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Set Theory and Its Applications
About this Title
L. Babinkostova, A. E. Caicedo, S. Geschke and M. Scheepers, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2011; Volume 533
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-4812-8 (print); 978-0-8218-8212-2 (online)
MathSciNet review: 2777741
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Mirna Džamonja – Some positive results in the context of universal models [MR 2777742]
- Gary Gruenhage – A survey of $D$-spaces [MR 2777743]
- Michael Hrušák – Combinatorics of filters and ideals [MR 2777744]
- Richard Ketchersid – More structural consequences of $\textrm {AD}$ [MR 2777745]
- Ljubiša D. R. Kočinac – $\alpha _i$-selection principles and games [MR 2777746]
- Assaf Rinot – Jensen’s diamond principle and its relative [MR 2777747]
- Judith Roitman – Paracompactness and normality in box products: old and new [MR 2777748]
- Franklin D. Tall – Some problems and techniques in set-theoretic topology [MR 2777749]
- Boaz Tsaban – Menger’s and Hurewicz’s problems: solutions from “the book” and refinements [MR 2777750]
- Andrés Eduardo Caicedo and Richard Ketchersid – A trichotomy theorem in natural models of $\textrm {AD}^+$ [MR 2777751]
- Stefan Geschke – The coinitialities of Efimov spaces [MR 2777752]
- Esther Gruenhut and Saharon Shelah – Uniforming $n$-place functions on well founded trees [MR 2777753]
- Benjamin D. Miller – A classical proof of the Kanovei-Zapletal canonization [MR 2777754]
- Andrzej Rosłanowski and Saharon Shelah – Lords of the iteration [MR 2777755]