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Journey into Discrete Mathematics
Owen Byer, Deirdre Smeltzer, and Kenneth Wantz
Publication Year: 2018
ISBN-10: 1-4704-4696-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-4704-4696-3

This page is maintained by the authors.

Contact information:

Owen E. Byer
Eastern Mennonite University
Harrisonburg, VA, 22802

Email: Owen Byer


Deirdre L. Smeltzer
Eastern Mennonite University
1200 Park Road
Harrisonburg, VA, 22802

Email: Deirdre Smeltzer


Kenneth L Wantz
Regent University
1000 Regent University Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Email: Kenny Wantz


Errata (posted 10/19)