Call for Proposals from Organizers

The American Mathematical Society (AMS) seeks proposals from organizer teams for the 2021 Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) summer research conferences, the centerpiece of the MRC program. We seek proposals focusing in any area of  pure, applicable, or interdisciplinary mathematics, and proposals focused on problems arising in the business, industry, government, and non-profit (“BIG”) arena are also welcome. Proposals covering topics not already represented in prior years are especially encouraged.

What is MRC?

A distinctive national program of the AMS receiving generous support from the NSF, the MRC program provides early-career mathematical scientists with experiences in collaborative research and opportunities to be mentored by leading researchers. In its first eleven years, the MRC program has provided over 1,300 peri-doctoral mathematicians in forty different topically-focused cohorts with an intensive summer research experience and supported many of these individuals’ participation in subsequent conferences, collaborations, and mentoring relationships. For many the experience has been transformative, providing a nexus of contact with researchers these participants would otherwise not have met, and a springboard into long-lasting research relationships that have resulted in new knowledge, a number of publications, and strengthened professional advancement.

Why be an Organizer?

Being an organizer presents opportunities to:

  • Deepen and broaden the network of individuals working in your area of research
  • Make connections with new collaborators and increase the effectiveness of your research
  • Do good in the wider community by contributing to the professionalism of practitioners of mathematics
  • Assist in the general effort of inviting and engaging participation in mathematical research by a diverse array of individuals—socio-economic, regional, gender, race/ethnicity, and type of employer
  • Travel to a scenic, inspiring destination for the summer research conference and receive support for attending the Joint Mathematics Meetings

Essential to the summer workshops—held at scenic retreat-style locations in the US—and key in the overall program are teams of experienced researchers who can:

  • Design and execute on an intensive, week-long program of hands-on, collaborative research for early-career mathematicians
  • Provide these early-career mathematicians guidance, both at the summer workshop and afterward, on developing as researchers and professionals.

In comparison with other conferences and workshops in which they have participated, organizers have found these conferences distinctive. They valued the collaborative group work, hands on attention to students, and a highly-interactive atmosphere. To quote a recent organizer, “…the collaborative, participatory environment of MRC is its greatest strength!”

How to Develop a Proposal

From an article in Illinois Institute of Technology – Illinois Tech Today:

The workshop was a huge success, said Petrovic – It created an environment where career-long research relationships could be built. It introduced a new wave of young researchers to the field of algebraic statistics by engaging them with exciting research problems. It also provided opportunities for participants to obtain information and advice on topics vital for a junior researcher, such as publishing, presenting, and grant writing.
— Sonja Petrovic, Co-organizer of 2016 MRC and Participant in the first MRC in 2008

These can be brief (one or two pages) but should provide answers to the following questions:

  • What is the list of organizers of this MRC?
  • What is the mathematical focus of the MRC?
  • Why is the time ripe for this topic? For instance, is it a particularly active area of research?
  • Are there new techniques, recent breakthroughs, or important connections with other disciplines that offer rich research opportunities for early-career mathematicians?
  • What activities do you expect to include in the summer conferences?

Send expressions of interest, proposals for 2021, and inquiries for future years to

The Advisory Board and AMS staff will review your material and may have useful suggestions. Please see the organizer guidelines for more information. All the proposals will be reviewed and the results announced in early 2020.

Send questions to the Associate Executive Director at,
or to - AMS Special Projects Officer.