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Categorical, Homological and Combinatorial Methods in Algebra
About this Title
Ashish K. Srivastava, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, André Leroy, Universite d’Artois, Lens, France, Ivo Herzog, Ohio State University, Lima, OH and Pedro A. Guil Asensio, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2020; Volume 751
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-4368-9 (print); 978-1-4704-5608-5 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Adel Alahmadi, Hamed Alsulami and Efim Zelmanov – On the Morita equivalence class of a finitely presented algebra
- Rabeya Basu and Manish Kumar Singh – Quillen–Suslin theory for classical groups: Revisited over graded rings
- Punita Batra and Hiroyuki Yamane – Natural elements of center of generalized quantum groups
- V. V. Bavula and K. Alnefaie – The global dimension of the generalized Weyl algebras $S^{-1} K[H,C][X,Y; \sigma , a]$
- D. Bulacu and B. Torrecillas – Quasi-quantum groups obtained from the Tannaka-Krein reconstruction theorem
- Lars Winther Christensen, Sergio Estrada and Peder Thompson – Homotopy categories of totally acyclic complexes with applications to the flat–cotorsion theory
- Manuel Cortés-Izurdiaga – Tor-pairs: Products and approximations
- Sergio Estrada, Alina Iacob and Marco A. Pérez – Model structures and relative Gorenstein flat modules and chain complexes
- Alberto Facchini and Zahra Nazemian – Strongly flat modules and right noetherian chain domains
- Roozbeh Hazrat, Kulumani M. Rangaswamy and Ashish K. Srivastava – Structure theory of graded regular graded self-injective rings and applications
- Miodrag Cristian Iovanov – On the bijectivity of the antipode and serial quantum groups
- Jaiung Jun and Louis Rowen – Categories with negation
- Jae Keol Park and S. Tariq Rizvi – Quasi-Baer module hulls and their examples
- Philipp Rothmaler – Strict Mittag-Leffler modules and purely generated classes
- Surjeet Singh – Rings over which cyclic modules are almost self-injective
- Alex Sistko – On isoclasses of maximal subalgebras determined by automorphisms