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Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

The Bulletin publishes expository articles on contemporary mathematical research, written in a way that gives insight to mathematicians who may not be experts in the particular topic. The Bulletin also publishes reviews of selected books in mathematics and short articles in the Mathematical Perspectives section, both by invitation only.

ISSN 1088-9485 (online) ISSN 0273-0979 (print)

The 2020 MCQ for Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society is 0.84.

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Versal unfoldings of $G$-invariant functions
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by V. Poénaru PDF
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976), 86-88
    1. E. Bierstone, Smooth functions invariant under the action of a finite group (to appear).
  • Jean A. Dieudonné and James B. Carrell, Invariant theory, old and new, Advances in Math. 4 (1970), 1–80 (1970). MR 255525, DOI 10.1016/0001-8708(70)90015-0
  • 3. G. Lassalle, (to appear).
  • B. Malgrange, Ideals of differentiable functions, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Studies in Mathematics, vol. 3, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay; Oxford University Press, London, 1967. MR 0212575
  • 5. J. Mather, Right equivalence (to appear). 6. J. Mather, Stability of C. I-IV, Ann. of Math. (2) 87 (1968), 89-104; Ann. of Math. (2) 89 (1969), 254-291; Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 35 (1968), 279-308; Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 37 (1969), 223-248. MR 38 #726; 41 #4582; 43 #1215a, b. 7. V. Poénaru, Déploiement des fonctions G-invariantes (to appear).
  • Valentin Poénaru, Un théorème des fonctions implicites pour les espaces d’applications $C^{\infty }$, Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 38 (1970), 93–124 (French). MR 474375, DOI 10.1007/BF02684653
  • Gerald W. Schwarz, Smooth functions invariant under the action of a compact Lie group, Topology 14 (1975), 63–68. MR 370643, DOI 10.1016/0040-9383(75)90036-1
  • 10. F. Sergeraert, Un théorème des fonctions implicites, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (1972), 559-660.
  • René Thom, Stabilité structurelle et morphogénèse, Mathematical Physics Monograph Series, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., Reading, Mass., 1972 (French). Essai d’une théorie générale des modèles. MR 0488155
  • René Thom, La théorie des catastrophes: état présent et perspectives, Manifold 14 (1973), 16–23 (French). Report on catastrophes, Part I. MR 0488122
  • Hermann Weyl, The classical groups, Princeton Landmarks in Mathematics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1997. Their invariants and representations; Fifteenth printing; Princeton Paperbacks. MR 1488158
  • V. M. Zakaljukin, A theorem on versality, Funkcional. Anal. i Priložen. 7 (1973), no. 2, 28–31 (Russian). MR 0321137
  • Georges Glaeser, Fonctions composées différentiables, Ann. of Math. (2) 77 (1963), 193–209 (French). MR 143058, DOI 10.2307/1970204
  • René Thom, Modèles mathématiques de la morphogénèse, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei; Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, 1971 (French). Lezioni Fermiane, Classe di Scienze. MR 0467804
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Additional Information
  • Journal: Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976), 86-88
  • MSC (1970): Primary 58C25
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 0426031