AMS Representative to the IMU/CDC GRAID Committee:
General Description
- The AMS Representative serves as liaison between the Finance and Administration Division of the AMS and the GRAID Committee of the International Mathematical Union’s Commission for Developing Countries (IMU/CDC).
- The AMS Representative is a member of the GRAID Committee serving as the committee’s Secretary. The Secretary of the committee is typically a nonvoting member, but may also be appointed to a voting role at the discretion of the IMU.
Principal Activities
The IMU/CDC GRAID Committee oversees the IMU/CDC program of Graduate Assistantships in Developing Countries. Pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding between the AMS and the IMU, the AMS provides certain administrative services and resources to support the program. For example, the AMS facilitates the transfer of GRAID grant funds to grantees and provides access to for the review and record management of GRAID proposals.
- Participates in discussions and meetings of the committee;
- Serves as the official point of contact between the AMS and the committee;
- Provides assistance to the AMS Division of Finance and Administration when information about grantees is required; and,
- Performs other duties of the committee Secretary described in the GRAID program document approved by the IMU Executive Committee in March 2017, as it may subsequently be amended.
Four years, coinciding with the traditional term of IMU officers and Executive Committee (EC) members. In particular, a term begins on January 1 of year N, where N = 3(mod 4) and ends on December 31 of year N+3. If the position is vacated before the scheduled end of a term, a new Secretary can be appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Miscellaneous Information
Prior commitment and experience with programs supporting mathematics research and scholarship in developing countries is valued, but not required.
- Memorandum of Understanding between the AMS and IMU dated October 14, 2017; IMU-EC action item, GRAID_Final Version_3.25.2017 for approval in March 2017 by the IMU/CDC and IMU-EC; AMS ECBT Agenda Item 2E.4, May 20-21, 2016.