Contemporary Mathematics Editorial Committee

General Description

  • Committee is standing
  • Number of members is four
  • Term is four years

Principal Activities

  1. The principal function of the Committee is to evaluate projects for publication in the Contemporary Mathematics series and in the Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics series. Volumes in the first series are proceedings of important meetings on specialized topics. Volumes in the second series are proceedings of summer schools or meetings on important topics which have exceptionally high scientific value.
  2. Although most proposals will come to a committee from an AMS Acquisitions Editor, the Editorial Committee itself may solicit proposals for volumes in these series. The Committee also accepts unsolicited proposals.
  3. To facilitate the decision process, the Committee will often seek the advice of one or more outside experts.

Because the AMS is competing vigorously with other mathematics publishers, it is extremely important that the Committee make its decision in a timely manner, usually within weeks and always within two months’ time.

The Society “has first rights of refusal” for proceedings of special sessions at annual, summer, and sectional meetings. The Committee acts for the Society in this regard.

Miscellaneous Information

This committee conducts its business by email and teleconference; travel is not required.

Note to the Chair

Committee chairs should be informed, at the beginning of each fiscal period, of the budget of their committees and cautioned to remain within the budget. Such items as travel reimbursement, accommodations, and meals for guests of any kind fall within these budgets.

For the purpose of archiving the committee activities, the Secretary maintains a central file system for archiving committee records. Committee Chairs are asked to submit committee records on yearly basis. Chairs can submit material at their discretion, and some materials that they may wish to provide are meeting minutes, agenda, and emails. Confidential material should be noted, so that it can be handled in a confidential manner.


  • In the fall of 94, the Editorial Boards Committee (EBC) approved expanding the committee to six.
  • Committee size was decreased to five as passed by the 8/90 Council at the suggestion of the EBC.
  • Council Meeting 06 January 2012 changed members from six to four, Item 4.7.3.
  • Updated: 2/90, 10/90; 1994; 5/95; 6/97; 8/09; 1/12; 7/13 members, Note to Chair, Misc. Info.; 7/22

Past Members

A list of current and past members is available here: