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A Comprehensive Course in Analysis by Barry Simon
A Comprehensive Course in Analysis by Poincaré Prize winner Barry Simon is a five-volume set that can serve as a graduate-level analysis textbook with a lot of additional bonus information, including hundreds of problems and numerous notes that extend the text and provide important historical background. Depth and breadth of exposition make this set a valuable reference source for almost all areas of classical analysis. This is a graduate analysis text, of approximately 3,000 pages, with lots of additional bonus material. Included are hundreds of problems and copious notes that extend the text and provide historical background. Efforts have been made to find simple and elegant proofs and to keeping the writing style clear.
Barry Simon is currently an IBM Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology. He graduated from Princeton University with his Ph.D in Physics. In 2012 Simon won the International Association of Mathematical Physics' Poincaré Prize for outstanding contributions to mathematical physics. He has authored more than 400 publications on mathematics and physics.
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