Post-Katrina News for the Mathematical Community

A Special Panel at the Joint Mathematics Meetings:

Katrina and Its Aftermath: Institutional Survival in New Orleans since the Storm, Friday, 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Jim E. Hoste, Pitzer College.
What happened to mathematics departments at colleges and universities in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina? Like everything else in the city, all the institutions were affected, and most had to close for a semester. Many suffered financially and had to take cost-cutting measures. The panel, including Kenneth W. Holladay, University of New Orleans, Morris Kalka, Tulane University, Vlajko L. Kocic, Xavier University of Louisiana, and Katarzyna Saxton, Loyola University New Orleans, discuss the impact of the hurricane on New Orleans mathematics departments and describe their current situation, and present plans for the future. The panel is moderated by Jim E. Hoste, and is sponsored by the AMS Committee on the Profession.

Read a brief report on the session.

News Postings from Katrina-affected Universities:

Since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, the AMS has served as a central point where Katrina-affected mathematics departments submit news about their recovery efforts. Department leadersare invited to submit items for posting on this page to

Tulane University Mathematics Department:
* Post-Katrina Newsletter (Spring 2006)
* News from Tulane University's Math Department: In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, Tulane University was closed for the fall 2005 semester. Mathematics department chair Morris Kalka reports that as the university prepares to reopen for the spring 2006 semester the mathematics graduate program will be one of those on which the university will focus resources. The faculty will remain the same, as will the structure of the graduate program in mathematics, but the department expects to receive additional resources in the next few years.(December 2005)