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Smooth Ergodic Theory and Its Applications
About this Title
Anatole Katok, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Rafael de la Llave, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, Yakov Pesin, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA and Howard Weiss, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Editors
Publication: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Publication Year:
2001; Volume 69
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-2682-9 (print); 978-0-8218-9374-6 (online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/pspum/069
MathSciNet review: 1858533
MSC: Primary 37-06
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- L. Barreira and Ya. Pesin – Lectures on Lyapunov exponents and smooth ergodic theory [MR 1858534]
- M. Brin – Appendix A: Hölder continuity of invariant distributions [MR 1858534-a]
- D. Dolgopyat, H. Hu and Ya Pesin – Appendix B: An example of a smooth hyperbolic measure with countably many ergodic components [MR 1858534-b]
- Anatole Katok – Cocycles, cohomology and combinatorial constructions in ergodic theory [MR 1858535]
- Rafael de la Llave – A tutorial on KAM theory [MR 1858536]
Part II. Survey-expository articles
Part IIa. Systems with hyperbolic behavior
- Viviane Baladi – Decay of correlations [MR 1858537]
- Keith Burns, Charles Pugh, Michael Shub and Amie Wilkinson – Recent results about stable ergodicity [MR 1858538]
- Huyi Hu – Statistical properties of some almost hyperbolic systems [MR 1858539]
- Yuri Kifer – Random $f$-expansions [MR 1858540]
- Mark Pollicott – Dynamical zeta functions [MR 1858541]
- Jörg Schmeling and Howard Weiss – An overview of the dimension theory of dynamical systems [MR 1858542]
- Grzegorz Światek – Collet-Eckmann condition in one-dimensional dynamics [MR 1858543]
- Maciej P. Wojtkowski – Monotonicity, $\mathcal {J}$-algebra of Potapov and Lyapunov exponents [MR 1858544]
- Patrick Eberlein – Geodesic flows in manifolds of nonpositive curvature [MR 1858545]
- Gerhard Knieper – Closed geodesics and the uniqueness of the maximal measure for rank 1 geodesic flows [MR 1858546]
Part IIc. Algebraic systems and rigidity
- Boris Kalinin and Anatole Katok – Invariant measures for actions of higher rank abelian groups [MR 1858547]
- Dmitry Kleinbock – Some applications of homogeneous dynamics to number theory [MR 1858548]
- Klaus Schmidt – Measurable rigidity of algebraic $\mathbb {Z}^d$-actions [MR 1858549]
- L. H. Eliasson – Almost reducibility of linear quasi-periodic systems [MR 1858550]
- Jürgen Pöschel – A lecture on the classical KAM theorem [MR 1858551]
- M. Levi and J. Moser – A Lagrangian proof of the invariant curve theorem for twist mappings [MR 1858552]
- Jérôme Buzzi – Thermodynamical formalism for piecewise invertible maps: absolutely continuous invariant measures as equilibrium states [MR 1858553]
- M. Guysinsky – Smoothness of holonomy maps derived from unstable foliation [MR 1858554]
- Viorel Niţică and Frederico Xavier – Schrödinger operators and topological pressure on manifolds of negative curvature [MR 1858555]
- Norbert Peyerimhoff – Isoperimetric and ergodic properties of horospheres in symmetric spaces [MR 1858556]
- Alistair Windsor – Minimal but not uniquely ergodic diffeomorphisms [MR 1858557]
- Michael Jakobson – Piecewise smooth maps with absolutely continuous invariant measures and uniformly scaled Markov partitions [MR 1858558]