Policy Statements and Guidelines

According to Article IV, Section 8, of the AMS Bylaws, the Council has the power to speak in the name of the Society with respect to matters affecting the status of mathematics or mathematicians, such as proposed or enacted federal or state legislation; conditions of employment in universities, colleges, or business, research or industrial organizations; regulations, policies, or acts of governmental agencies or instrumentalities; and other items which tend to affect the dignity and effective position of mathematics.

Following is a list of policy statements the Council has adopted since 1994 so as to speak in the name of the Society:

Guidelines, Policies, and Statements of the AMS Council or Board of Trustees

The Council or Board of Trustees has adopted the following guidelines and policies:

Information Statements of the AMS Committee on the Profession

In 2004 the AMS Committee on the Profession decided to create a series of information statements regarding the culture of research and scholarship in mathematics to highlight the ways in which the traditions in mathematics may differ from those in other disciplines, especially other sciences and engineering.

Statements of the AMS Committee on the Human Rights of Mathematicians

The AMS is committed to speaking whenever mathematicians are deprived of the opportunity to practice their profession due to violations of the freedoms enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Affirmation1 adopted by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. This Committee assists the Society in such matters by reviewing alleged violations of human rights of mathematicians and by recommending appropriate action to the AMS. For statements, reports and information, please see the AMS Committee on the Human Rights of Mathematicians webpage.

Contact the AMS Secretary with questions about Policy Statements or Guidelines.