AMS Committees
AMS Committees make significant contributions to our policies and to our various programs and services.
The Council, Board of Trustees, and Executive Committee have authorized a variety of standing and ad hoc committees which are responsible to them. Appointments to most committees are made by the President, with advice from the Committee on Committees and the Editorial Boards Committee, with a focus on diversity and inclusivity across aspects including mathematical specialty, ethnicity, age, gender, geographic region, and other pertinent factors.
Suggest Members for AMS Committees or Offices
If you are interested in serving on a committee, or nominating a colleague to serve, we want to hear from you. Please use this form to send us your nominations. You may also suggest candidates for election to an office or for a seat on the Editorial Boards Committee or Nominating Committee.
For further information about committees, please contact the AMS Secretary.
Your Society Governance Illustrated
AMS Committee Categories
- Council, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, and Officers
- Policy Committees
- Editorial Committees
- Committees for Speakers and Conferences
- Prize, Fellowship, and Award Committees
- Committees on the Status of the Profession
- Advisory Committees
- Committees of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees
- Committees of the Board of Trustees
- AMS Representatives to Other Organizations
Council, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, and Officers
Policy Committees
Each policy committee provides major direction for AMS activities in its area.
Editorial Committees
AMS Editorial Committees play a crucial role in our publishing endeavors. Committee members perform a range of essential duties, such as soliciting, acquiring, editing, and publishing mathematics research. Your service on these committees directly contributes to the AMS's reputation as one of the leading publishers of advanced mathematics for over 100 years.
- Journals
- Abstracts of the AMS
- Bulletin of the AMS (Editors, Associate Editors, Book Review Editors)
- Communications of the AMS
- Electronic Journal on Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
- Electronic Journal of Representation Theory
- Journal of the AMS (Editors, Associate Editors)
- Mathematics of Computation (Editors, Associate Editors)
- Mathematical Reviews
- Notices of the AMS
- Proceedings of the AMS
- Transactions and Memoirs of the AMS
- Books
- Collected Works
- Colloquium Publication Series
- Contemporary Mathematics
- Graduate Studies in Mathematics
- History of Mathematics
- Mathematical Surveys and Monographs
- Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics
- Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts
- Student Mathematics Library
- Translations of Mathematical Monographs
- University Lecture Series
Committees for Speakers and Conferences
Members of these committees perform the essential tasks of inviting top scholars to give lectures and organizing the scientific program for mathematics meetings.
- Speaker Selection
- AAAS-AMS Invited Address Selection Committee
- AMS Lecture On Education Selection Committee
- AMS-MAA MathFest Joint Lecture Committee
- AMS-MAA-SIAM Porter Lecture Committee
- AWM-AMS Noether Lecture Committee
- Arnold Ross Lecture Committee
- Colloquium Lecture Committee
- Gibbs Lecture Committee
- Invited Address Committee for National Meetings
- MAA-SIAM-AMS Hrabowski-Gates-Tapia-McBay Lecture Selection Committee
- International Meetings Committees
- AMS-UMI Joint Program Committee, 2024
- AMS and SAMS Joint International Meeting Program Committee
- Conferences
- AMS Liaison Committee with the AAAS
- Central Section Program Committee
- Eastern Section Program Committee
- ICM26 Events Planning Committee
- Joint Mathematics Meetings Program Committee
- Joint Meetings Planning Committee
- Committee On Special Sessions and Contributed Paper Sessions
- Mathematics Research Communities Advisory Board
- Short Course Subcommittee
- Southeastern Section Program Committee
- Western Section Program Committee
Prize, Fellowship, and Award Committees
The following committees help advance public awareness of mathematics and the professional standing of the mathematical sciences by recognizing individuals and programs for their contributions to the literature and to the mathematics community.
- AMS Prizes
- Mohammad K. Azarian Prize for Mathematical Reviews Reviewers
- Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize
- Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics (AMS-SIAM)
- Bocher Memorial Prize
- Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory
- Cole Prizes in Algebra and Number Theory
- Levi L. Conant Prize
- Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research
- Joseph L. Doob Prize
- Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics
- Ciprian Foias Prize
- Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize
- Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling
- I. Martin Isaacs Prize
- E. H. Moore Research Article Prize
- Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student (AMS-MAA-SIAM)
- David P. Robbins Prize
- Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS
- Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics
- Leroy P. Steele Prizes for Lifetime Achievement, Mathematical Exposition, and Seminal Contribution to Research
- Elias M. Stein Set of Honors
- Edmund and Nancy Tomastik Prize for Differential Equations
- Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry
- Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize
- Mikhail Gordin Prize (AMS-EMS)
- Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics (AMS-SIAM)
- AMS Awards
- Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
- AMS Epsilon Awards for Young Scholars Programs
- Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department
- Award for Mathematics Programs That Make A Difference
- Karl Menger Memorial Awards
- Award for Distinguished Public Service
- AMS Fellows
- AMS Fellows Selection Committee
- AMS Fellowships
- Stefan Bergman Fellowship
- Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars
- Centennial Fellowship
- Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship
- AMS Grants
- AMS-Simons PUI Research Grants
- AMS-Simons Travel Grants
- Fan (Ky and Yu-Fen) Fund Travel Grant
Committees on the Status of the Profession
Advisory Committees
- Advisory Group on Artificial Intelligence and the Mathematical Community
- AMS-SIAM Year of Math Activities Planning Group
- Bylaws Review Taskforce
- Archives Committee
- Committee on Committees
- Editorial Boards Committee
- Library Committee
- National Awards and Public Representation Committee
- Nominating Committee of the Council
- Task Force on Understanding and Documenting the Historical Role of the AMS in Racial Discrimination
- Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (AMS-ASA-MAA-SIAM)