AMS eBook CollectionsOne of the world's most respected mathematical collections, available in digital format for your library or institution
AMS/MAA Press Archive
The AMS | MAA Press Archive eBook Collection contains MAA Press titles published between 1925 and 2018, many available as eBooks for the first time. This valuable archive contains over 300 titles, ranging from undergraduate textbooks to research monographs.
Purchasers of the collection will receive access to all of the series listed below (see each series for a list of available volumes).
Included Series:
The Carus Mathematical Monographs
Expositions of mathematical subjects set forth in a manner comprehensible not only to teachers and students specializing in mathematics, but also to scientific workers in other fields. The monographs are intended for the wide circle of thoughtful people familiar with basic graduate or advanced undergraduate mathematics, encountered in the study of mathematics itself, or in the context of related disciplines, who wish to extend their knowledge without prolonged and critical study of the mathematical journals and treatises.
Electronic Backfile Collection
1925-2018 (34 volumes)
Anneli Lax New Mathematical Library
Featuring fresh approaches and broad coverage of topics especially suitable for high school and the first two years of college, the volumes in this series are an excellent source of enrichment material for teachers and students. Good mathematical reading with lively exposition
Electronic Backfile Collection
1961-2018 (47 volumes)
Classroom Resource Materials
This series provides supplementary material for students and their teachers—laboratory, exercises, projects, historical information, textbooks with unusual approaches for presenting mathematical ideas, career information, and much more
Electronic Backfile Collection
1993-2018 (54 volumes)
Dolciani Mathematical Expositions
Aimed at a broad mathematical audience, books in this series present mathematical elegance and ingenuity across the entire spectrum of mathematics, especially in areas covered in the undergraduate mathematics major. Assumed levels of background range up to that of an undergraduate mathematics major.
Electronic Backfile Collection
1974-2018 (54 volumes)
AMS/MAA Textbooks
AMS/MAA Textbooks cover all levels of the undergraduate curriculum with a focus on textbooks for upper-division students. They are written by college and university faculty and are carefully reviewed by an editorial board of teaching faculty in order to ensure superior exposition.
Electronic Backfile Collection
1997-2018 (38 volumes)
Problem Books
This series will include a variety of books related to problems and problem-solving, including collections of problems from prominent mathematical competitions, collections of problems specific to particular branches of mathematics, and books on the art and practice of problem-solving.
Electronic Backfile Collection
2000-2018 (29 volumes)
Containing works of biography, history, popular exposition, and the relationship between math and the arts and sciences, the Spectrum volumes tend to be broadly appealing to the general mathematically interested reader. Most volumes will be accessible to anyone interested in mathematics.
Electronic Backfile Collection
1990-2018 (81 volumes)