Mathematical Imagery
Mathematical artists create strong, stunning works in all media and explore the visualization of mathematics
Toroids and Plaids :: Robert Straight
I've been working in the studio for over 40 years, so I've accumulated a vast repository of ideas and techniques. These works use prime numbers and geometric shapes to create visually compelling paintings.
— Robert Straight
The toroids, or spinning forms in the painting, have spokes which are based on prime numbers. These are overlayed with a grid which also uses a number sequence in establishing the color. In this painting I'm exploring dichotomous space relationships; flat space as opposed to deep space.
This painting has a grid over the ground of the painting which follows the alternating sequence of opaque color, and open spaces. The underlaying image is based on the number 11 and the toroid form also alternates with light "spokes" and darker "spokes." A circular gradation of color radiates within the darker blue color.
There are 11 petal forms in center of this painting. The grid or plaid in the background follows a number sequence of 3 while there are 22 circles interlocking around the edge of the painting. There are also soft concentric circles which radiate from the center of the painting.