Naming Process for the new AMS Fellowship
This new fellowship is designed to provide support for mid-career Black mathematicians engaged in the highest levels of research.
Establishing the Fellowship
On June 10, 2020 AMS Governance established a new fellowship, the Task Force on Understanding and Documenting the Historical Role of the AMS in Racial Discrimination, and the 2020 Fund, as part of a multi-faceted effort to address issues of concern pertaining to equitable participation of mathematicians of color.
"The AMS is creating a fund to support and promote the work of Black mathematicians. One goal of the fund is the establishment of a fellowship to support the scholarship of Black mathematicians. This will be part of a broader effort to enact programs recommended by the task force." --AMS Council
Naming Process
The AMS regrets our missteps in initially announcing this new fellowship.
The AMS president and past-president have appointed the chairs of two AMS committees, the Committee on the Profession (CoProf) and the Committee on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (CoEDI), to lead a subcommittee to produce recommendations to name the new fellowship to support mid-career Black mathematicians:
- The subcommittee, which includes several Black mathematicians, has been formed to gather and generate suggestions for the fellowship's name.
- The subcommittee welcomes naming suggestions from the public via this portal through February 16, 2021.
- The subcommittee chairs will consult with diverse stakeholders in the mathematics community for naming suggestions.
- Subcommittee chairs will bring their recommendations to CoEDI.
- CoEDI will present final recommendations to AMS Council for approval at their April 2021 meeting.
Submit your Suggestions
The suggestion portal is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted names for this fellowship. The subcommittee is reviewing your suggestions.