuing profound influence on its development.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 1983 Paul R. Garabedian
Seventh award: to Paul R. Garabedian for his important contributions to partial differential equations, to the mathematical analysis of problems of transonic flow and airfoil design by the method of complexification, and to the development and application of scientific computing to problems of fluid dynamics and plasma physics.
Automatic Theorem Proving Prizes 1983 Hao Wang; Lawrence Wos; Steven Winker
The Current Prize: to Lawrence Wos and Steven Winker
Centennial Fellowship 1983 Russell David Lyons
Tenth award: to Russell David Lyons
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1983 Paul R. Halmos; Steven C. Kleene; Shiing-Shen Chern
To Paul R. Halmos for his many graduate texts in mathematics and for his articles on how to write, talk and publish mathematics. To Steven C. Kleene for three important papers which formed the basis for later developments in generalized recursion theory and descriptive set theory: Arithmetical predicates and function quantifiers, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 79 (1955), pp. 312-340; On the forms of the predicates in the theory of constructive ordinals (second paper), American Journal of Mathematics 77 (1955), pp. 405-428; and Hierarchies of number-theoretic predicates, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 61 (1955), pp. 193-213. To Shiing-Shen Chern for the cumulative influence of his total mathematical work, high level of research over a period of time, particular influence on the development of the field of differential geometry, and influence on mathematics through Ph.D. students.
Centennial Fellowship 1982 Nicholas J. Kuhn
Ninth award: to Nicholas J. Kuhn
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 1982 D.B. Judin; A.S. Nemirovskii; L.G. Khachiyan; G.P. Egorychev; D.I. Falikman; M. Grötschel; L. Lovasz; A. Schrijver
Second award: to D.B. Judin and A.S. Nemirovskii, for Informational complexity and effective methods of solution for convex extremal problems, Ekonomika i Matematicheskie Metody 12 (1976), 357-369, and to L. G. Khachiyan for A polynomial algorithm in linear programming, Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Doklady 244 (1979), 1093-1096; to G. P. Egorychev, for The solution of van der Waerden's problem for permanents, Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Doklady 258 (1981), 1041-1044, and D.I. Falikman, for A proof of the van der Waerden conjecture on the permanent of a doubly stochastic matrix, Matematicheskie Zametki 29 (1981), 931-938; and to M. Grötschel, L. Lovasz and A. Schrijver, for The ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization, Combinatorica 1 (1981), 169-197.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1982 Robert P. Langlands; Barry Mazur
Tenth award: The 1982 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Robert P. Langlands for pioneering work on automorphic forms, Eisenstein series and product formulas, particularly for his paper Base change for GL(2), Annals of Mathematics Studies, volume 96, Princeton University Press, 1980; and to Barry Mazur for outstanding work on elliptic curves and Abelian varieties, especially on rational points of finite order, and his paper Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal, Publications Mathematiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, volume 47 (1977), pp. 33-186.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1982 Lars V. Ahlfors; Tsit-Yuen Lam; John W. Milnor; Fritz John
To Lars V. Ahlfors for his expository work in Complex analysis (McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1953), and in Lectures on quasiconformal mappings (D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, 1966) and Conformal invariants (McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1973). To Tsit-Yuen Lam for his expository work in his book Algebraic theory of quadratic forms (1973), and four of his papers: K_0 and K_1-an introduction to algebraic K-theory (1975), Ten lectures on quadratic forms over fields (1977), Serre's conjecture (1978), and The theory of ordered fields (1980). To Fritz John for the cumulative influence of his total mathematical work, high level of research over a period of time, particular influence on the development of a field, and influence on mathematics through Ph.D. students.
Centennial Fellowship 1981 Lawrence Man-Hou Ein; Mark Williams
Eighth award: to Lawrence Man-Hou Ein and Mark William
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1981 Oscar Zariski; Eberhard Hopf; Nelson Dunford; Jacob T. Schwartz
To Oscar Zariski for his work in algebraic geometry, especially his fundamental contributions to the algebraic foundations of this subject. To Eberhard Hopf for three papers of fundamental and lasting importance: Abzweigung einer periodischen Lösung von einer stationären Lösung eines Differential systems, Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, volume 95 (1943), pp. 3-22; A mathematical example displaying features of turbulence, Communications on Applied Mathematics, volume 1 (1948), pp. 303-322; and The partial differential equation u_t + uu_x = u_{xx}, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, volume 3 (1950), pp. 201-230. To Nelson Dunford and Jacob T. Schwartz for their expository book, Linear operators, Part I, General theory, 1958; Part II, Spectral theory, 1963; Part III, Spectral operators, 1971, Interscience Publishers, New York.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1981 Shing-Tung Yau; Mikhael Gromov
Ninth award: to Mikhael Gromov for his work relating topological and geometric properties of Riemannian manifolds.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1980 Gerald B. Whitham; Tosio Kato
Third award: to Tosio Kato for his distinguished work in the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics.
Centennial Fellowship 1980 Robert K. Lazarsfeld; Thomas Parker; Robert Sachs
Seventh award: to Robert K. Lazarsfeld, Thomas H. Parker, and Robert Sachs
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1980 Michael Aschbacher; Melvin Hochster
Tenth award: The 1980 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Michael Aschbacher for his paper, A characterization of Chevalley groups over fields of odd order, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 106 (1977), pp. 353-398; and to Melvin Hochster for his paper Topics in the homological theory of commutative rings, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, Number 24, American Mathematical Society, 1975.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1980 André Weil; Harold M. Edwards; Gerhard P. Hochschild
To André Weil for the total effect of his work on the general course of twentieth century mathematics, especially in the many areas in which he has made fundamental contributions. To Harold M. Edwards for mathematical exposition in his books Riemann's zeta function, Pure and Applied Mathematics, number 58, Academic Press, New York and London, 1974; and Fermat's last theorem, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, number 50, Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1977. To Gerhard P. Hochschild for his significant work in homological algebra and its applications.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1979 Alberto P. Calderón
Thirteenth award: to Alberto P. Calderón in recognition of his fundamental work on the theory of singular integrals and partial differential equations, and in particular for his paper Cauchy integrals on Lipschitz curves and related operators, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, volume 74 (1977), pp. 1324-1327.
Centennial Fellowship 1979 Scott W. Brown; Jeffrey E. Hoffstein; Jeffry Kahn; James E. McClure; Rick Smith; Mark Steinberger
Sixth award: to Scott W. Brown, Jeffrey E. Hoffstein, Jeffry N. Kahn, James E. McClure, Rick L. Smith, and Mark Steinberger
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS) 1979 Richard M. Karp; Kenneth Appel; Wolfgang Haken; Paul D. Seymour
First award: to Richard M. Karp, for On the computational complexity of combinatorial problems, Networks, volume 5 (1975), pp. 45-68; to Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken, for Every planar map is four colorable, Part I: Discharging, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, volume 21 (1977), pp. 429-490; and to Paul D. Seymour, for The matroids with the max-flow min-cut property, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, volume 23 (1977), pp. 189-222.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1979 Antoni Zygmund; Robin Hartshorne; Joseph J. Kohn; Salomon Bochner; Hans Lewy
To Antoni Zygmund for his cumulative influence on the theory of Fourier series, real variables, and related areas of analysis. To Robin Hartshorne for his expository research article Equivalence relations on algebraic cycles and subvarieties of small codimension, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, volume 29, American Mathematical Society, 1975, pp. 129-164; and his book Algebraic geometry, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1977. To Joseph J. Kohn for his fundamental paper: Harmonic integrals on strongly convex domains. I, II, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 78 (1963), pp. 112-248 and volume 79 (1964), pp. 450-472. To Salomon Bochner for his cumulative influence on the fields of probability theory, Fourier analysis, several complex variables, and differential geometry. To Hans Lewy for three fundamental papers: On the local character of the solutions of an atypical linear differential equation in three variables and a related theorem for regular functions of two complex variables, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 64 (1956), pp. 514-522; An example of a smooth linear partial differential equation without solution, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 66 (1957), pp. 155-158; On hulls of holomorphy, Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, volume 13 (1960), pp. 587-591.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 1978 Clifford A. Truesdell; Mark Kac; Garrett Birkhoff
Fourth award: to Garrett Birkhoff for bringing the methods of algebra and the highest standards of mathematics to scientific applications.
Centennial Fellowship 1978 Alan Dankner; David Harbater; Howard Hiller; Steven P. Kerckhoff; Robert C. McOwen
Fifth award: to Alan Dankner, David Harbater, Howard Hiller, Steven P. Kerckhoff, and Robert C. McOwen
Centennial Fellowship 1977 Steven Kalikow; Charles Patton; Duong-Hong Phong; David A Vogan Jr
Fourth award: to Steven Kalikow, Charles Patton, Duong-Hong Phong, and David Vogan
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1977 Goro Shimura
Ninth award: The 1977 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Goro Shimura for his two papers, Class fields over real quadratic fields and Heche operators, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 95 (1972), pp. 130-190; and On modular forms of half integral weight, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 97 (1973), pp. 440-481.
Centennial Fellowship 1976 Fredric D. Ancel; Joseph A. Sgro
Third award: to Fredric D. Ancel and Joseph A. Sgro
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1976 James Simons; William P. Thurston
Seventh award: to William P. Thurston for his work on foliations.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1975 Peter D. Lax
Second award: to Peter D. Lax for his broad contributions to applied mathematics, in particular, for his work on numerical and theoretical aspects of partial differential equations and on scattering theory.
Centennial Fellowship 1975 Terence J. Gaffney; Paul Nèvai; George Reed
Second award: to Terence J. Gaffney, Paul Nèvai, and George M. Reed
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1975 Hyman Bass; Daniel G. Quillen
Ninth award: The 1975 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Hyman Bass for his paper, Unitary algebraic K-theory, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, volume 343, 1973; and to Daniel G. Quillen for his paper, Higher algebraic K-theories, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, volume 341, 1973.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1975 George W. Mackey; Blaine Lawson; Lipman Bers; Martin D. Davis; Joseph L. Taylor
To George W. Mackey for his paper, Ergodic theory and its significance for statistical mechanics and probability theory, Advances in Mathematics, volume 12 (1974), pp. 178-286. To H. Blaine Lawson for his paper, Foliations, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, volume 80 (1974), pp. 369-418. To Lipman Bers for his paper, Uniformization, moduli, and Kleinian groups, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, volume 4 (1972), pp. 257-300. To Martin D. Davis for his paper, Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable, American Mathematical Monthly, volume 80 (1973), pp. 233-269.To Joseph L. Taylor for his paper, Measure algebras, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, Number 16, American Mathematical Society, 1972.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1974 Donald S. Ornstein
Twelfth award: to Donald S. Ornstein in recognition of his paper, Bernoulli shifts with the same entropy are isomorphic, Advances in Mathematics, volume 4 (1970), pp. 337-352.
Centennial Fellowship 1974 Fred G. Abramson; James Li-Ming Wang
First award: to Fred G. Abramson and James Li-Ming Wang
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 1973 James B. Serrin; Fritz John
Second award: to Fritz John for his outstanding work in partial differential equations, in numerical analysis, and, particularly, in nonlinear elasticity theory; the latter work has led to his study of quasi-isometric mappings as well as functions of bounded mean oscillation, which have had impact in other areas of analysis.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1972 Wolfgang M. Schmidt
Eighth award: The 1972 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Wolfgang M. Schmidt for the following papers: On simultaneous approximation of two algebraic numbers by rationals, Acta Mathematica (Uppsala), volume 119 (1967), pp. 27-50; T-numbers do exist, Symposia Mathematica, volume IV, Academic Press, 1970, pp. 1-26; Simultaneous approximation to algebraic numbers by rationals, Acta Mathematica (Uppsala), volume 125 (1970), pp. 189-201; On Mahler's T-numbers, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, volume 20, American Mathematical Society, 1971, pp. 275-286.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1972 Edward B. Curtis; William J. Ellison; Lawrence E. Payne; Dana S. Scott
To Edward B. Curtis for his paper, Simplicial homotopy theory, Advances in Mathematics, volume 6 (1971), pp. 107-209. To William J. Ellison for his paper, Waring's problem, American Mathematical Monthly, volume 78 (1971), pp. 10-36. To Lawrence E. Payne for his paper, Isoperimetric inequalities and their applications, SIAM Review, volume 9 (1967), pp. 453-488. To Dana S. Scott for his paper, A proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis, Mathematical Systems Theory, volume 1 (1967), pp. 89-111.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1971 James B. Carrell; Jean A. Dieudonné; Phillip A. Griffiths
To James B. Carrell for his paper, written jointly with Jean A. Dieudonne, Invariant theory, old and new, Advances in Mathematics, volume 4 (1970), pp. 1-80. To Jean A. Dieudonné for his paper, Algebraic geometry, Advances in Mathematics, volume 3 (1969), pp. 233-321, and for his paper, written jointly with James B. Carrell, Invariant theory, old and new, Advances in Mathematics, volume 4 (1970), pp. 1-80. To Phillip A. Griffiths for his paper, Periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, volume 76 (1970), pp. 228-296.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1971 Dennis P. Sullivan; Robion C. Kirby
Fifth award: to Robion C. Kirby for his paper, Stable homeomorphisms and the annulus conjecture, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 89 (1969), pp.575-582.
AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics 1970 Richard E. Bellman
First award: to Richard E. Bellman for his pioneering work in the area of dynamic programming, and for his related work on control, stability, and differential-delay equations.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1970 John R. Stallings; Richard G. Swan
Eighth award: The 1970 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to John R. Stallings for his paper, On torsion-free groups with infinitely many ends, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 88 (1968), pp. 312-334; and to Richard G. Swan for his paper, Groups of cohomological dimension one, Journal of Algebra, volume 12 (1969), pp. 585-610.
Leroy P. Steele Prize (1970 - 1992) 1970 Solomon Lefschetz
To Solomon Lefschetz for his paper, A page of mathematical autobiography, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society,volume 74 (1968), pp. 854-879.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1969 I. M. Singer
Eleventh award: to I. M. Singer in recognition of his work on the index problem, especially his share in two joint papers with Michael F. Atiyah, The index of elliptic operators. I, III, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 87 (1968), pp. 484-530, 546-604.
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize 1968 Jürgen K. Moser
First award: to Jürgen K. Moser for his contributions to the theory of Hamiltonian dynamical systems, especially his proof of the stability of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems having two degrees of freedom and his specific applications of the ideas in connection with this work.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1967 Simon B. Kochen; James B. Ax
Seventh award: The 1967 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory James B. Ax and Simon B. Kochen for a series of three joint papers, Diophantine problems over local fields. I, II, III, American Journal of Mathematics, volume 87 (1965), pp. 605-630, 631-648, and Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 83 (1966), pp. 437-456.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1966 Morton Brown; Barry Mazur; Stephen Smale
Third award: to Stephen Smale for his contributions to various aspects of differential topology.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1965 Walter Feit; John G. Thompson
Seventh award: The 1965 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Walter Feit and John G. Thompson for their joint paper, Solvability of groups of odd order, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, volume 13 (1963), pp. 775-1029.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1964 Paul J. Cohen
Tenth award: to Paul J. Cohen for his paper, On a conjecture of Littlewood and idempotent measures, American Journal of Mathematics, volume 82 (1960), pp. 191-212.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry 1964 Raoul Bott; C. D. Papakyriakopoulos
First award: to C. D. Papakyriakopoulos for his papers, On Solid Tori, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 66 (1957), pp. 1-26, and On Dehn's lemma and the asphericity of knots, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, volume 43 (1957), pp. 169-172.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1962 Kenkichi Iwasawa; Bernard M. Dwork
Sixth award: The 1962 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Kenkichi Iwasawa for his paper, Gamma extensions of number fields, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, volume 65 (1959), pp. 183-226; and to Bernard M. Dwork for his paper, On the rationality of the zeta function of an algebraic variety, American Journal of Mathematics, volume 82 (1960), pp. 631-648.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1960 Serge Lang; Maxwell A. Rosenlicht
Sixth award: The 1960 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Serge Lang for his paper, Unramified class field theory over function fields in several variables, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 64 (1956), pp. 285-325; and to Maxwell A. Rosenlicht for his papers, Generalized Jacobian varieties, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 59 (1954), pp. 505-530, and A universal mapping property of generalized Jacobians, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 66 (1957), pp. 80-88.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1959 Louis Nirenberg
Ninth award: to Louis Nirenberg for his work in partial differential equations.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1956 John T. Tate
Fifth award: The 1956 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory John T. Tate for his paper, The higher dimensional cohomology groups of class field theory, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 56 (1952), pp. 294-297.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1954 Harish-Chandra
Fifth award: The 1954 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded toHarish-Chandra for his papers on representations of semisimple Lie algebras and groups, and particularly for his paper, On some applications of the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 70 (1951), pp. 28-96.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1953 Norman Levinson
Eighth award: to Norman Levinson for his contributions to the theory of linear, nonlinear, ordinary, and partial differential equations contained in his papers of recent years.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1951 Paul Erdös
Fourth award: The 1951 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Paul Erdös for his many papers in the theory of numbers, and in particular for his paper, On a new method in elementary number theory which leads to an elementary proof of the prime number theorem, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, volume 35 (1949), pp. 374-385.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1949 Richard Brauer
Fourth award: The 1949 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Richard Brauer for his paper, On Artin's L-series with general group characters, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 48 (1947), pp. 502-514.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1948 A. C. Schaeffer; D. C. Spencer
Seventh award: to A. C. Schaeffer and D. C. Spencer for their memoir, Coefficients of schlicht functions. I, II, III, IV, Duke Mathematical Journal, volume 10 (1943), pp. 611-635, volume 12 (1945), pp. 107-125, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, volume 32 (1946), pp. 111-116, volume 35 (1949), pp. 143-150.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1946 H. B. Mann
Third award: The 1946 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory H. B. Mann for his paper, A proof of the fundamental theorem on the density of sums of sets of positive integers, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 43 (1942), pp. 523-527.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1944 Oscar Zariski
Third award: The 1944 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Oscar Zariski for four papers on algebraic varieties published in the American Journal of Mathematics, volumes 61 (1939) and 62 (1940), and in the Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volumes 40 (1939) and 41 (1940).
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1943 Jesse Douglas
Sixth award: to Jesse Douglas for his memoirs, Green's function and the problem of Plateau, American Journal of Mathematics, volume 61 (1939), pp. 545-589; The most general form of the problem of Plateau, American Journal of Mathematics, volume 61(1939), pp. 590-608; and Solution of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, volume 25 (1939), pp. 631-637.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1941 Claude Chevalley
Second award: The 1941 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Claude Chevalley for his paper, La théorie du corps de classes, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 41 (1940), pp. 394-418.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1939 A. Adrian Albert
Second award: The 1939 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to A. Adrian Albert for his papers on the construction of Riemann matrices published in the Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 35 (1934) and volume 36 (1935)
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1938 John von Neumann
Fifth award: to John von Neumann for his memoir, Almost periodic functions and groups. I, II, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 36 (1934), pp. 445-492, and volume 37 (1935), pp. 21-50.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1933 Marston Morse; Norbert Wiener
Fourth award: to Marston Morse for his memoir, The foundations of a theory of the calculus of variations in the large in m-space, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 31 (1929), pp. 379-404; and to Norbert Wiener for his memoir, Tauberian theorems, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, volume 33 (1932), pp. 1-100.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory 1931 H. S. Vandiver
First award: The 1931 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory H. S. Vandiver for his several papers on Fermat's last theorem published in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society and in the Annals of Mathematics during the preceding five years, with special reference to a paper entitled On Fermat's last theorem, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 31 (1929), pp. 613-642.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1928 J. W. Alexander
Third award: to J. W. Alexander for his memoir, Combinatorial analysis situs, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 28 (1926), pp. 301-329.
Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra 1928 L. E. Dickson
First award: The 1928 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to L. E. Dickson for his book Algebren und ihre Zahlentheorie, Orell Füssli, Zürich and Leipzig, 1927.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1924 E. T. Bell; Solomon Lefschetz
Second award: to E. T. Bell for his memoir, Arithmetical paraphrases. I, II, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 22 (1921), pp. 1-30, 198-219; and to Solomon Lefschetz for his memoir, On certain numerical invariants with applications to Abelian varieties, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 22 (1921), pp. 407-482.
Bôcher Memorial Prize 1923 G. D. Birkhoff
First award: to G. D. Birkhoff for his memoir, Dynamical systems with two degrees of freedom. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 18 (1917), pp. 199-300.