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Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry
About this Title
Noriko Yui, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada and James D. Lewis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Editors
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
2003; Volume 38
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-3355-1 (print); 978-1-4704-3072-6 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR2019143
MSC: Primary 14-06; Secondary 11-06, 14J32
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
Geometric methods
- Victor Batyrev and Evgeny Materov – Mixed toric residues and Calabi-Yau complete intersections
- Li Chiang and Shi-shyr Roan – Crepant resolutions of $\mathbb {C}^n/A_1(n)$ and flops of $n$-folders for $n=4,5$
- Pedro del Angel and Stefan Müller-Stach – Picard-Fuchs equations, integrable systems and higher algebraic K-theory
- Shinobu Hosono – Counting BPS states via holomorphic anomaly equations
- James Lewis – Regulators of Chow cycles on Calabi-Yau varieties
Arithmetic methods
- Philip Candelas, Xenia de la Ossa and Fernando Rodriguez-Villegas – Calabi-Yau manifolds over finite fields, II
- Luis Dieulefait and Jayanta Manoharmayum – Modularity of rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds over $\mathbb {Q}$
- Yasuhiro Goto – $K3$ surfaces with symplectic group actions
- Tetsushi Ito – Birational smooth minimal models have equal Hodge numbers in all dimensions
- Bong Lian and Shing-Tung Yau – The $n$th root of the mirror map
- Ling Long – On a Shioda-Inose structure of a family of K3 surfaces
- Monika Lynker, Vipul Periwal and Rolf Schimmrigk – Black hole attractor varieties and complex multiplication
- Fernando Rodriguez-Villegas – Hypergeometric families of Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Rolf Schimmrigk – Aspects of conformal field theory from Calabi-Yau arithmetic
- Jan Stienstra – Ordinary Calabi-Yau-3 crystals
- Jan Stienstra – The ordinary limit for varieties over $\mathbb {Z}[x_1,\ldots ,x_r]$
- Noriko Yui – Update on the modularity of Calabi-Yau varieties with appendix by Helena Verrill
- Noriko Yui and James Lewis – Problems