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Quantum Computation and Information
About this Title
Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. and Howard E. Brandt, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2002; Volume 305
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-2140-4 (print); 978-0-8218-7895-8 (online)
MathSciNet review: 1946688
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Paul Benioff – Space searches with a quantum robot [MR 1947329]
- G. P. Berman, G. D. Doolen, D. I. Kamenev, G. V. López and V. I. Tsifrinovich – Perturbation theory and numerical modeling of quantum logic operations with a large number of qubits [MR 1947330]
- Howard E. Brandt – Inconclusive rate with a positive operator valued measure [MR 1947331]
- Gilles Brassard, Peter Høyer, Michele Mosca and Alain Tapp – Quantum amplitude amplification and estimation [MR 1947332]
- Lucien Hardy – Manipulating the entanglement of one copy of a two-particle pure entangled state [MR 1947333]
- Timothy F. Havel and Chris J. L. Doran – Geometric algebra in quantum information processing [MR 1947334]
- Louis H. Kauffman – Quantum computing and the Jones polynomial [MR 1947335]
- Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. and Louis H. Kauffman – Quantum hidden subgroup algorithms: a mathematical perspective [MR 1947336]
- Elitza N. Maneva and John A. Smolin – Improved two-party and multi-party purification protocols [MR 1947337]
- David A. Meyer – Quantum games and quantum algorithms [MR 1947338]
- John M. Myers and F. Hadi Madjid – A proof that measured data and equations of quantum mechanics can be linked only by guesswork [MR 1947339]
- Jiannis Pachos – Quantum computation by geometrical means [MR 1947340]
- Mary Beth Ruskai – Pauli exchange and quantum error correction [MR 1947341]
- Benjamin Schumacher and Michael D. Westmoreland – Relative entropy in quantum information theory [MR 1947342]
- Nolan R. Wallach – An unentangled Gleason’s theorem [MR 1947343]
- William K. Wootters – Entangled chains [MR 1947344]