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Stefan Bergman Prize 2020 Aline Bonami; Peter Ebenfelt
Aline Bonami of Université d'Orléans and Peter Ebenfelt of the University of California, San Diego, have been awarded the 2020 Bergman Prizes.
Aline Bonami receives the Bergman Prize for her highly influential contributions to several complex variables and analytic spaces. She is being especially recognized for her fundamental work on the Bergman and Szegö projections and their corresponding spaces of holomorphic functions. Bonami's work has had long-lasting impact on the theory of several complex variables, operator theory, and harmonic analysis, and it continues to be a strong influence on present-day research in all these fields.
Peter Ebenfelt is awarded the Bergman Prize for his many important contributions to several complex variables, CR geometry, and partial differential equations. He is being recognized for his foundational and innovative results on mappings in CR geometry, his study of rigidity problems, and new insights into the Bergman kernel function. Ebenfelt's pioneering work has had deep influences on the theory of several complex variables, CR geometry, and geometric analysis and serves as an inspiration for a generation of junior mathematicians.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2019 Franc Forstneric; Mei-Chi Shaw
The 2019 Bergman Prizes have been awarded to Franc Forstneric of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Mei-Chi Shaw of the University of Notre Dame.
Franc Forstneric is awarded the Bergman Prize for his many contributions to several complex variables (SCV), as well as complex geometry and geometric analysis. He is being recognized for his foundational work on mapping problems for domains in complex spaces and more general complex manifolds, approximation theory in SCV, the development of the Oka principle, and complex analysis methods in the theory of minimal surfaces.
Mei-Chi Shaw is awarded the Bergman Prize for her many contributions to several complex variables, partial differential equations, and Cauchy-Riemann geometry. She is being especially recognized for her seminal work on the analysis of the $\bar\partial$ and $\bar\partial_{b}$ problems in settings where the ambient domain or ambient manifold is nonsmooth, which provides deep insight on the bearing of boundary regularity in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the problems.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2018 Johannes Sjostrand
The 2018 Bergman Prize recipient is Johannes Sjostrand, University of Bourgogne.
Sjostrand is recognized for his fundamental work on the Bergman and Szegő kernels, as well as for his numerous fundamental contributions to microlocal analysis, spectral theory, and partial differential equations (PDEs). He is especially being recognized for his groundbreaking work with L. Boutet de Monvel on describing the singularities and asymptotics of the Bergman and Szegő kernels in strictly pseudoconvex domains in $\Bbb{C}^n$. This work has been highly influential in subsequent developments on these and related topics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2017 Bo Berndtsson; Nessim Sibony
to Bo Berndtsson, Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Göteborg, Sweden, and Nessim Sibony, Université Paris-Sud (Orsay). Berndtsson is honored for his many fundamental contributions to several complex variables, complex potential theory, and complex geometry. Sibony is honored for his many fundamental contributions to several complex variables, complex potential theory and complex dynamics.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2016 Charles Epstein; François Trèves
To Charles L. Epstein, University of Pennsylvania, and François Trèves, Rutgers University. Epstein is honored for his fundamental contributions to the theory of embeddability and stability of 3-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann (CR) structures. Trèves is honored for his many fundamental contributions to several complex variables and partial differential equations.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2015 Eric Bedford; Jean-Pierre Demailly
To Eric Bedford of Stony Brook University and Jean-Pierre Demailly of University of Grenoble-Alpes. Bedford is honored his many fundamental contributions to Several Complex Variables, Pluripotential Theory and Complex Dynamics. Demailly has long been recognized as a dominant figure in several complex variables and complex geometry.
Prize announcement as seen in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2014 Takeo Ohsawa; Slawomir Kolodziej
To Takeo Ohsawa of Nagoya University and Sławomir Kołodziej of Jagiellonian University. Ohsawa's work has led to important advances in a wide variety of areas, including local structure of plurisubharmonic functions, invariance of plurigenera, multiplier ideal sheaves, and estimates for the Bergman kernel. Kołodziej is recognized for his seminal contributions to the complex Monge-Ampère equation and pluripotential theory, including necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of bounded solutions, stability, and other sharp estimates.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2013 Xiaojun Huang; Steven Zelditch
To Xiaojun Huang and Steve Zelditch because they are leaders in geometric analysis, a focus of contemporary mathematical research. Their penetrating insights have solved long-standing problems and transformed subsequent work in the field.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS and in the news release.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2012 David S. Jerison; John M. Lee
To David S. Jerison (MIT) and John M. Lee (University of Washington) for their pioneering works on the CR Yamabe problem, which lead to finding canonical metrics in a given conformal class, for strictly pseudo-convex manifolds.
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2011 Gennadi Henkin
To Gennadi Henkin
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2009 Ngaiming Mok; Duong H. Phong
To Ngaiming Mok and Duong H. Phong
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2007 Alexander Nagel; Stephen Wainger
To Alexander Nagel and Stephen Wainger
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2006 Kengo Hirachi
To Kengo Hirachi
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2005 Elias M. Stein
To Elias M. Stein
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2004 Joseph J. Kohn
To Joseph J. Kohn
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2003 M. Salah Baouendi; Linda Preiss Rothschild
To M. Salah Baouendi and Linda Preiss Rothschild
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2001 László Lempert; Sidney Webster
To László Lempert and Sidney Webster
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 2000 Masatake Kuranishi
To Masatake Kuranishi
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1999 John D'Angelo
To John P. D'Angelo
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1997 David E. Barrett; F Christ
To David E. Barrett and Michael Christ
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1995 Harold P. Boas; Emil J. Straube
To Harold P. Boas and Emil J. Straube
Prize announcement as seen in Notices of the AMS.
Stefan Bergman Prize 1994 John Erik Fornaess
To John Erik Fornaess
Stefan Bergman Prize 1993 Yum-Tong Siu
To Yum-Tong Siu
Stefan Bergman Prize 1992 Charles Fefferman
To Charles Fefferman
Stefan Bergman Prize 1991 Steven Bell; Ewa Ligocka
To Steven Bell and Ewa Ligocka
Stefan Bergman Prize 1989 David Catlin
To David Catlin