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Partial Differential Equations
About this Title
Harold Levine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Publication: AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics
Publication Year:
1997; Volume 6
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-0775-0 (print); 978-1-4704-3797-8 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1475701
MSC: Primary 35-01
Table of Contents
Front/Back Matter
- Introduction
- Partial differentiation
- Solutions of PDE’s and their specification
- PDE’s and related arbitrary functions
- Particular solutions of PDE’s
- Similarity solutions
- Correctly set problems
- Some preliminary aspects of linear first order PDE’s
- Linear first order PDE’s with two independent variables
- First order nonlinear PDE’s
- Some technical problems and related PDE’s
- Linear first order PDE’s with two independent variables, general theory
- First order PDE’s with multiple independent variables
- Original details of the Fourier approach to boundary value problems
- Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
- Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, continued
- Non-orthogonal eigenfunctions
- Further example of Fourier style analysis
- Inhomogeneous problems
- Local heat sources
- An inhomogeneous configuration
- Other eigenfunction/eigenvalue problems
- Uniqueness of solutions
- Alternative representations of solutions
- Other differential equations and inferences therefrom
- Second order ODE’s
- Boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville theory
- Green’s functions and boundary value problems
- Green’s functions and generalizations
- PDE’s, Green’s functions, and integral equations
- Singular and infinite range problems
- Orthogonality and its ramifications
- Fourier expansions: Generalities
- Fourier expansions: Varied examples
- Fourier integrals and transforms
- Applications of Fourier transforms
- Legendre polynomials and related expansions
- Bessel functions and related expansions
- Hyperbolic equations