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Intense Automorphisms of Finite Groups
About this Title
Mima Stanojkovski
Publication: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Publication Year:
2021; Volume 273, Number 1341
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-5003-8 (print); 978-1-4704-6811-8 (online)
Published electronically: November 3, 2021
Keywords: Classification,
finite $p$-groups,
intense automorphisms,
Table of Contents
- List of Symbols
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Coprime Actions
- 3. Intense Automorphisms
- 4. Intensity of Groups of Class 2
- 5. Intensity of Groups of Class 3
- 6. Some Structural Restrictions
- 7. Higher Nilpotency Classes
- 8. A Disparity between the Primes
- 9. The Special Case of 3-groups
- 10. Obelisks
- 11. The Most Intense Chapter
- 12. High Class Intensity
- 13. Intense Automorphisms of Profinite Groups
Let $G$ be a group. An automorphism of $G$ is called intense if it sends each subgroup of $G$ to a conjugate; the collection of such automorphisms is denoted by $\operatorname {Int}(G)$. In the special case in which $p$ is a prime number and $G$ is a finite $p$-group, one can show that $\operatorname {Int}(G)$ is the semidirect product of a normal $p$-Sylow and a cyclic subgroup of order dividing $p-1$. In this paper we classify the finite $p$-groups whose groups of intense automorphisms are not themselves $p$-groups. It emerges from our investigation that the structure of such groups is almost completely determined by their nilpotency class: for $p>3$, they share a quotient, growing with their class, with a uniquely determined infinite 2-generated pro-$p$ group.- H. A. Bender, A determination of the groups of order $p^5$, Ann. of Math. (2) 29 (1927/28), no. 1-4, 61–72. MR 1502819, DOI 10.2307/1967981
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