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How to Make a DOI-based Link

The DOI system provides a persistent link destination for eacharticle, regardless of the actual physical location of the article.Article URLs are maintained on the DOI proxy server This central server isthe target of all DOI-based links. The DOI server redirects alllinks to the appropriate actual location.

For example:

An AMS article currently residing on an AMS machine might behave the URL:


This article is assigned at DOI of:

Construct of a DOI

DOI-based persistent links to this article can be constructedwith the syntax:

The DOI server translates the DOI-based link into its actual URLon the AMS server. If the article were to moved to a different AMSlocation, the DOI-based URL would redirect to the new location. Itis the responsibility of each publisher to ensure that the currentinformation is registered for each DOI.