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Inspiring Mathematics: Lessons from the Navajo Nation Math Circles
Dave Auckly, Bob Klein, Amanda Serenevy, and Tatiana Shubin, Editors
Publication Year: 2019
ISBN-10: 1-4704-5387-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-4704-5387-9
This page is maintained by the editors.
Contact information:
Dave Auckly
Department of Mathematics
Kansas State University
138 Cardwll Hall
Manhattan, KS 66056-2602
Email: Dave Auckly
Bob Klein
Department of Mathematics
Ohio University
321 Morton Hall
Athens, OH 45701
Email: Bob Klein
Amanda Serenevy
Email: Amanda Serenevy
Tatiana Shubin
395 Avenida Manzanos
San Jose, CA 95123
Email: Tatiana Shubin
This file contains a complete set of Liar’s Bingo Cards. A high school math teacher, Steve Phelps created this set below. We recommend, however, finding a way to use Excel to construct your OWN set of Liar’s Bingo cards, perhaps using your school colors instead of Red and Black (perhaps you are lucky enough to have Red and Black as your school colors already!). To use these, cut them into strips by rows (1 x 6 strips). We recommend using three complete sets for each classroom of 20 or more students. We laminated each strip so that the sets could be reused.