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December 2022
- 1. Mathematicians Navigating Parenthood: Lessons Learned, Methodologies, and Useful Solutions That Were Beneficial During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Katharine Gurski, Angela Peace, Olivia Prosper, Tracy Stepien, and Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem Katharine Gurski, Angela Peace, Olivia Prosper, Tracy Stepien and Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem
- 2. емкость is Great (Or: What I Learned at the Writing Scientists Workshop) by Jordan Ellenberg Jordan Ellenberg
- 2. емкость is Great (Or: What I Learned at the Writing Scientists Workshop) by Jordan Ellenberg Jordan Ellenberg
- 3. Math is Just the Beginning by Mobashira Farooqi Mobashira Farooqi
- 4. Supporting First-Year Mathematics Graduate Students by Benjamin Braun, Uwe Nagel, and erica Whitaker Benjamin Braun, Uwe Nagel and erica Whitaker
- 5. Computational & Data Science Curriculum Exchange Pilot Program by Linda Akli and Katharine Cahill Linda Akli and Katharine Cahill