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Differential Geometry: Riemannian Geometry, Part 3
About this Title
Robert E. Greene and Shing-Tung Yau, Editors
Publication: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Publication Year:
1993; Volume 54.3
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-1496-3 (print); 978-0-8218-9354-8 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Robert E. Greene – Some concepts and methods in Riemannian geometry [MR 1216606]
- Kinetsu Abe and Andrew Haas – Isometric immersions of $H^n$ into $H^{n+1}$ [MR 1216607]
- Stephanie B. Alexander, I. David Berg and Richard L. Bishop – The distance-geometry of Riemannian manifolds with boundary [MR 1216608]
- Stephanie B. Alexander and Robert J. Currier – Hypersurfaces and nonnegative curvature [MR 1216609]
- Steven J. Altschuler – Shortening space curves [MR 1216610]
- Michael T. Anderson – Degeneration of metrics with bounded curvature and applications to critical metrics of Riemannian functionals [MR 1216611]
- Ara Basmajian – The geometry of totally geodesic hypersurfaces in hyperbolic manifolds [MR 1216612]
- Robert Brooks, Peter Perry and Peter Petersen, V – Finiteness of diffeomorphism types of isospectral manifolds [MR 1216613]
- P. Buser, B. Colbois and J. Dodziuk – Small eigenvalues of the Laplacian on negatively curved manifolds [MR 1216614]
- Richard D. Canary – Geometrically tame hyperbolic $3$-manifolds [MR 1216615]
- Isaac Chavel and Edgar A. Feldman – Isoperimetric constants and large time heat diffusion in Riemannian manifolds [MR 1216616]
- Isaac Chavel and Leon Karp – Large time behavior of solutions of the heat equation [MR 1216617]
- Haiwen Chen – Manifolds with 2-nonnegative curvature operator [MR 1216618]
- Dennis DeTurck, Herman Gluck, Carolyn Gordon and David Webb – The geometry of isospectral deformations [MR 1216619]
- Ivko Dimitrić – Quadric representation of a submanifold and spectral geometry [MR 1216620]
- Harold Donnelly – Embedded eigenvalues for asymptotically flat surfaces [MR 1216621]
- Patrick Eberlein, Ursula Hamenstädt and Viktor Schroeder – Manifolds of nonpositive curvature [MR 1216622]
- F. T. Farrell and L. E. Jones – Topological rigidity for compact non-positively curved manifolds [MR 1216623]
- Kenji Fukaya and Takao Yamaguchi – Almost non-negatively curved manifolds [MR 1216624]
- Patrick Ghanaat – Local structure of framed manifolds [MR 1216625]
- Salvador Gigena – Constant affine mean curvature hypersurfaces of decomposable type [MR 1216626]
- Peter B. Gilkey – Heat equation asymptotics [MR 1216627]
- R. E. Greene and H. Wu – Non-negatively curved manifolds which are flat outside a compact set [MR 1216628]
- Detlef Gromoll – Spaces of nonnegative curvature [MR 1216629]
- Karsten Grove – Critical point theory for distance functions [MR 1216630]
- David Gurarie – Spectral geometry in higher ranks: closed geodesics and flat tori [MR 1216631]
- Chong-Kyu Han – Ellipticity of local isometric embeddings [MR 1216632]
- Joel Hass and Peter Scott – Curve flows on surfaces and intersections of curves [MR 1216633]
- Nancy Hingston – Curve shortening, equivariant Morse theory, and closed geodesics on the $2$-sphere [MR 1216634]
- Diane Kalish – Morse theory for geodesics [MR 1216635]
- Masatake Kuranishi – On some metrics on $S^2 \times S^2$ [MR 1216636]
- Anders Linnér – Curve-straightening [MR 1216637]
- Zhong-dong Liu – Ball covering property and nonnegative Ricci curvature outside a compact set [MR 1216638]
- Christophe M. Margerin – General conjugate loci are not closed [MR 1216639]
- Yukio Otsu – Collapsing of Riemannian manifolds and their excesses [MR 1216640]
- Peter Petersen, V – Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of metric spaces [MR 1216641]
- Ernst A. Ruh – Cartan connections [MR 1216642]
- Alberto G. Setti – Eigenvalue estimates for the Laplacian with lower order terms on a compact Riemannian manifold [MR 1216643]
- Ji-Ping Sha and DaGang Yang – Positive Ricci curvature on compact simply connected $4$-manifolds [MR 1216644]
- Zhong Min Shen and Guofang Wei – Volume growth and finite topological type [MR 1216645]
- Katsuhiro Shiohama – Recent developments in sphere theorems [MR 1216646]
- Takashi Shioya – On the excess of open manifolds [MR 1216647]
- U. Simon and C. P. Wang – Local theory of affine $2$-spheres [MR 1216648]
- R. J. Spatzier – Riemannian manifolds with completely integrable geodesic flows [MR 1216649]
- Yoshihiko Suyama – Differentiable structure on spheres and curvature [MR 1216650]
- Z. I. Szabo – Spectral theory for operator families on Riemannian manifolds [MR 1216651]
- Philippe Tondeur – Riemannian foliations and tautness [MR 1216652]
- Johan Tysk – Eigenvalue problems for manifolds with singularities [MR 1216653]
- Gerard Walschap – Some rigidity aspects of Riemannian fibrations [MR 1216654]
- Jyh Yang Wu – Hausdorff convergence and sphere theorems [MR 1216655]
- Robert J. Zimmer – Automorphism groups and fundamental groups of geometric manifolds [MR 1216656]