AMS Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI) Faculty Travel Grants to the JMM
The AMS is pleased to offer grants for faculty from primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) to attend the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) in Seattle, Washington, January 8 - 11, 2025. With generous support from an anonymous donor, awards are made to support travel, lodging, subsistence, and registration. We seek applications from faculty at all career stages who can identify how participating in the JMM will benefit their research, teaching, or departmental leadership and who would not be able to attend without this support. Individuals from groups historically underrepresented in mathematics are especially encourage to apply.
As the largest annual gathering of mathematics enthusiasts and professionals in the world, the JMM provides its registrants a rich scientific program, opportunities to connect and network with others in the mathematical community, short courses, professional enhancement programs, workshops, career and job search resources, exhibits, and more.
This travel grant application is now closed.
- Applicants must…
- Be employed full-time by U.S. institutions typically offering a master’s, bachelor’s, or associate degree as their highest degree.
- Be principally involved as a faculty member in such areas as mathematics, statistics, or mathematics education research.
- Reside and study/work in the United States.
- Have a home address that is outside a 50-mile radius of the Seattle Convention Center in Seattle, WA.
- Have an institution mailing address that is outside a 50-mile radius of the Seattle Convention Center in Seattle, WA.
- Applicants should…
- Provide evidence that their participation in the JMM will benefit their research, teaching, or departmental leadership.
- Show that support from this grant would be key to their traveling to the JMM site, i.e., that they do not have other substantial support that could be used instead.
- Applicants may…
- Use the grant to participate in JMM activities such as giving a talk in a session, serving as a panelist or workshop presenter, or attending the AMS Chairs and Leaders Workshop.
- Provide an explanation for special circumstances surrounding their application.
Travel Support
Travel grant recipients will be responsible for making their own travel and meeting arrangements in accordance with grant polices and procedures. Grantees who do not follow these policies and procedures may not be eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses they incur. The maximum reimbursement amount will also depend on the applicant's AMS membership status at the time of application. Support of up to \$2,310 for AMS members and up to \$1,155 for nonmembers will be provided. If you would like to become an AMS member, more information can be found here.
The travel grant program is administered by the Programs Department. For questions, contact the AMS Programs staff.