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Mathematical Analyses of Decisions, Voting and Games
About this Title
Michael A. Jones, Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society, Ann Arbor, MI, David McCune, William-Jewell College, Liberty, MO and Jennifer M. Wilson, Eugene Lange College, The New School, New York, NY, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2024; Volume 795
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-6978-8 (print); 978-1-4704-7608-3 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- D. Marc Kilgour and Steven J. Brams – When to stop consulting
- Steven J. Brams and Ben D. Mor – How lies induced cooperation in Golden Balls: A game-theoretic analysis
- Adam Graham-Squire – Conditions for fairness anomalies in instant-runoff voting
- Kristen Mazur, Mutiara Sondjaja, Matthew Wright and Carolyn Yarnall – Piercing numbers in circular societies
- Karl-Dieter Crisman, Abraham Holleran, Micah Martin and Josephine Noonan – Voting on cyclic orders, group theory, and ballots
- Wesley H. Holliday, Chase Norman, Eric Pacuit and Saam Zahedian – Impossibility theorems involving weakenings of expansion consistency and resoluteness in voting
- Donald G. Saari – Connecting Arrow’s Theorem, voting theory, and the Traveling Salesperson Problem
- Michael A. Jones, David McCune and Jennifer Wilson – An iterative procedure for apportionment and its use in the 2016 Georgia Republican primary
- Steven J. Brams and Mehmet S. Ismail – Double moves by each player in chess openings make the game fairer