Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department Selection Committee

General Description

  • Committee is standing
  • Number of members is five
  • Term is three years
  • Prize is awarded annually

Principal Activities

The Committee recommends a winner and communicates this recommendation to the Secretary for approval by the Executive Committee of the Council. It should make its selection known to the Secretary by August 1 of the year prior to the award.

The award should recognize a department which has distinguished itself by undertaking an unusual or particularly effective program of value to the mathematics community, internally or in relation to the rest of society. Examples might include a department that runs a notable minority outreach program, a department that has instituted an unusually effective industrial mathematics internship program, a department that has promoted mathematics so successfully that a large fraction of its university's undergraduate population majors in mathematics, or a department that has made some form of innovation in its research support to faculty and/or graduate students, or which has created a special and innovative environment for some aspect of mathematics research.

In considering a department's achievements, the committee should seek to recognize achievement that 1) came about by systematic, reproducible changes in programs that might be implemented by others, and/or 2) may have value outside the mathematical community. The committee should keep in mind the full range of departments that make up the mathematics education community — doctoral-granting, master's-granting, and bachelor's-granting departments — and should seek to recognize outstanding departmental programs in all these arenas, over time.

Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
(as adopted by the April 2019 Council)

The American Mathematical Society is committed to promoting and facilitating equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the mathematical sciences. For its own long-term prosperity as well as that of the public at large, our discipline must connect with and appropriately incorporate all sectors of society. We reaffirm the pledge in the AMS Mission Statement to "advance the status of the profession of mathematics, encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals," and urge all members to conduct their professional activities with this goal in mind.

Miscellaneous Information

The business of this committee can be done by email or videoconference.

Eligibility: Departments of mathematical sciences in North America that offer at least a bachelor’s degree in mathematical sciences.

Nomination process: A letter of nomination may be submitted by one or more individuals. Nomination of the writer's own institution is permitted. The letter should describe the specific program(s) for which the department is being nominated as well as the achievements that make the program(s) an outstanding success, and may include any ancillary documents which support the success of the program(s). The letter should not exceed two pages, with supporting documentation not to exceed an additional three pages.

Selection process: The selection committee shall consist of five members, appointed for three-year terms. It should be broadly constituted, involving individuals drawn from various areas of the mathematical profession, such as a person working outside academia, one having experience with educational issues, or one from a department devoted solely to undergraduate mathematics. In addition, the committee should include at least one mathematician with administrative experience (e.g., a current or recent department chair).

In considering a department's achievements, the committee should seek to recognize achievement that 1) came about by systematic, reproducible changes in programs that might be implemented by others, and/or 2) may have value outside the mathematical community. The committee should keep in mind the full range of departments that make up the mathematics education community — doctoral-granting, master's-granting, and bachelor's-granting departments — and should seek to recognize outstanding departmental programs in all these areas, over time.

Deadlines: Nominations are due by June 30 of the year preceding the presentation of this award. The selection committee should make its selection known to the Secretary by August 1. The prize is announced on the AMS website when prize article is about to appear in the Notices, which is usually in November.

Note to the Chair

For the purpose of archiving the committee activities, the Secretary maintains a central file system for archiving committee records. Committee Chairs are asked to submit committee records on yearly basis. Chairs can submit material at their discretion, and some materials that they may wish to provide are meeting minutes, agenda, and emails. Confidential material should be noted, so that it can be handled in a confidential manner.

Members should be familiar with the Guidelines on Conflict of Interest for AMS Prize Selection Committees (as adopted by the January 2007 AMS Council).


  • Established by Council; 060104, Item 4.6.1;
  • Updated: Council min. 030404, Item 3.1; 1/09 Coun, Item 4.7.4; 8/09;11/13; 7/22
  • 24 April 2021 Council, Item 6.8: Added the Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • 02 January 2024 Council, Item 2.3: Removed award amount. 

Past Members

A list of current and past members is available at:

Past Winners

AMS Webpage