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An extension theorem for separately holomorphic functions with pluripolar singularities
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by Marek Jarnicki and Peter Pflug PDF
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 1251-1267 Request permission


Let $D_j\subset \mathbb {C}^{n_j}$ be a pseudoconvex domain and let $A_j\subset D_j$ be a locally pluriregular set, $j=1,\dots ,N$. Put \[ X:=\bigcup _{j=1}^N A_1\dots A_{j-1}\times D_j\times A_{j+1}\dots A_N \subset \mathbb {C}^{n_1}\dots \mathbb {C}^{n_N}=\mathbb {C}^n.\] Let $U\subset \mathbb {C}^n$ be an open neighborhood of $X$ and let $M\subset U$ be a relatively closed subset of $U$. For $j\in \{1,\dots ,N\}$ let $\Sigma _j$ be the set of all $(z’,z'')\in (A_1\dots A_{j-1}) \times (A_{j+1}\dots A_N)$ for which the fiber $M_{(z’,\cdot ,z'')}:=\{z_j\in \mathbb {C}^{n_j}: (z’,z_j,z'')\in M\}$ is not pluripolar. Assume that $\Sigma _1,\dots ,\Sigma _N$ are pluripolar. Put \begin{multline*} X’:=\bigcup _{j=1}^N\{(z’,z_j,z'')\in (A_1\dots A_{j-1})\times D_j \times (A_{j+1}\dots A_N): (z’,z'')\notin \Sigma _j\}. \end{multline*} Then there exists a relatively closed pluripolar subset $\widehat {M}\subset \widehat X$ of the “envelope of holomorphy” $\widehat {X}\subset \mathbb {C}^n$ of $X$ such that: $\bullet$ $\widehat M\cap X’\subset M$, $\bullet$ for every function $f$ separately holomorphic on $X\setminus M$ there exists exactly one function $\widehat f$ holomorphic on $\widehat X\setminus \widehat M$ with $\widehat f=f$ on $X’\setminus M$, and $\bullet$ $\widehat M$ is singular with respect to the family of all functions $\widehat f$.
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Additional Information
  • Marek Jarnicki
  • Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  • MR Author ID: 93825
  • Email:
  • Peter Pflug
  • Affiliation: Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Fachbereich Mathematik, Postfach 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany
  • MR Author ID: 139035
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  • Received by editor(s): February 12, 2002
  • Received by editor(s) in revised form: June 3, 2002
  • Published electronically: November 5, 2002
  • Additional Notes: The first author was supported in part by KBN grant no. 5 P03A 033 21.
    Both authors were supported in part by the Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Az. 15.3 – 50 113(55) PL
  • © Copyright 2002 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 1251-1267
  • MSC (2000): Primary 32D15, 32D10
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 1938756