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Discrete Differential Geometry: Integrable Structure
Alexander I. Bobenko and Yuri B. Suris
Publication Year: 2009
ISBN-10: 0-8218-4700-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4700-8
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 98
This page is maintained by the authors.
Contact information:
Alexander I. BobenkoTechnical University of Berlin
Institut fur Mathematik
Strasse des 17 Juni 136
10623 Berlin, Germany
Email: Alexander Bobenko
Yuri B. Suris
Technische Universitat Munchen
Zentrum Mathematik
Bolzmannstrasse 3
D-85747 Garching be Munchen, Germany
Email: Yuri Suris
Authors webpage for the book.