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Motives and Algebraic Cycles: A Celebration in Honour of Spencer J. Bloch
About this Title
Rob de Jeu, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands and James D. Lewis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Editors
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
2009; Volume 56
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-4494-6 (print); 978-1-4704-1783-3 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR2571504
MSC: Primary 14-06; Secondary 11-06, 19-06
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Donu Arapura – Varieties with very little transcendental cohomology
- Alexander Beilinson – $\mathcal {E}$-factors for the period determinants of curves
- Hélène Esnault and Arthur Ogus – Hodge cohomology of invertible sheaves
- Henri Gillet – Arithmetic intersection theory on Deligne-Mumford stacks
- Sergey Gorchinskiy – Notes on the biextension of Chow groups
- Bruno Kahn – Démonstration géométrique du théorème de Lang-Néron et formules de Shioda-Tate
- Shun-ichi Kimura – Surjectivity of the cycle map for Chow motives
- N. Kumar, A. Rao and G. Ravindra – On codimension two subvarieties in hypersurfaces
- Marc Levine – Smooth motives
- James Lewis – Cycles on varieties over subfields of $\mathbb {C}$ and cubic equivalence
- Stephen Lichtenbaum – Euler characteristics and special values of zeta-functions
- Jacob Murre and Dinakar Ramakrishnan – Local Galois symbols on $E\times E$
- V. Murty – Semiregularity and Abelian varieties
- Niko Naumann, Markus Spitzweck and Paul Østvær – Chern classes, $K$-theory and Landweber exactness over nonregular base schemes
- Victor Snaith – Adams operations and motivic reduced powers
- Jan Stienstra – Chow forms, Chow quotients and quivers with superpotential