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Mirror Symmetry III
About this Title
Duong H. Phong, Columbia University, New York, NY, Luc Vinet, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada and Shing-Tung Yau, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Editors
Publication: AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics
Publication Year:
1999; Volume 10
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-1193-1 (print); 978-1-4704-3801-2 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1673071
MSC: Primary 14-06; Secondary 32-06
Table of Contents
Front/Back Matter
- Aspects of quantum geometry
- Introduction to enumerative invariants
- Compactified moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves
- Mirror symmetry for hyper-Kähler manifolds
- Connecting the web: A prognosis
- Strong coupling singularities and non-abelian gauge symmetries in $N = 2$ string theory
- Remarks on (0,2) Calabi-Yau models
- Relations among fixed point
- An analytic discriminant for polarized algebraic $K3$ surfaces
- Through the looking glass
- An update on (small) quantum cohomology