Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department
This award recognizes a department which has distinguished itself by undertaking an unusual or particularly effective program of value to the mathematics community, internally or in relation to the rest of society. Examples might include a department that runs a notable minority outreach program, a department that has instituted an unusually effective industrial mathematics internship program, a department that has promoted mathematics so successfully that a large fraction of its university's undergraduate population majors in mathematics, or a department that has made some form of innovation in its research support to faculty and/or graduate students, or which has created a special and innovative environment for some aspect of mathematics research.About this Award
This award was established in 2004. For the first three awards (2006-2008), the prize amount was US\$1,200. The prize was endowed by an anonymous donor in 2008, and starting with the 2009 prize, the amount is US\$5,000.
This US$5,000 prize is awarded annually. Departments of mathematical sciences in North America that offer at least a bachelors degree in mathematical sciences are eligible.
Most Recent Award: 2024The Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis (ACME) Program at Brigham Young University is awarded the 2024 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department. The ACME program has been highly successful in providing students with a rigorous foundation in mathematics as well as a broad interdisciplinary experience in applied mathematics.
Award announcement as seen in the news release.
See previous winnersNext Award: 2026
Nomination Period: February 1-May 31, 2023
Nomination Procedure:
A letter of nomination may be submitted by one or more individuals. Nomination of the writer's own institution is permitted. The letter should describe the specific program(s) for which the department in being nominated as well as the achievements which make the program(s) an outstanding success, and may include any ancillary documents which support the success of the program(s). Where possible, the letter and documentation should address how these successes came about by 1) systematic, reproducible changes in programs that might be implemented by others, and/or 2) have value outside the mathematical community. The letter should not exceed two pages, with supporting documentation not to exceed an additional three pages.