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Classical and Quantum Computation
About this Title
A. Yu. Kitaev, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, A. H. Shen, Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia and M. N. Vyalyi, Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Publication: Graduate Studies in Mathematics
Publication Year:
2002; Volume 47
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-3229-5 (print); 978-1-4704-1800-7 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1907291
MSC: Primary 81-02; Secondary 68-02, 68Q05, 68Q15, 81P68
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- 1. Turing machines
- 2. Boolean circuits
- 3. The class NP: Reducibility and completeness
- 4. Probabilistic algorithms and the class BPP
- 5. The hierarchy of complexity classes
- 6. Definitions and notation
- 7. Correspondence between classical and quantum computation
- 8. Bases for quantum circuits
- 9. Definition of quantum computation. Examples.
- 10. Quantum probability
- 11. Physically realizable transformations of density matrices
- 12. Measuring operators
- 13. Quantum algorithms for Abelian groups
- 14. The quantum analogue of NP: the class BQNP
- 15. Classical and quantum codes
Part 3. Solutions
- S1. Problems of Section 1
- S2. Problems of Section 2
- S3. Problems of Section 3
- S5. Problems of Section 5
- S6. Problems of Section 6
- S7. Problems of Section 7
- S8. Problems of Section 8
- S9. Problems of Section 9
- S10. Problems of Section 10
- S11. Problems of Section 11
- S12. Problems of Section 12
- S13. Problems of Section 13
- S15. Problems of Section 15
- Appendix A. Elementary Number Theory