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Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras and Their Applications
About this Title
Yi-Zhi Huang and Kailash C. Misra, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2007; Volume 442
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-3986-7 (print); 978-0-8218-8121-7 (online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/442
MathSciNet review: 2372580
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
Lie algebras and related topics
- Karin Baur and Nolan Wallach – A class of gradings of simple Lie algebras [MR 2372554]
- Stephen Berman and Jun Morita – Conjugacy results for the Lie algebra $\mathfrak {sl}_2$ over an algebra which is a UFD [MR 2372555]
- Vyjayanthi Chari and Adriano Moura – Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules associated to $G_2$ [MR 2372556]
- Rolf Farnsteiner – Support spaces and Auslander-Reiten components [MR 2372557]
- Jörg Feldvoss – On the cohomology of modular Lie algebras [MR 2372558]
- Howard Garland – Eisenstein series on loop groups: Maass-Selberg relations. IV [MR 2372559]
- Ayumu Hoshino – Generalized Littlewood-Richardson rule for exceptional Lie algebras $E_6$ and $F_4$ [MR 2372560]
- David Nacin – An introduction to $Q_n$ and its graph related quotients [MR 2372561]
- Toshiki Nakashima – Affine geometric crystal of type $G^{(1)}_2$ [MR 2372562]
- Florin F. Nichita and Deepak Parashar – New constructions of Yang-Baxter systems [MR 2372563]
- Vladimir Retakh, Shirlei Serconek and Robert Lee Wilson – Construction of some algebras associated to directed graphs and related to factorizations of noncommutative polynomials [MR 2372564]
- Alistair Savage – Geometric and combinatorial realizations of crystals of enveloping algebras [MR 2372565]
- H. Strade – Lie algebras of small dimension [MR 2372566]
Vertex (operator) algebras and related topics
- I. I. Anguelova – Symmetric polynomials and $H_D$-quantum vertex algebras [MR 2372567]
- Maarten J. Bergvelt – $H_T$-vertex algebras [MR 2372568]
- Corina Calinescu – On intertwining operators and recursions [MR 2372569]
- Chongying Dong and Cuipo Jiang – Representations of vertex operator algebras [MR 2372570]
- Jürgen Fuchs – On non-semisimple fusion rules and tensor categories [MR 2372571]
- Keith Hubbard – The duality between vertex operator algebras and coalgebras, modules and comodules [MR 2372572]
- James Lepowsky – Some developments in vertex operator algebra theory, old and new [MR 2372573]
- Haisheng Li – Twisted modules and quasi-modules for vertex operator algebras [MR 2372574]
- Geoffrey Mason and Michael P. Tuite – Chiral algebras and partition functions [MR 2372575]
- Antun Milas – Modular forms and almost linear dependence of graded dimensions [MR 2372576]
- Mirko Primc – $(k,r)$-admissible configurations and intertwining operators [MR 2372577]
- Zhenbo Qin and Weiqiang Wang – Hilbert schemes of points on the minimal resolution and soliton equations [MR 2372578]
- Christoph Schweigert, Jürgen Fuchs and Ingo Runkel – Twining characters and Picard groups in rational conformal field theory [MR 2372579]